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Academic Journals - B
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- Bioarchaeology of the Near East (1898-9403)
- Bio-Based & Applied Economics (2280-6180)
- Biocell (0327-9545)
- Biochar (2524-7972)
- BioChem (2673-6411)
- Biochemia Medica (1330-0962)
- Biochemical & Cellular Archives (0972-5075)
- Biochemical Genetics (0006-2928)
- Biochemical Journal (0264-6021)
- Biochemical Society Transactions (0300-5127)
- Biochemistry & Cell Biology (0829-8211)
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education (1470-8175)
- Biochemistry (00062979) (0006-2979)
- Biochemistry Insights (1178-6264)
- Biochemistry Research International (2090-2247)
- Biochimica Clinica (0393-0564)
- Biociencias (0124-0110)
- BioData Mining (1756-0381)
- Biodegradation (0923-9820)
- BioDiscovery (2050-2966)
- Biodiverse (1401-5064)
- Biodiversitas: Journal of Biological Diversity (1412-033X)
- Biodiversity & Conservation (0960-3115)
- Biodiversity Data Journal (1314-2836)
- Biodiversity Observations (2219-0341)
- Biodiversity Science (1005-0094)
- BioDrugs (1173-8804)
- Bioelectromagnetics (0197-8462)
- Bioelectronic Medicine (2332-8886)
- BioEnergy Research (1939-1234)
- Bioengineering & Translational Medicine (2380-6761)
- Bioengineering (Basel) (2306-5354)
- BioEssays (0265-9247)
- Bioethica (2653-8660)
- Bioethica Forum (1662-6001)
- Bioethics (0269-9702)
- Biofactors (0951-6433)
- Biofeedback (1081-5937)
- Biofuel Research Journal (2292-8782)
- Biofuels, Bioproducts & Biorefining (1932-104X)
- Biogeochemistry (0168-2563)
- Biogeography (1345-0662)
- Biogeosciences (1726-4170)
- Biogeosciences Discussions (1810-6277)
- Biogeosystem Technique (2413-7316)
- Biogeotechnics (2949-9291)
- Biogerontology (1389-5729)
- Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly (0162-4962)
- Bioimages (0919-2719)
- BioImpacts (2228-5652)
- Bioinformatics (1367-4803)
- Bioinformatics & Biology Insights (1177-9322)
- Bioinorganic Chemistry & Applications (1565-3633)
- BioInvasions Record (2242-1300)
- Bio-IT World (1538-5728)
- Biokemistri (0795-8080)
- Biokultur (2302-3058)
- Biolinguistics (1450-3417)
- Biologen (0345-1127)
- Biologia (0006-3088)
- Biologia Plantarum (0006-3134)
- Biológia, Ekológia, Chémia (1338-1024)
- Biologica Nyssana (2217-4478)
- Biological Bulletin of Bogdan Chmelnitskiy Melitopol State Pedagogical University (2225-5486)
- Biological Chemistry (1431-6730)
- Biological Cybernetics (0340-1200)
- Biological Invasions (1387-3547)
- Biological Journal of Microorganism (2322-5173)
- Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (0024-4066)
- Biological Procedures Online (1480-9222)
- Biological Psychiatry & Psychopharmacology / Biologinė Psichiatrija ir Psichofarmakologija (1648-293X)
- Biological Research (0717-6287)
- Biological Research for Nursing (1099-8004)
- Biological Reviews (1464-7931)
- Biological Sciences in Space (0914-9201)
- Biological Therapies in Dentistry (0882-1852)
- Biological Trace Element Research (0163-4984)
- Biologics (2673-8449)
- Biologics: Targets & Therapy (1177-5475)
- Biologie Aujourd'hui (2105-0678)
- Biologie in unserer Zeit (0045-205X)
- Biologija (1392-0146)
- Biologist (0006-3347)
- Biology & Fertility of Soils (0178-2762)
- Biology & Life Sciences Forum (2673-9976)
- Biology & Philosophy (0169-3867)
- Biology (2079-7737) (2079-7737)
- Biology Bulletin (1062-3590)
- Biology Direct (1745-6150)
- Biology Forum / Rivista di Biologia (1825-6538)
- Biology Methods & Protocols (2396-8923)
- Biology of Exercise (1791-325X)
- Biology of Sex Differences (2042-6410)
- Biology of Sport (0860-021X)
- Biology of the Cell (Wiley-Blackwell) (0248-4900)
- Biology Teaching (1004-7549)
- Biology-Chemistry-Geography / Biologie-Chemie-Zeměpis (1210-3349)
- Biomarker Insights (1177-2719)
- Biomarker Research (2050-7771)
- Biomarkers in Cancer (1179-299X)
- Biomass (2673-8783) (2673-8783)
- Biomass Chemical Engineering (1673-5854)
- Biomaterials Research (2055-7124)
- Biomath (1314-684X)
- Biomechanics (2673-7078) (2673-7078)
- BioMed (2673-8430)
- BioMed Research International (2314-6133)
- Biomedica (1992-4852)
- Biomédica: Revista del Instituto Nacional de Salud (0120-4157)
- Biomedical & Biotechnology Research Journal (2588-9834)
- Biomedical Chromatography (0269-3879)
- Biomedical Digital Libraries (1742-5581)
- Biomedical Engineering & Computational Biology (1179-5972)
- Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik (0013-5585)
- BioMedical Engineering OnLine (1475-925X)
- Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis & Communications (1016-2372)
- Biomedical Informatics Insights (1178-2226)
- Biomedical Microdevices (1387-2176)
- Biomedical Papers of the Medical Faculty of Palacky University in Olomouc (1213-8118)
- Biomedical Reports (2049-9434)
- Biomedical Research Journal (2349-3666)
- Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation (0067-8856)
- Biomedicine Hub (2296-6870)
- Biomedicines (2227-9059)
- BioMedInformatics (2673-7426)
- BioMetals (0966-0844)
- Biometrical Journal (0323-3847)
- Biometrics (0006-341X)
- Biometrika (0006-3444)
- Biomimetics (2313-7673) (2313-7673)
- Biomirror (0976-9080)
- Biomolecular & Health Science Journal (2620-8636)
- Biomolecular Concepts (1868-5021)
- Biomolecular NMR Assignments (1874-2718)
- Biomolecules & Biomedicine (2831-0896)
- Biomolecules (2218-273X) (2218-273X)
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Reports (2667-6028)
- Biopesticides International (0973-483X)
- Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition (0142-2782)
- Biophysica (2673-4125)
- Biophysical Reviews & Letters (1793-0480)
- Biophysics & Physicobiology (2189-4779)
- Biophysics (13492942) (1349-2942)
- Biopolymers (0006-3525)
- Biopolymers & Cell (0233-7657)
- Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering (1615-7591)
- BioProcessing Journal (1538-8786)
- BioPsychoSocial Medicine (1751-0759)
- Bio-Research (1596-7409)
- BioResources (1930-2126)
- Bioresources & Bioprocessing (2197-4365)
- BioRisk: Biodiversity & Ecosystem Risk Assessment (1313-2644)
- Bios (0005-3155)
- BIOS: Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen (0933-5315)
- Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education (2085-191X)
- Biosalud (1657-9550)
- Bioscene (1539-2422)
- BioScience (0006-3568)
- Bioscience Journal (1516-3725)
- Bioscience of Microbiota, Food & Health (2186-6953)
- Bioscience Reports (0144-8463)
- BioScience Trends (1881-7815)
- Bioscience, Biotechnology & Biochemistry (0916-8451)
- Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia (0973-1245)
- Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies (0974-9276)
- Biosensors (2079-6374) (2079-6374)
- BioSight (2710-0286)
- Biostatistics (1465-4644)
- Biosurface & Biotribology (2405-4518)
- Biota Colombiana (0124-5376)
- Biota Neotropica (1678-6424)
- Biota Neotropica (Edicao em Iingles) (1806-129X)
- Biota Neotropica (Edição em Iinglês) (1806-129X)
- BioTech (2673-6284)
- Biotechnologia (0860-7796)
- Biotechnologia Acta (2410-7751)
- Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry (0885-4513)
- Biotechnology & Bioengineering (0006-3592)
- Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering (1226-8372)
- Biotechnology Bulletin (1002-5464)
- Biotechnology for Biofuels (1754-6834)
- Biotechnology for Biofuels & Bioproducts (2731-3654)
- Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry (1450-9156)
- Biotechnology Journal (1860-6768)
- Biotechnology Letters (0141-5492)
- Biotechnology Progress (8756-7938)
- Biotechnology Research International (2090-3138)
- Biotecnología en el Sector Agropecuario y Agroindustrial (1692-3561)
- Biotropica (0006-3606)
- Bipolar Disorders (1398-5647)
- Biquarterly Journal of Economic Essays (1735-3300)
- Bird Conservation International (0959-2709)
- Bird Research (1880-1587)
- Birds (2673-6004) (2673-6004)
- Birth Defects Research (2472-1727)
- Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care (0730-7659)
- BISG Bulletin (0276-4806)
- Bistua: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas (0120-4211)
- Bitácora Urbano/Territorial (0124-7913)
- Bitacora: Revista de Arquitectura (1405-8901)
- Bitig Journal of Turkology Research (2757-8410)
- Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science & Technology (2146-7706)
- Bitnuaa Movement (0792-6391)
- Bitter Oleander (1087-8483)
- Biuletyn Historii Sztuki (0006-3967)
- Biuletyn Kryminologiczny (2084-5383)
- Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego (0032-3802)
- BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management & Informatics (2217-2769)
- BJGP Open (2398-3795)
- BJHS Themes (2058-850X)
- BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (1470-0328)
- BJPsych Advances (2056-4678)
- BJPsych Bulletin (2056-4694)
- BJPsych International (2056-4740)
- BJPsych Open (2056-4724)
- BJR Supplement (0961-2653)
- BJS Open (2474-9842)
- BJU International (1464-4096)
- Black Ball: A Journal of the Negro Leagues (1939-8484)
- Black Camera: The New Series (1536-3155)
- Black History Bulletin (1938-6656)
- Black Sea / Karadeniz (1308-6200)
- Blätter für Deutsche und Internationale Politik (0006-4416)
- BLDE University Journal of Health Sciences (2468-838X)
- Bleeding, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology (2785-5309)
- Blityri - Studi di Storia Delle Idee Sui Segni e le Lingue (2281-6682)
- Blockchains (2813-5288)
- Blood & Lymphatic Cancer: Targets & Therapy (1179-9889)
- Blood Cancer Journal (2044-5385)
- Blood Purification (0253-5068)
- Blood Transfusion (17232007) (1723-2007)
- Blue Mesa Review (1042-2951)
- Blumea (0006-5196)
- BMC Anesthesiology (1471-2253)
- BMC Biochemistry (1471-2091)
- BMC Bioinformatics (1471-2105)
- BMC Biology (1741-7007)
- BMC Biomedical Engineering (2524-4426)
- BMC Biophysics (2046-1682)
- BMC Biotechnology (1472-6750)
- BMC Blood Disorders (1471-2326)
- BMC Cancer (1471-2407)
- BMC Cardiovascular Disorders (1471-2261)
- BMC Cell Biology (1471-2121)
- BMC Chemical Biology (1472-6769)
- BMC Chemistry (2661-801X)
- BMC Clinical Pathology (1472-6890)
- BMC Clinical Pharmacology (1472-6904)
- BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine (1472-6882)
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