EBSCOhost: Academic research articles available through your library
Academic Journals - B
B Sides (2155-6687)
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2194-6108)
B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (2194-6116)
Baba Farid University Dental Journal (0976-8181)
Baba Farid University Nursing Journal (2277-9418)
Babel (00053503) (0005-3503)
Babel A.F.I.A.L. (1132-7332)
Babel: International Journal of Translation / Revue Internationale de la Traduction / Revista Internacional de Traducción (0521-9744)
BABUR (2822-5015)
Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider Bach Institute (0005-3600)
BackCare Journal (0144-3798)
Bacteria (2674-1334) (2674-1334)
Baessler-Archiv (0005-3856)
Bagcilar Medical Bulletin / Bağcılar Tıp Bülteni (2547-9431)
Baghdad Science Journal (2078-8665)
Bagh-e Nazar (1735-9635)
Baha'i Studies Review (1354-8697)
BAHETH (2536-9946)
Bahrain Medical Bulletin (1012-8298)
Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology (1816-0840)
Bait Al-Mashura Journal (2410-6836)
Bajo Palabra: Journal of Philosophy (1576-3935)
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (2620-2980)
Balcanica Posnaniensia. Acta et Studia (0239-4278)
Balcanica. Annuaire de l'Institut des Etudes Balkanique (0350-7653)
Bali Journal of Anesthesiology (2549-2276)
Balikesir Health Sciences Journal / Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (2146-9601)
Balikesir University Journal of Social Sciences Institute (1301-5265)
Balkan & Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences (BNEJSS) (2149-9314)
Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics (2545-479X)
Balkan Journal of Philosophy (1313-888X)
Balkan Journal of Social Sciences / Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (1309-9841)
Balkan Medical Journal (2146-3123)
Balkan Military Medical Review (1107-6275)
Balkan Social Science Review (1857-8799)
Balkan Studies / Études Balkaniques (0324-1645)
Balkanistica (0360-2206)
Baltic Defence Review (1736-1257)
Baltic Journal of Art History (1736-8812)
Baltic Journal of Coleopterology (1407-8619)
Baltic Journal of Health & Physical Activity (2080-1297)
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing (2255-8942)
Baltic Journal of Psychology (1407-768X)
Baltic Journal of Road & Bridge Engineering (RTU Publishing House) (1822-427X)
Baltic Journal of Sport & Health Sciences (2351-6496)
Baltic Linguistics (2081-7533)
Baltic Worlds (2000-2955)
Baltica (0067-3064)
Baltistica / Journal of Baltic Linguistics (0132-6503)
Balungan (0885-7113)
Balzac Review / Revue Balzac (2646-2044)
Banach Center Publications (0137-6934)
Banatica (1222-0612)
Banat's Journal of Biotechnology (2068-4673)
Bangladesh Development Studies (0304-095X)
Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology (1819-8465)
Bangladesh Journal of Anatomy (1817-065X)
Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases (2411-4820)
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science (2223-4721)
Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (1991-007X)
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy (1028-2092)
Bangladesh Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (0304-9809)
Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine (1729-7893)
Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin (0377-9238)
Bangladesh Veterinarian (1012-5949)
Banisteria (1066-0712)
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin (0005-5166)
Bank of Greece Economic Bulletin (1105-9729)
Bank Street Occasional Paper Series (2375-3668)
Bankarstvo Magazine (1451-4354)
Banking Law Journal (0005-5506)
Banko Janakari (1016-0582)
Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies (BURJIS) (2411-4332)
BANTAO Journal (1312-2517)
Baptistic Theologies (1803-618X)
Baqai Journal of Health Sciences (2312-4423)
BAR: Brazilian Administration Review (1807-7692)
Bargfelder Bote (0342-8036)
Bar-Ilan Law Studies (0334-0716)
Barn: Forskning om Barn og Barndom i Norden (2535-5449)
Barnboken: Tidskrift för Barnlitteraturforskning (0347-772X)
Bartin University Journal of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences / Bartın Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi (1309-954X)
Bartin University Journal of Faculty of Education (1308-7177)
Base (1807-054X)
Base Ball: A Journal of the Early Game (1934-2802)
Base for Electronic Educational Sciences (BEDU) (2718-0107)
Basic & Applied Herpetology (2255-1468)
Basic & Clinical Andrology (2051-4190)
Basic & Clinical Medicine (1001-6325)
Basic & Clinical Neuroscience (2008-126X)
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (1742-7835)
Basic Income Studies (2194-6094)
Basic Research in Cardiology (0300-8428)
Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities / Fangzhi Gaoxiao Jichu Kexue Xuebao (1006-8341)
Basin Research (0950-091X)
Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde (0067-4540)
Basra Studies Journal (1994-4721)
Basrah Date Palm Research Journal (1816-0379)
Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences (1814-5868)
Basrah Journal of Science / Magallat Al-Barat Li-L-ulum (2664-8288)
Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research (1813-8497)
Batman Academy Journal (2548-0073)
Battered Suitcase (1942-0846)
Batteries (2313-0105)
Batteries & Supercaps (2566-6223)
Battery Energy (2768-1688)
BAU Journal - Creative Sustainable Development (2664-9446)
BAU Journal - Journal of Legal Studies (2664-0937)
BAU Journal - Science & Technology (2706-784X)
BAU Journal - Society, Culture & Human Behavior (2663-9122)
Bauphysik (0171-5445)
Bautechnik (0932-8351)
Bayesian Analysis (1936-0975)
Baylor Business Review (0739-1072)
Bayterek: International Journal of Academic Research (2651-320X)
Bazyaft (1992-3678)
BC Studies (0005-2949)
BDJ Open (2056-807X)
BE N'ius - Beiträge aus der Berner Justiz Contributions de la Justice Bernoise (2673-477X)
Beam Journal of Economic Studies (2543-3911)
Bearing (1000-3762)
Bearing Witness: Joyce Carol Oates Studies (2373-275X)
Bebyggelsehistorisk Tidskrift (0349-2834)
Beethoven Forum (University of Illinois Press) (1059-5031)
Behavior & Philosophy (1053-8348)
Behavior & Social Issues (1064-9506)
Behavior Analysis in Practice (Association for Behavior Analysis International) (1998-1929)
Behavior Analyst Today (1539-4352)
Behavior Genetics (0001-8244)
Behavior Research Methods (1554-351X)
Behavioral & Brain Functions (1744-9081)
Behavioral & Brain Sciences (0140-525X)
Behavioral Development (1942-0722)
Behavioral Disorders (0198-7429)
Behavioral Ecology (1045-2249)
Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology (0340-5443)
Behavioral Interventions (1072-0847)
Behavioral Psychology / Psicologia Conductual (1132-9483)
Behavioral Research in Accounting (1050-4753)
Behavioral Sciences & the Law (0735-3936)
Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X) (2076-328X)
Behavioral Technology Today (1532-9518)
Behaviour Change (0813-4839)
Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy (1352-4658)
Behavioural Neurology (0953-4180)
Behavioural Public Policy (2398-063X)
Behbood Journal (1735-093X)
Behinderten Padagogik (0341-7301)
Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (0005-8076)
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft (0939-2815)
Beleid en Maatschappij (1875712X) (1389-0069)
Beleid en Maatschappij (1875712X) (1875-712X)
Belgi Dergisi (2146-4456)
Belgian Journal of Linguistics (0774-5141)
Belgian Journal of Zoology (0777-6276)
Belitung Nursing Journal (BNJ) (2528-181X)
Bellas Artes (1645-761X)
Bellingham Review (0734-2934)
Belphégor (1499-7185)
Belügyi Szemle / Academic Journal of Internal Affairs (2062-9494)
Belvedere Meridionale (1419-0222)
Ben Jonson Journal (1079-3453)
Bench & Bar of Minnesota (0276-1505)
Benefits Quarterly (8756-1263)
Beni Suef Journal of Physical Education & Sports Sciences. (2536-9881)
Benin Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (0795-0268)
Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (2314-8535)
B-ENT (1781-782X)
Bereavement: Journal of Grief & Responses to Death (2754-7833)
Berichte aus dem Julius Kühn-Institut (1866-590X)
Berichte aus der Sensorik und Messtechnik (2365-2055)
Berichte der Ilmenauer Mechanismentechnik (BIMT) (2194-9476)
Berichte zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte (0170-6233)
Berkala Ilmiah Biologi (0853-7240)
Berkala Ilmiah Kimia Farmasi (2302-8270)
Berkala Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin (1978-4279)
Berkala Perikanan Terubuk (0126-4265)
Berkeley Business Law Journal (1548-7067)
Berkeley Journal of Entertainment & Sports Law (2167-874X)
Berkeley Journal of International Law (1085-5718)
Berkeley La Raza Law Journal (1544-9882)
Berkeley Planning Journal (1047-5192)
Berkeley Studies (1947-3737)
Berkeley Technology Law Journal (1086-3818)
Berkeley Women's Law Journal (0882-4312)
Berliner Debatte Initial (0863-4564)
Berliner Journal für Soziologie (0863-1808)
Berufsbildung: Zeitschrift für Theorie-Praxis-Dialog (0005-9536)
BES Journal: International Journal of Business & Economic Studies (2718-0247)
Best Evidence in Chinese Education (2639-5312)
Best Practice in Mental Health (1553-555X)
Bestuurskunde (0927-3387)
Beszedtudomany - Speech Science (1218-8727)
Beter Begeleiden (2468-9211)
Bethlehem University Journal (2521-3695)
Beton- Und Stahlbetonbau (0005-9900)
Betriebswirt (0172-6196)
BETWEEN (2039-6597)
Between the words / Bein Ha Milim (2616-9517)
BEÜ Ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (2148-3728)
Beverages (2306-5710)
Bewährungshilfe (0405-6779)
Beykent Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi (1307-3818)
Beykoz Akademi Dergisi (2147-8082)
Beyoglu Eye Journal (2459-1777)
Beyond Behavior (1074-2956)
Beyond Philology (1732-1220)
Beytulhikme: An International Journal of Philosophy (1303-8303)
Bezmialem Science (2148-2373)
BGjournal (1811-8712)
BH Economics Forum / BH Ekonomski Forum (1986-681X)
Bialostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze (2082-9701)
Bialystok Legal Studies / Bialostockie Studia Prawnicze (1689-7404)
Biannual Journal of Comparative Studies on the Schools of Jurisprudence & its Principles (2676-4407)
Biblica & Patristica Thoruniensia (1689-5150)
Biblical Theology Bulletin (0146-1079)
Biblio 17 (1434-6397)
Biblios (1562-4730)
Bibliosphere (1311-8803)
Bibliotekar (0006-1816) (0006-1816)
Bibliothecae.it (2280-7934)
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis (0341-4183)
Bibliotheksdienst (0006-1972)
Bibliotime: Rivista Elettronica per le biblioteche (1590-895X)
Biblos (0006-2022)
Biblos: Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (0870-4112)
BiD (1575-5886)
Bifocal (0888-1537)
Big Data & Cognitive Computing (2504-2289)
Big Data & Information Analytics (2380-6966)
Big Data & Society (2053-9517)
Big Data Research (2096-0271) (2096-0271)
BIGAKU: The Japanese Journal of Aesthetics in Western Language (2436-7656)
Biharean Biologist (1843-5637)
Bildhaan, An International Journal of Somali Studies (1528-6258)
Bildung und Erziehung (0006-2456)
Bildungsforschung (1860-8213)
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Journal of Science / Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (2458-7575)
Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Journal of Social Sciences (2548-088X)
Bilge Strateji (1309-212X)
Bilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (1302-1761)
bilig: Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World (1301-0549)
Bilimname (1304-1878)
Bilingual Review (0094-5366)
BimaQuest: The Journal of Insurance & Management (0974-0791)
Bingol University Journal of Economics & Administrative Science (2651-3234)
Binnaual Journal of Applied Counseling (Jac) (2251-7243)
Bio Science Research Bulletin-Biological Sciences (0970-0889)
Bioactive Materials (2097-1192)
BIOAGRO (1316-3361)
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