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Academic Journals - E
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- English Australia Journal (1444-4496)
- English County Guides (1466-6634)
- English Education (0007-8204)
- English Historical Review (0013-8266)
- English in Africa (0376-8902)
- English in Aotearoa (0113-7867)
- English in Australia (0155-2147) (0155-2147)
- English in Texas (0425-0508)
- English Journal (0013-8274)
- English Language & Linguistics (1360-6743)
- English Language Teaching Educational Journal (2621-6485)
- English Leadership Quarterly (1054-1578)
- English Literature (2385-1635)
- English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920 (0013-8339)
- English Literature Research / Eibungaku Kenkyu (0387-3439)
- English Scholarship Beyond Borders (2410-9096)
- English Studies at NBU (2367-5705)
- English Studies in Albania (2078-7413)
- English Studies in Canada (0317-0802)
- English Studies in India (0975-6574)
- English Teacher (0128-7729)
- English Teaching (1017-7108)
- English Teaching Forum (1559-663X)
- English Text Construction (1874-8767)
- English World-Wide (0172-8865)
- English: The Journal of the English Association (0013-8215)
- Enjoy Teaching Journal (2345-4962)
- Enletawa Journal (2463-1965)
- Enlightening Tourism (2174-548X)
- Enneagram Journal (2153-0580)
- Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação (0104-4036)
- Ensayos - Revista de Economía (1870-221X)
- Ensayos de Economia (0121-117X)
- Ensayos Economicos (0325-3937)
- Ensayos: Revista de la Facultad de Educacion de Albacete (0214-4824)
- ENT Updates (2149-7109)
- ENT: Ear, Nose & Throat Journal (0145-5613)
- Enterprise Modelling & Information Systems Architectures (1860-6059)
- Enthymema (2037-2426)
- EntomoBrasilis (1983-0572)
- Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (0013-8703)
- Entomologia Generalis (0171-8177)
- Entomologia Hellenica (0254-5381)
- Entomological News (0013-872X)
- Entomological Research (1738-2297)
- Entomological Science (1343-8786)
- Entomologist's Record & Journal of Variation (0013-8916)
- Entomology & Applied Science Letters (EASL) (2349-2864)
- Entomology Beginners (2675-9276)
- Entomon (0377-9335)
- Entre Ciencia e Ingeniería (1909-8367)
- Entrelinhas (1806-9509)
- Entrepreneurial Business & Economics Review (2353-883X)
- Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal (1932-4480)
- Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy (2515-1274)
- Entrepreneurship Research Journal (2194-6175)
- Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice (1042-2587)
- Entrepreneurship; Education / Przedsiebiorczość - Edukacja (2083-3296)
- Entreprise Review (2335-1438)
- Entretextos (2007-1426) (2007-1426)
- Entropy (1099-4300)
- Enunciación (0122-6339)
- Environment & Behavior (0013-9165)
- Environment & Ecology (0970-0420)
- Environment & Natural Resources Journal (1686-5456)
- Environment & Planning E: Nature & Space (2514-8486)
- Environment & Planning F (2634-9825)
- Environment & Society (2150-6779) (2150-6779)
- Environment Conservation Journal (0972-3099)
- Environment Protection Engineering (0324-8828)
- Environment, Development & Sustainability (1387-585X)
- Environment, Space, Place (2066-5377)
- Environmental & Earth Sciences Research Journal (2369-5668)
- Environmental & Ecological Statistics (1352-8505)
- Environmental & Engineering Geoscience Journal (1078-7275)
- Environmental & Molecular Mutagenesis (0893-6692)
- Environmental & Resource Economics (0924-6460)
- Environmental & Social Management Journal / Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental (1981-982X)
- Environmental & Toxicology Management (2777-0338)
- Environmental Biology of Fishes (0378-1909)
- Environmental Chemistry (14482517) (1448-2517)
- Environmental Chemistry Letters (1610-3653)
- Environmental Conservation (0376-8929)
- Environmental Disease (2468-5690)
- Environmental DNA (2637-4943)
- Environmental Earth Sciences (1866-6280)
- Environmental Economics & Policy Studies (1432-847X)
- Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) (1582-9596)
- Environmental Engineering Research (1226-1025)
- Environmental Engineering Science (1092-8758)
- Environmental Entomology (0046-225X)
- Environmental Epigenetics (2058-5888) (2058-5888)
- Environmental Erosion Researches (2251-7812)
- Environmental Ethics (0163-4275)
- Environmental Evidence (2047-2382)
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics (1567-7419)
- Environmental Geochemistry & Health (0269-4042)
- Environmental Geology (0943-0105)
- Environmental Health Criteria (EHC) (0250-863X)
- Environmental Health Insights (1178-6302)
- Environmental Health Perspectives (0091-6765)
- Environmental Health Review (Online) (0319-6771)
- Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source (1476-069X)
- Environmental Law (Lewis & Clark Law School) (2831-9028)
- Environmental Law Review (1461-4529)
- Environmental Management (0364-152X)
- Environmental Medicine / Medycyna Srodowiskowa (1505-7054)
- Environmental Medicine / Medycyna Środowiskowa (1505-7054)
- Environmental Microbiology (1462-2912)
- Environmental Microbiology Reports (1758-2229)
- Environmental Microbiome (2524-6372)
- Environmental Monitoring & Assessment (0167-6369)
- Environmental Philosophy (1718-0198)
- Environmental Policy & Governance (1756-932X)
- Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (1944-7442)
- Environmental Quality Management (1088-1913)
- Environmental Research & Technology (2636-8498)
- Environmental Research Journal (1935-3049)
- Environmental Research, Engineering & Management / Aplinkos Tyrimai, Inžinerija ir Vadyba (1392-1649)
- Environmental Resources Research (2345-430X)
- Environmental Reviews (1181-8700)
- Environmental Science & Pollution Research (0944-1344)
- Environmental Science & Sustainable Development (2357-0849)
- Environmental Science & Technology (10036504) (1003-6504)
- Environmental Sciences (1735-1324) (1735-1324)
- Environmental Sciences Europe (2190-4707)
- Environmental Systems Research (2193-2697)
- Environmental Toxicology (1520-4081)
- Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (0730-7268)
- Environmental Values (0963-2719)
- EnvironmentAsia (1906-1714)
- Environments (2076-3298) (2076-3298)
- Environmetrics (1180-4009)
- Environnement, Risques & Santé (1635-0421)
- Enzyme Research (2090-0406)
- Eolas (1931-2539)
- EP: Europace (1099-5129)
- E-Pedagogium (1213-7758)
- Ephata (2184-5778)
- Ephemerides Iuris Canonici (0013-9491)
- Epidemiologia (2673-3986)
- Epidemiological Bulletin (0256-1859)
- Epidemiological Review / Przegląd Epidemiologiczny (0033-2100)
- Épidémiologie et Santé Animale (0754-2186)
- Epidemiology & Health (2092-7193)
- Epidemiology & Psychiatric Science (2045-7960)
- Epidemiology Research International (2090-2972)
- Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology / Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie (1210-7913)
- Epigenetics & Chromatin (1756-8935)
- Epigenetics Communications (2730-7034)
- Epigenetics Insights (2516-8657)
- Epigenomes (2075-4655)
- Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique (Epiga) (2491-6765)
- Epilepsi: Journal of the Turkish Epilepsi Society (1300-7157)
- Epilepsia (Series 4) (0013-9580)
- Epilepsia Open (2470-9239)
- Epilepsie, Periodiek voor Professionals (1571-0408)
- Epilepsy Currents (1535-7597)
- EpiNorth Journal (1502-1246)
- Epiphany (2303-6850)
- Epiphany International (1089-1307)
- Episteme (Cambridge University Press) (1742-3600)
- Episteme (Edinburgh University Press) (1742-3600)
- Epistemologia (0392-9760)
- Epistemus. Journal of Music, Cognition & Culture Research (1853-0494)
- EPJ Applied Metamaterials (2272-2394)
- EPJ Data Science (2193-1127)
- EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (2491-9292)
- EPJ Photovoltaics (2105-0716)
- EPJ Quantum Technology (2196-0763)
- EPJ Techniques & Instrumentation (2195-7045)
- ePlasty: Open Access Journal of Plastic Surgery (1937-5719)
- e-Polish Journal of Veterinary Ophthalmology / Okulistyka Weterynaryjna (2082-9256)
- e-Polymers (1618-7229)
- Epos (0213-201X)
- EPPO Bulletin (0250-8052)
- E-psychologie (1802-8853)
- Equidad y Desarrollo (1692-7311)
- Equilibrium (1689-765X) (1689-765X)
- Equine Veterinary Education (0957-7734)
- Equine Veterinary Journal (0425-1644)
- Equinoccio. Revista de e Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica (2730-4833)
- Equipment Echoes (0897-5159)
- Equivalent: Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial Teknik (Jequi) (2775-0329)
- Er(r)go: Teoria, Literatura, Kultura (1508-6305)
- Eras (1445-5218)
- Era's Journal of Medical Research (2348-9839)
- ERAS: European Review of Artistic Studies (1647-3558)
- Erasmus Law Review (2210-2671)
- Erbil Journal of Nursing & Midwifery (2523-0271)
- Erciyes Akademi (2757-7031)
- Erciyes Medical Journal / Erciyes Tip Dergisi (2149-2247)
- Erciyes Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi (1306-3839)
- Erciyes University Journal of the Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences / Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi (1301-3688)
- Erdem (1010-867X)
- Erdkunde (0014-0015)
- Erebea: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (0214-0691)
- E-Review (2282-4979)
- E-review of Tourism Research (1941-5842)
- e-Revista Internacional de la Protección Social (2445-3269)
- Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems (0143-3857)
- Ergonomics in Design (1064-8046)
- Ergonomics SA (1010-2728)
- Ergoscience (1861-6348)
- Ergotherapie & Rehabilitation (0942-8623)
- Ería (0211-0563)
- Erigenia: Journal of the Southern Illinois Native Plant Society (8755-2000)
- ERJ Open Research (2312-0541)
- Erkenntnis (0165-0106)
- Ermeni Arastirmalari (1303-068X)
- Eruditio-Educatio (1336-8893)
- Erwerbs-Obstbau (0014-0309)
- Erzincan University Journal of Education Faculty / Erzincan Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi (2148-7758)
- Erzincan University Journal of Science & Technology (1307-9085)
- ES Review. Spanish Journal of English Studies (2531-1646)
- ESAIM: Control, Optimisation & Calculus of Variations (1292-8119)
- ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling & Numerical Analysis (ESAIM: M2AN) (2822-7840)
- ESAIM: Probability & Statistics (1292-8100)
- ESARBICA Journal (2220-6442)
- ESC Heart Failure (2055-5822)
- Escena: Revista de las Artes (1409-2522)
- eScience / Dianhuaxue (2097-2431)
- e-Scripta Romanica (2392-0718)
- Escritos (0120-1263)
- Escritura e Imagen (1885-5687)
- Esely: Journal of Social Policy (0865-0810)
- Esensia: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin (1411-3775)
- e-Service Journal (1528-8226)
- Esferas (2316-7122)
- ESG Law Review (2965-2618)
- ESIC Market. Economic & Business Journal (0212-1867)
- Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science & Technology A - Applied Sciences & Engineering (2667-4211)
- Eskiyeni (1306-6218)
- ESP Across Cultures (1972-8247)
- ESP Today - Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level (2334-9050)
- Espacio y Desarrollo (1016-9148)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie III, Historia Medieval (0214-9745)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna (1131-768X)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte (1130-4715)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Serie I, Prehistoria y Arqueología (1131-7698)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Serie II, Historia Antigua (1130-1082)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Serie V, Historia Contemporánea (1130-0124)
- Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Serie VI, Geografía (1130-2968)
- Espacios en Blanco. Revista de Educacion (1515-9485)
- Espaço Jurídico: Journal of Law (2179-7943)
- Espaço Para a Saúde (0103-3832)
- ESPecialist (0102-7077)
- Espiral (1665-0565)
- Espirales Revista Multidisciplinaria de Investigación (2550-6862)
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