EBSCOhost: Academic research articles available through your library
Academic Journals - B
Bridging Cultures (2525-1791)
Brief (0273-0995)
Briefe zur Interdisziplinarität (1865-8032)
Briefing Notes in Economics (0968-7017)
Briefings in Bioinformatics (1467-5463)
Briefings in Functional Genomics (2041-2649)
Brigham Young University Law Review (0360-151X)
Brigham Young University Studies Quarterly (2167-8472)
Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal (2326-7437)
Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Journal (2326-7437)
Britannia (0068-113X)
British & Irish Orthoptic Journal (1743-9868)
British Actuarial Journal (1357-3217)
British Art Journal (1467-2006)
British Art Studies (2058-5462)
British Columbia Medical Journal (0007-0556)
British Dental Journal (0007-0610)
British Dental Nurses Journal (1356-3807)
British Educational Research Journal (0141-1926)
British Journal of Aesthetics (0007-0904)
British Journal of Applied Linguistics (2754-5253)
British Journal of Biology Studies (2755-0052)
British Journal of Biomedical Science (0967-4845)
British Journal of Canadian Studies (0269-9222)
British Journal of Cancer (0007-0920)
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing (1749-6403)
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (0306-5251)
British Journal of Clinical Psychology (0144-6657)
British Journal of Community Justice (BJCJ) (1475-0279)
British Journal of Community Nursing (1462-4753)
British Journal of Computer, Networking & Information Technology (2689-5315)
British Journal of Criminology (0007-0955)
British Journal of Dermatology (0007-0963)
British Journal of Developmental Psychology (0261-510X)
British Journal of Diabetes (2397-6233)
British Journal of Education, Learning & Development Psychology (2682-6704)
British Journal of Educational Psychology (0007-0998)
British Journal of Educational Psychology Monographs (1476-9808)
British Journal of Educational Technology (0007-1013)
British Journal of Environmental Studies (2755-0982)
British Journal of General Practice (0960-1643)
British Journal of Haematology (0007-1048)
British Journal of Health Psychology (1359-107X)
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants (1753-1586)
British Journal of Healthcare Management (1358-0574)
British Journal of Hospital Medicine (17508460) (1750-8460)
British Journal of Industrial Relations (0007-1080)
British Journal of Learning Disabilities (1354-4187)
British Journal of Management (1045-3172)
British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology (0007-1102)
British Journal of Medical Practitioners (1757-8515)
British Journal of Midwifery (0969-4900)
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing (1747-0307)
British Journal of Nursing (0966-0461)
British Journal of Nursing Studies (2755-080X)
British Journal of Occupational Therapy (0308-0226)
British Journal of Pain (2049-4637)
British Journal of Pharmacology (0007-1188)
British Journal of Physics Studies (2755-3388)
British Journal of Politics & International Relations (1369-1481)
British Journal of Psychology (0007-1269)
British Journal of Psychotherapy (0265-9883)
British Journal of Rheumatology (0263-7103)
British Journal of School Nursing (1752-2803)
British Journal of Social Psychology (0144-6665)
British Journal of Social Work (0045-3102)
British Journal of Sociology (0007-1315)
British Journal of Special Education (0952-3383)
British Journal of Surgery (0007-1323)
British Journal of Visual Impairment (0264-6196)
British Journal of Wellbeing (2043-9393)
British Journalism Review (0956-4748)
British Medical Bulletin (0007-1420)
British Paramedic Journal (1478-4726)
British Postgraduate Musicology (1460-9231)
British Review of New Zealand Studies (0951-6204)
British Scholar Journal (1941-6105)
Brittonia (0007-196X)
Brno Studies in English (0524-6881)
Brock Education (1183-1189)
Brodogradnja (0007-215X)
Brolga: An Australian Journal About Dance (1322-7645)
Bronx County Historical Society Journal (0007-2249)
Brood & Rozen: Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van Sociale Bewegingen (1370-7477)
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (0007-2303)
Brookings Papers on Education Policy (1096-2719)
Brookings Review (0745-1253)
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services (1098-3651)
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs (1528-7084)
Brooklyn Journal of International Law (0740-4824)
Brooklyn Law Review (0007-2362)
Brooklyn Rail (2157-2151)
Brown Journal of World Affairs (1080-0786)
Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter (1058-1073)
Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update (1527-8395)
Brown University Psychopharmacology Update (1068-5308)
Brumal: Research Journal on the Fantastic / Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico (2014-7910)
Brunei International Medical Journal (BIMJ) (1560-5876)
Brusov Readings (2579-2709)
Brussels Economic Review (1379-9932)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (1055-7660)
Bryn Mawr Review of Comparative Literature (1523-5734)
Bryologist (0007-2745)
BSAA Arte (1888-9751)
BSGF: Earth Sciences Bulletin (0037-9409)
BTRA Scan (0972-8341)
Buca Faculty of Education Journal / Buca Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi (1302-5147)
Bucerius Law Journal (1864-371X)
Bucharest University Annals - Law Series (1011-0623)
Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics (2069-9239)
Buckingham Journal of Education (2633-4909)
Buddhist-Christian Studies (0882-0945)
Budhi (0118-5942)
Buffalo Environmental Law Journal (1066-8837)
Buffalo Human Rights Law Review (1098-3643)
BUGU Journal of Language & Education / BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi (2717-8137)
Buhuth Mustaqbaliya Scientific Periodical Journal (1680-9300)
Builder (1896-0642) (1896-0642)
Builder: The Magazine of the National Association of Home Builders (0744-1193)
Building Acoustics (1351-010X)
Building Material (1393-8770)
Building Services Engineering Research & Technology (0143-6244)
Building the way - Revista do Curso de Letras da UEG/Itapuranga (1519-7220)
Buildings & Cities (2632-6655)
Buildings (2075-5309) (2075-5309)
Built Environment (0263-7960)
Built Heritage (2096-3041)
Built-Environment Sri Lanka (1391-5983)
Buletin Al-Turas (0853-1692)
Buletin Psikologi (0854-7106)
Buletin Riset Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (2776-1851)
Buletin Stiintific (1224-5178)
Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova: Matematica (1024-7696)
Buletinul AGIR (1224-7928)
Bulgarian Astronomical Journal (1313-2709)
Bulgarian Cardiology (1310-7488)
Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology (1314-5088)
Bulgarian Folklore / Bulgarski Folklor (0323-9861)
Bulgarian Historical Review (0204-8906)
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics & Management / Ikonomika i Upravlenie na Selskoto Stopanstvo (0205-3845)
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science (1310-0351)
Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry / Životnov Dni Nauki (0514-7441)
Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science / Rastenievdni Nauki (0568-465X)
Bulgarian Journal of International Economics & Politics (2815-2751)
Bulgarian Journal of Physics (1310-0157)
Bulgarian Journal of Public Health (1313-6461)
Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science (2534-8787)
Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (1311-1477)
Bulgarian Medical Journal / Balgarski Meditsinski Jurnal (1313-1516)
Bulgarian Philosophical Review / Bulgarski Filosofski Pregled (1314-5908)
Bulgarski Ezik (0005-4283)
Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society (0273-0979)
Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire (0001-415X)
Bulletin de la Sécurité Africaine (2164-4292)
Bulletin de la Société Paul Claudel (0037-9506)
Bulletin De La Societe Royale Belge d'Etomologie (1374-8297)
Bulletin de la Societe Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles (0037-9603)
Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France (0037-962X)
Bulletin de l'AFAS (1246-7529)
Bulletin de l'Association des Amis d'Alfred de Vigny (0066-8893)
Bulletin des Amis d'Andre Gide (0044-8133)
Bulletin d'Informations Proustiennes (0338-0548)
Bulletin du Girso (1647-1377)
Bulletin Infirmier du Cancer (1628-2205)
Bulletin Juridique du Praticien Hospitalier (1625-4104)
Bulletin Mineralogicko-Petrologickeho Oddeleni Narodniho Muzea v Praze (1211-0329)
Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie (2570-7337)
Bulletin of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL: Series 'Pedagogical Sciences' (2412-2149)
Bulletin of Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL: Series 'Philological sciences' (2411-8745)
Bulletin of Advanced English Studies (BAES) (2617-6440)
Bulletin of American Odonatology (1061-3781)
Bulletin of Applied Mechanics (1801-1217)
Bulletin Of Armenian Libraries (1829-4685)
Bulletin of Biomathematics (2980-1869)
Bulletin of Botanical Research (1673-5102)
Bulletin of Cardiovasculer Academy / Kardiyovasküler Akademi Bülteni (2980-261X)
Bulletin of Daito Bunka University. Humanities / Daito Bunka Daigaku Kiyo. Jimbun Kagaku (0386-1082)
Bulletin of Daito Bunka University. Social Sciences / Daito Bunka Daigaku Kiyo. Shakai Kagaku (0912-2338)
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (1570-761X)
Bulletin of Earthquake Science & Engineering (2476-6097)
Bulletin of Economic Research (0307-3378)
Bulletin of Educational Research (1028-8708)
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering & Informatics (2089-3191)
Bulletin of Emergency & Trauma (2322-2522)
Bulletin of Engineering Geology & the Environment (1435-9529)
Bulletin of Entomological Research (0007-4853)
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology (0007-4861)
Bulletin of Experimental Biology & Medicine (0007-4888)
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy (1110-6611)
Bulletin of Fish Biology (1867-5417)
Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series (2080-7686)
Bulletin of Geophysics & Oceanography (BGO) (2785-339X)
Bulletin of Geosciences (1214-1119)
Bulletin of Glaciological Research (1345-3807)
Bulletin of Good Practice in Popular Education (1325-233X)
Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History (1342-4092)
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (1475-3839) (1475-3839)
Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for the Arab Countries (1020-6159)
Bulletin of Insectology (1721-8861)
Bulletin of Integrative Psychiatry (1453-7257)
Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute (2303-4874)
Bulletin of Japanese Association for International Accounting Studies / Kokusai Kaikei Kenkyu Gakkai Nenpou (1346-7670)
Bulletin of Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies / Shakaika Kyoiku Ronsou (0289-8551)
Bulletin of KNUTD (1813-6796)
Bulletin of Latin American Research (0261-3050)
Bulletin of Legal Medicine / Adli Tıp Bülteni (1300-865X)
Bulletin of Materials Science (0250-4707)
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (0092-8240)
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences (World Scientific) (1664-3607)
Bulletin of Microbiology / Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni (0374-9096)
Bulletin of Portuguese / Japanese Studies (0874-8438)
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (0270-4676)
Bulletin of Society of Mathematicians Banja Luka (0354-5792)
Bulletin of Soil & Water Conservation (1000-288X)
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (1079-8986)
Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv / Vestnik Kievskogo Nacionalnogo Universiteta Imeni Tarasa Sevcenko (1728-2748)
Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural History (0196-1039)
Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists Society (0266-836X)
Bulletin of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (0099-7471)
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (0003-0007)
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (0003-0090)
Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society (0266-2442)
Bulletin of the Association for Business Communication (8756-1972)
Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India (0304-9523)
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society (0004-9727)
Bulletin of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History (1836-5264)
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin (1370-1444)
Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society (1678-7544)
Bulletin of the 'Carol I' National Defence University / Buletinul Universitatii Nationale de Aparare 'Carol I' (1584-1928)
Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (0008-9036)
Bulletin of the Center Papyrological Studies (BCPS) (1110-2055)
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia (1011-3924)
Bulletin of the Chemists & Technologists of Bosnia & Herzegovina / Glasnik Hemičara i Tehnologa Bosne i Hercegovine (0367-4444)
Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences / Chung-kuo ko Hsueh Yuan Yuan Kan (1000-3045)
Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences / Chung-kuo ko Hsueh Yuan Yuan Kan (1003-3572)
Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society (1001-1625)
Bulletin of the Comediantes (0007-5108)
Bulletin of the Croatian Society of Medical Informatics / Bilten Hrvatskog Društva za Medicinsku Informatiku (1330-0253)
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (2327-6096)
Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka / Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci (1512-956X)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark (0011-6297)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland (0367-5211)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece (0438-9557)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia (0126-6187)
Bulletin of the History of Archaeology (1062-4740)
Bulletin of the History of Medicine (0007-5140)
Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases (2328-4633)
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (0076-0730)
Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography of the Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts / Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU (0350-0861)
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