EBSCOhost: Academic research articles available through your library
Academic Journals - E
E Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (2147-1924)
E&G Quaternary Science Journal (0424-7116)
E+M Economics & Management / E+M Ekonomie a Management (1212-3609)
EAF Journal (0831-3318)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on AI & Robotics (2790-7511)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems (2410-6895)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies (2409-9708)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning (2032-9253)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks & Intelligent Systems (2410-0218)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things (2414-1399)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications & Applications (2032-9504)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems (2032-9407)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities (2518-3893)
EAI Endorsed Transactions on the Energy Web (2032-944X)
Early America Review (1090-4247)
Early American Literature (0012-8163)
Early American Studies, An Interdisciplinary Journal (1543-4273)
Early Childhood Education (0012-8171)
Early Childhood Education Journal (1082-3301)
Early Childhood Matters (1387-9553)
Early Childhood Researchers (2616-5201)
Early China (0362-5028)
Early Intervention in Psychiatry (1751-7885)
Early Keyboard Journal (0899-8132)
Early Lithuanian Literature / Senoji Lietuvos literatūra (1822-3656)
Early Medieval Europe (0963-9462)
Early Modern Japan (1940-7947)
Early Modern Literary Studies (1201-2459)
Early Modern Low Countries (2543-1587)
Early Modern Studies Journal (2161-9506)
Early Music (0306-1078)
Early Music Performer (1477-478X)
Early Science & Medicine (1383-7427)
Early Theatre (1206-9078)
Earnings Analyst (1547-240X)
Earth & Planetary Science (2810-9732)
Earth & Space Science (2333-5084)
Earth (2673-4834) (2673-4834)
Earth Interactions (1087-3562)
Earth Observation & Geomatics Engineering (2588-4352)
Earth Science India (0974-8350)
Earth Science Informatics (1865-0473)
Earth Sciences History (0736-623X)
Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) (2521-2893)
Earth Sciences Research Journal (1794-6190)
Earth Surface Dynamics (2196-6311)
Earth Surface Processes & Landforms (0197-9337)
Earth System Dynamics (2190-4979)
Earth System Dynamics Discussions (2190-4995)
Earth System Science Data (1866-3508)
Earth System Science Data Discussions (1866-3591)
Earth, Planets & Space (1343-8832)
Earthquake (1000-3274) (1000-3274)
Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration (1671-3664)
Earthquake Engineering & Resilience (2770-5714)
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics (0098-8847)
Earthquake Research Advances (2096-9996)
Earthquake Science (1674-4519)
Earthquake Spectra (8755-2930)
Earth's Future (2328-4277)
EAS Publications Series (1633-4760)
East & Central African Journal of Surgery (1024-297X)
East African Journal of Business & Economics (2707-4250)
East African Journal of Health & Science (2707-3912)
East African Journal of Public Health (0856-8960)
East African Journal of Sciences (1992-0407)
East African Medical Journal (0012-835X)
East Asia Forum Quarterly (1837-5081)
East Asia: An International Quarterly (1096-6838)
East Asian Affairs (2737-5579)
East Asian Archives of Psychiatry (2078-9947)
East Asian Economic Review (EAER) (2508-1640)
East Asian Forum (1183-8906)
East Asian History (1036-6008)
East Asian Policy (1793-9305)
East Asian Pragmatics (2055-7752)
East Asian Studies (2185-5501)
East China Geology / Huadong dizhi (2096-1871)
East European Film Bulletin (1775-3635)
East European Journal of Physics (2312-4334)
East European Journal of Psycholinguistics (2312-3265)
East European Politics & Societies (0888-3254)
East European Quarterly (0012-8449)
East European Review / Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski (2081-1128)
East European Yearbook on Human Rights (2589-7764)
East Texas Historical Journal (0424-1444)
East/West: Journal of Ukranian Studies (2292-7956)
Eastern Africa Social Science Research Review (1027-1775)
Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations (EEJTR) (2544-9214)
Eastern Geographical Review / Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi (1302-7956)
Eastern Journal of European Studies (2068-651X)
Eastern Journal of Medicine (1301-0883)
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (1020-3397)
Eastern Review (1427-9657)
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (1729-3774)
East-West Center Special Reports (1075-8569)
East-West Cultural Passage (1583-6401)
East-West Journal of Economics & Business (2241-3170)
Easy Social Sciences (2749-2850)
Eating & Weight Disorders (1124-4909)
Eating Disorders Review (1048-6984)
E-balonmano.com: Journal of Sports Science / Revista de Ciencias del Deporte (1885-7019)
e-BANGI Journal (1985-3505)
E-Beratungsjournal (1816-7632)
Ebisu (1340-3656)
Ebnesina (1735-9503)
EBRI Issue Brief (0887-137X)
EBS Review (1406-0264)
E-Cadernos CES (1647-0737)
Ecancermedicalscience (1754-6605)
Ecclesial Futures (2770-6656)
Eccos - Revista Científica (1517-1949)
Echo Research & Practice (2055-0464)
Echocardiography (0742-2822)
ECMI Research Papers (1435-9812)
ECNU Review of Education (2096-5311)
ECO Revista Académica (2075-888X)
Ecocycles (2416-2140)
Ecography (0906-7590)
EcoHealth (1612-9202)
Ecohydrology (1936-0584)
Ecologia Aplicada (1726-2216)
Ecologia Austral (0327-5477)
Ecologia Balkanica (1313-9940)
Ecologia Mediterranea (0153-8756)
Ecología Política (1130-6378)
Ecological Applications (1051-0761)
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET) (2719-7050)
Ecological Entomology (0307-6946)
Ecological Management & Restoration (1442-7001)
Ecological Monographs (0012-9615)
Ecological Processes (2192-1709)
Ecological Research (0912-3814)
Ecological Restoration (1543-4060)
Ecological Safety & Balanced Use of Resources (2415-3184)
Ecological Science (1008-8873)
Ecological Solutions & Evidence (2688-8319)
Ecologies (2673-4133)
Ecology (0012-9658)
Ecology & Evolution (20457758) (2045-7758)
Ecology & Society (1708-3087)
Ecology Law Quarterly (0046-1121)
Ecology Letters (1461-023X)
Ecology of Freshwater Fish (0906-6691)
Ecology of Iranian Forest (2423-7140)
Ecology, Environment & Conservation (0971765X) (0971-765X)
Ecomomic Review / Ekonomické Rozhl'ady (0323-262X)
Econ Journal Watch (1933-527X)
Econder International Academic Journal (2602-3806)
Econometric Theory (0266-4666)
Econometrica (0012-9682)
Econometrics (2225-1146) (2225-1146)
Econometrics / Ekonometria (1507-3866)
Econometrics Journal (1368-4221)
Economia (1533-6239)
Economía (1529-7470)
Economia Aziendale Online (2038-5498)
Economia e Diritto Agroalimentare (1826-0373)
Economia e Sociedade (0104-0618)
Economía Industrial (0422-2784)
Economia Mexicana (0185-0458)
Economía, Sociedad y Territorio (1405-8421)
Economia: Seria Management (1454-0320)
Economic & Business Review (1580-0466)
Economic & Managerial Researshes (1112-7902)
Economic & Managerial Spectrum / Ekonomicko-manažérske Spektrum (1337-0839)
Economic & Social Review (0012-9984)
Economic Affairs (0265-0665)
Economic Alternatives (1312-5281)
Economic Alternatives (1312-7462) (1312-7462)
Economic Analysis & Policy (0313-5926)
Economic Analysis (0013-3213) (0013-3213)
Economic Analysis of Law Review (2178-0587)
Economic Annals / Ekonomski Anali (0013-3264)
Economic Anthropology (2330-4847)
Economic Archive / Narodnostopanski Arhiv (0323-9004)
Economic Botany (0013-0001)
Economic Bulletin (Norges Bank) (0029-1676)
Economic Change & Restructuring (1573-9414)
Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research (0424-267X)
Economic Development / Ekonomiski Razvoj (1409-7893)
Economic Development Journal (1539-1922)
Economic Development Quarterly (0891-2424)
Economic Development Review (0742-3713)
Economic Development Review (2543-3490) (2543-3490)
Economic History Review (0013-0117)
Economic Horizons / Ekonomski Horizonti (1450-863X)
Economic Inquiry (0095-2583)
Economic Insights - Trends & Challenges (2284-8576)
Economic Issues (1363-7029)
Economic Journal (0013-0133)
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets (2086-3128)
Economic Notes (0391-5026)
Economic Outlook (0140-489X)
Economic Outlook / Ekonomski Pogledi (1450-7951)
Economic Papers (0812-0439)
Economic Policy Review (19320426) (1932-0426)
Economic Processes Management (2311-6293)
Economic Quarterly (0557-1499) (0557-1499)
Economic Quarterly (10697225) (1069-7225)
Economic Record (0013-0249)
Economic Research Guardian (2247-8531)
Economic Researcher Review (2335-1748)
Economic Review (00946893) (0094-6893)
Economic Review (01612387) (0161-2387)
Economic Review / Kozgazdasagi Szemle (0023-4346)
Economic Review: Journal of Economics & Business / Ekonomska Revija: Casopis za Ekonomiju i Biznis (1512-8962)
Economic Science / Jingji Kexue (1002-5839)
Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings (1691-3078)
Economic Sciences (1814-9669)
Economic Sciences / Nauki Ekonomiczne (2719-4175)
Economic Studies (0205-3292)
Economic Studies & Analyses / Acta VSFS (1802-792X)
Economic Themes (0353-8648)
Economic Theory (0938-2259)
Economic Thought (0013-2993)
Economic Thought & Practice / Ekonomska Misao i Praksa (1330-1039)
Economica (0013-0427)
Economica (00130419) (0013-0419)
Economica (1585-6216) (1585-6216)
Economica: Revistă Ştiinţifico-Didactică (1810-9136)
Económicas CUC (0120-3932)
Economics & Business (1987-5789) (1987-5789)
Economics & Business Letters (2254-4380)
Economics & Business Quarterly Reviews (2775-9237)
Economics & Business Review (2392-1641)
Economics & Law / Ekonomia i Prawo (1898-2255)
Economics & Sociology (2071-789X)
Economics & Statistics / Economie et Statistique (0336-1454)
Economics / Ekonomia (2080-5977)
Economics / Ekonomija (1330-0636)
Economics / Ekonomika (1392-1258)
Economics 21 / Ikonomika 21 (1314-3123)
Economics Financial Banking & Management Journal (2335-1187)
Economics Literature (eLit) (2687-282X)
Economics of Agriculture / Ekonomika Poljoprivrede (0352-3462)
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy (2160-5882)
Economics of Governance (1435-6104)
Economics of Transition & Institutional Change (2577-6975)
Economics Research International (2090-2123)
Economics, Management & Sustainability (2520-6303)
Economics: Innovative & Economic Research Journal / Casopis za Ekonomsku Teoriju i Analizu (2303-5005)
Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal (1864-6042)
Economics: Time Realities (2226-2172)
Economies (2227-7099)
Economists' Voice (2194-6167)
Economy & Finance Enthusiastic (2988-6937)
Economy Informatics (1582-7941)
Economy of Industry (1562-109X)
Economy of Uzbekistan (2091-5071)
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