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Academic Journals - E
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- Electric Power Automation Equipment / Dianli Zidonghua Shebei (1006-6047)
- Electric Power Engineering Technology (2096-3203)
- Electric Power Information & Communication Technology / Dianli Xinxi yu Tongxin Jishu (2095-641X)
- Electric Welding Machine / Dianhanji (1001-2303)
- Electrica (2619-9831)
- Electrical Engineering (0948-7921)
- Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics (2074-272X)
- Electrical Engineering in Japan (0424-7760)
- Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation (1001-1390)
- Electricity (2673-4826) (2673-4826)
- Electroanalysis (1040-0397)
- Electrochem (2673-3293)
- Electrochemical Science Advances (2698-5977)
- Electromachining & Mould (1009-279X)
- Electrometallurgy Today / Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya (0233-7681)
- Electrometallurgy Today / Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya (3041-2382)
- Electromotion (1223-057X)
- Electronic Book Review (1553-1139)
- Electronic Commerce Research (1389-5753)
- Electronic Communication & Computer Science (2717-5170)
- Electronic Components & Materials (1001-2028)
- Electronic Device Failure Analysis (1537-0755)
- Electronic Green Journal (1076-7975)
- Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research (1860-9937)
- Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education (2692-241X)
- Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis (2070-5948)
- Electronic Journal of Autopsy / Revista Electronica de la Autopsia (1699-2334)
- Electronic Journal of Biomedicine (1697-090X)
- Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (0717-3458)
- Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods (1477-7029)
- Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (1550-6150)
- Electronic Journal of e-Government (1479-439X)
- Electronic Journal of e-Learning (1479-4403)
- Electronic Journal of Endodontics Rosario (1666-6143)
- Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (0219-9874)
- Electronic Journal of General Medicine (2516-3507)
- Electronic Journal of Health Informatics (1446-4381)
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality (1545-5556)
- Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation (1566-6379)
- Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries (1681-4835)
- Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (1479-4411)
- Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology (1933-2823)
- Electronic Journal of Medical & Educational Technologies (2754-544X)
- Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences (1728-791X)
- Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (0975-928X)
- Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities (1505-0297)
- Electronic Journal of Political Science Studies (EJPSS) (1309-7008)
- Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (1417-3875)
- Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology (1696-2095)
- Electronic Journal of Science Education (1087-3430)
- Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Metereology (EJSSM) (1559-5404)
- Electronic Journal of Social Sciences (1304-0278)
- Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering (1443-9255)
- Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (1729-5254)
- Electronic Journal of Vehicle Technologies / Tasit Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi (1309-405X)
- Electronic Materials (2673-3978)
- Electronic News (1931-2431) (1931-2431)
- Electronic Physician (2008-5842)
- Electronic Processing of Materials / Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov (0013-5739)
- Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences (1935-9179)
- Electronic Research Archive (2688-1594)
- Electronic Science & Technology (1007-7820)
- Electronic Turkish Studies (1308-2140)
- Electronic-Liquid Crystal Communications (e-LC) (1942-0013)
- Electronics & Communications in Japan (1942-9533)
- Electronics & Control Systems (1990-5548)
- Electronics & Electrical Engineering (1392-1215)
- Electronics (2079-9292) (2079-9292)
- Electronics / Elektronika (1450-5843) (1450-5843)
- Electronics Letters (Wiley-Blackwell) (0013-5194)
- Electrophoresis (0173-0835)
- Electrotechnical Review / Elektrotehniski Vestnik (0013-5852)
- Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (1582-5175)
- Electrum (1897-3426)
- Electryone (2241-4061)
- Eleftho (1106-6822)
- Elektronik Industrie (0174-5522)
- Èlektronnoe Modelirovanie (0204-3572)
- Elementa: Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Problemgeschichte (0013-5933)
- Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene (2325-1026)
- Elementary Education in Theory & Practice (1896-2327)
- Elementary STEM Journal (2692-580X)
- Elenchos: Rivista di Studi sul Pensiero Antico (0392-7342)
- Eleutheria (2159-8088)
- Elevator World (0013-6158)
- ELF Annual Research Journal (1026-7026)
- ELH (0013-8304)
- Elia: Studies in Applied English Linguistics / Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada (1576-5059)
- eLife (2050-084X)
- eLight (2097-1710)
- Elingup: Revista Eletrónica De Linguística Dos Estudantes Da Universidade Do Porto (1647-4058)
- El-Jizya: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam (2354-905X)
- Elon Law Review (2154-0063)
- ELOPE (1581-8918)
- Elore (1456-3010)
- Elos. Revista de Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (2386-7620)
- ELT Journal: English Language Teaching Journal (0951-0893)
- ELTE Law Journal (2064-4965)
- eLyra: Revista da Rede Internacional Lyracompoetics (2182-8954)
- Em Extensao (1518-6369)
- Em Pauta (1414-8609)
- Em Questão (1807-8893)
- EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal (2159-242X)
- e-Makâlât Journal of Islamic Sects Research / e-Makâlât Mezhep Arastirmalari Dergisi (1309-5803)
- Emancipação (1519-7611)
- EMBO Journal (0261-4189)
- EMBO Molecular Medicine (1757-4676)
- EMBO Reports (1469-221X)
- Embrace the Spirit (1481-4412)
- EMedia (1525-4658)
- EMedia Magazine (1529-7306)
- EMedia Professional (1090-946X)
- e-mentor (1731-6758)
- EMERG: Energy. Environment. Efficiency. Resources. Globalization (2457-5011)
- Emergencias (1137-6821)
- Emergency Cancer Care (2731-4790)
- Emergency Care Journal (1826-9826)
- Emergency Management (2345-3915) (2345-3915)
- Emergency Medicine Australasia (1742-6731)
- Emergency Medicine International (2090-2840)
- Emergency Medicine Reports (0746-2506)
- Emergency Nurse (1354-5752)
- Emergency Nurse New Zealand (1176-2691)
- Emergency Radiology (1070-3004)
- Emergent Scientist (2556-8779)
- Emerging Adulthood (2167-6968)
- Emerging Advances in Integrated Technology (EmAIT) (2773-5540)
- Emerging Economies Cases Journal (2516-6042)
- Emerging Infectious Diseases (1080-6040)
- Emerging Themes in Epidemiology (1742-7622)
- Emerging Topics in Life Sciences (2397-8554)
- Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin (1055-3932)
- Emily Dickinson Journal (1059-6879)
- Eminak (1998-4634)
- Emirates Journal for Engineering Research (1022-9892)
- Emirates Lecture Series (1682-1238)
- Emirates Occasional Papers (1682-1246)
- EMIT: Economics, Management, Information, Technology (2217-9011)
- EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology (2355-391X)
- Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal (0890-7862)
- Emory International Law Review (1052-2840)
- Emory Law Journal (0094-4076)
- Emotion Review (1754-0739)
- Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication (1757-1952)
- EMPIRIA: Revista de Metodología de Ciencias Sociales (1139-5737)
- Empirica (0340-8744)
- Empirical Economics (0377-7332)
- Empirical Musicology Review (1559-5749)
- Empirical Research in Vocational Education & Training (1877-6337)
- Empirical Studies of Financial Accounting (2821-0166)
- Empirical Studies of the Arts (0276-2374)
- Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal (0892-7545)
- Employment Relations Record (1444-7053)
- Empresa y Humanismo (1139-7608)
- EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences (2308-2151)
- En Blanco: Revista de Arquitectura (1888-5616)
- En la España Medieval (0214-3038)
- Enarratio (2471-6227)
- En-Clave Social (2256-3911)
- En-Claves del Pensamiento Journal (1870-879X)
- Encontros Bibli (1518-2924)
- Encounter (1094-3838)
- Encounters in Theory & History of Education / Rencontres en Theorie et Histoire de l'Educacion (2560-8371)
- Encounters on Education (1494-4936)
- Encuentro Educacional (1315-4079)
- Encuentros (1692-5858)
- Encuentros en Catay (1023-6961)
- Encyclopaideia: Journal of Phenomenology & Education / Rivista di Fenomenologia Pedagogia Formazione (1590-492X)
- Encyclopedia (2673-8392)
- End of Life Care Journal (1754-1069)
- Endangered Species Update (1081-3705)
- Endnotes (2159-0591)
- Endocrine (1355008X) (1355-008X)
- Endocrine Diseases (0324-1475)
- Endocrine Journal (0918-8959)
- Endocrine Pathology (1046-3976)
- Endocrine Reviews (0163-769X)
- Endocrines (2673-396X)
- Endocrinology (0013-7227)
- Endocrinology & Metabolism (2093-596X)
- Endocrinology Research & Practice (2822-6135)
- Endocrinology Studies (2038-9523)
- Endocrinology Today (2200-3835)
- Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (2398-9238)
- Endodontic Practice Today (1753-2809)
- Endodontology (0970-7212) (0970-7212)
- Endowment / Awqaf (1609-4662)
- Endoxa (1133-5351)
- Energetic Materials Frontiers (2666-6472)
- Energetika (0235-7208)
- Energies (19961073) (1996-1073)
- Energy & Built Environment (2666-1233)
- Energy & Environment (0958-305X)
- Energy & Environmental Materials (2575-0356)
- Energy Chemical Industry (2095-9834)
- Energy Efficiency (1570646X) (1570-646X)
- Energy Engineering (0199-8595)
- Energy Equipment & Systems (2383-1111)
- Energy Geoscience (2666-7592)
- Energy Harvesting & Systems (2329-8774)
- Energy Informatics (2520-8942)
- Energy Journal (0195-6574)
- Energy Law Journal (0270-9163)
- Energy Law Studies (2538-3140)
- Energy Policy Journal / Polityka Energetyczna (1429-6675)
- Energy Psychology (1949-6575)
- Energy Science & Engineering (2050-0505)
- Energy Storage (2578-4862) (2578-4862)
- Energy Technology (2194-4288)
- Energy, Sustainability & Society (2192-0567)
- eNeuro (2373-2822)
- Enfances, Familles, Generations (1708-6310)
- Enfermagem Atual in Derme (2447-2034)
- Enfermagem Brasil (1678-2410)
- Enfermagem em Foco (2177-4285)
- Enfermeir@s (1888-4830)
- Enfermería Investiga: Investigaciin, Vinculación, Docencia y Gestiin (2477-9172)
- Enfermería Nefrológica (2254-2884)
- Enfermería Neonatal (2591-6424)
- Enfermeria Oncologica (1576-5520)
- Enfoque: Reflexão Contábil (1517-9087)
- Enfoques (15146006) (1514-6006)
- Eng (2673-4117)
- ENG: Journal of Research in Sickness & Society / Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund (1604-3405)
- Engenharia na Agricultura (1414-3984)
- Engineer & the Machinery Magazine / Mühendis ve Makina (1300-3402)
- Engineer Military Bulletin / Muszaki Katonai Közlöny (1219-4166)
- Engineered Regeneration (2666-1381)
- Engineering & Applied Science Research (2539-6161)
- Engineering & Technology Quarterly Reviews (2622-9374)
- Engineering Design Graphics Journal (0046-2012)
- Engineering Heritage Journal / Galeri Warisan Kejuruteraan (GWK) (2521-0904)
- Engineering in Life Sciences (1618-0240)
- Engineering Letters (1816-093X)
- Engineering Management & Soft Computing (2538-6239)
- Engineering Management & Technology Discussion (2717-5189)
- Engineering Management in Production & Services (2543-6597)
- Engineering Mechanics / Gongcheng Lixue (1000-4750)
- Engineering Perspective (2757-9077)
- Engineering Proceedings (2673-4591)
- Engineering Reports (2577-8196)
- Engineering Science Research & Application (2717-5316)
- Engineering Sciences (2318-3055) (2318-3055)
- Engineering Transactions (0867-888X)
- Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research (2241-4487)
- Engineers Journal (0332-1711)
- Englera (0170-4818)
- English 4-11 (1460-5945)
- English as a Foreign Language International Journal (2799-0699)
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