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Academic Journals - P
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- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Chemistry (1406-0124)
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Engineering (1406-0175)
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Geology (1406-0132)
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Physics, Mathematics (1406-0086)
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (1736-8901)
- Proceedings of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts (PEASA) (2791-5301)
- Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb / Zbornik Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Zagrebu (1333-8900)
- Proceedings of the Faculty of Economics in East Sarajevo / Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u Istočnom Sarajevu (1840-3557)
- Proceedings of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (1071-1813)
- Proceedings of the ICA (2570-2092)
- Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences (0253-4142)
- Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science (0073-6767)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part K -- Journal of Multi-body Dynamics (Sage Publications, Ltd.) (1464-4193)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part P -- Journal of Sports Engineering & Technology (1754-3371)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design & Applications (Sage Publications, Ltd.) (1464-4207)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Sage Publications, Ltd.) (1475-0902)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk & Reliability (1748-006X)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Sage Publications, Ltd.) (0954-4089)
- Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (1930-1022)
- Proceedings of the International Academy of Ecology & Environmental Sciences (2220-8860)
- Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (1743-9213)
- Proceedings of the International Geometry Center (2072-9812)
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series A: Mathematical Sciences (0386-2194)
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Physical & biological sciences (0386-2208)
- Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture: Landscape Architecture & Art (2255-8632)
- Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (0024-6115)
- Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences / Šinžlèh Uhaany Akademijn Mèdèè (2310-4716)
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Mechanics (0002-3051)
- Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (0029-6651)
- Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (0079-497X)
- Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science (1454-9069)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A: Mathematics (0308-2105)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland (0080-469X)
- Proceedings of the Singapore National Academy of Science (2591-7226)
- Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology (0897-0947)
- Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (0081-1564)
- Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science (0096-378X)
- Proceedings of the Western Society for French History (0099-0329)
- Proceedings of the YSU A: Physical & Mathematical Sciences (1829-1740)
- Proceedings of the YSU B: Chemical & Biological Sciences / Gitakan Teghekagir. K'imia, Kensabanut'yun (1829-1767)
- Proceedings on Engineering Sciences (2620-2832)
- Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (1135-5948)
- Procesos de Mercado (1697-6797)
- Procesos Urbanos (2500-5200) (2422-085X)
- Procesos: Revista Ecuatoriana de Historia (1390-0099)
- Process Safety Progress (1066-8527)
- Process Studies (0360-6503)
- Processes (2227-9717)
- Processo Penale e Giustizia (2039-4179)
- Prodravski zbornik (0350-3372)
- Producción Más Limpia (1909-0455)
- Production & Operations Management (1059-1478)
- Production / Produção (0103-6513)
- Productivity (0032-9924)
- Produktion und Energie (2194-2404)
- ProEnvironment Promediu (1844-6698)
- Profesi Pendidikan Dasar (2406-8012)
- Profesorado: Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado (1138-414X)
- Profession (0740-6959)
- Professional Art Education (2709-1791)
- Professional Constructor: The Journal of the American Institute of Constructors (0146-7557)
- Professional Counselor (2164-3989)
- Professional Educator (0196-786X)
- Professional Medical Journal (1024-8919)
- Professional Nursing Today (1607-6672)
- Professional Safety (0099-0027)
- Professional School Counseling (1096-2409)
- Professional Studies Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1548-0704)
- Professional Studies: Theory & Practice / Profesines Studijos: Teorija ir Praktika (1822-3648)
- Professionalization of Exercise Physiology (1099-5862)
- Professions & Professionalism (1893-1049)
- Profil súèasného výtvarného umenia / Contemporary Art Magazine (1335-9770)
- Pro-Fil: An Internet Journal of Philosophy (1212-9097)
- Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development (1657-0790)
- Proglas (0861-7902)
- Programmable Materials (2752-8073)
- Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) (2050-4322)
- Programming Historian (2397-2068)
- Programming Historian (French) (2631-9462) (2631-9462)
- Programming Historian (Portuguese) (2753-9296) (2753-9296)
- Programming Historian (Spanish) (2517-5769) (2517-5769)
- Progress in Color, Colorants & Coatings (2008-2134)
- Progress in Community Health Partnerships (1557-0541)
- Progress in Development Studies (1464-9934)
- Progress in Earth & Planetary Science (2197-4284)
- Progress in Earthquake Sciences (2096-7780)
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research (1070-4698)
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research B (1937-6472)
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research C (1937-8718)
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters (1937-6480)
- Progress in Electromagnetics Research M (1937-8726)
- Progress in Environmental Geography (2753-9687)
- Progress in Health Sciences (2083-1617)
- Progress in Human Geography (0309-1325)
- Progress in Modern Biomedicine (1673-6273)
- Progress in Orthodontics (2196-1042) (2196-1042)
- Progress in Photovoltaics (1062-7995)
- Progress in Physical Geography (0309-1333)
- Progress in Physics / Wulixue Jinzhan (1000-0542)
- Progress in Physics of Applied Materials (2783-4794)
- Progress in Physics of Metals / Uspehi Fiziki Metallov (1608-1021)
- Progress in Plant Protection (1427-4337)
- Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine (2432-1354)
- Progress in Rubber, Plastics & Recycling Technology (1477-7606)
- Progress in Transplantation (1526-9248)
- Progress of Theoretical & Experimental Physics: PTEP (2050-3911)
- Progress. Journal of Young Researchers (2543-8638)
- Progressive Agriculture (0972-6152)
- Progressive Librarian (1052-5726)
- Prohistoria (1514-0032)
- Prohuman (1338-1415)
- ProInflow (1804-2406)
- Project Management Journal (8756-9728)
- Projections: The Journal for Movies & Mind (1934-9688)
- Projekt-Management Aktuell (2941-0878)
- Projustice (1339-1038)
- Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy (1333-4395)
- Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista (1807-3042)
- Prometheus (Pluto Journals) (0810-9028)
- Prometheus: Rivista di Studi Classici (0391-2698)
- Promotion de la Santé et Prévention des Maladies Chroniques au Canada (2368-7398)
- Prooftexts (0272-9601)
- Propaganda in the World & Local Conflicts (2500-1078)
- Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics (0721-3115)
- Propiedad Inmaterial (1657-1959)
- Propulsion & Power Research (2097-3454)
- Prospectiva (0122-1213)
- Prospectiva (1692-8261) (1692-8261)
- Prospects (00331538) (0033-1538)
- Prosperitas (2064-759X)
- Prospero (13586785) (1358-6785)
- Prostate (0270-4137)
- Prostate Cancer (20903111) (2090-3111)
- Prosthesis (2673-1592) (2673-1592)
- Prostor (1330-0652)
- Protection of Cultural Heritage / Ochrona Dziedzictwa Kulturowego (2657-9278)
- Protection of Metals (0033-1732)
- Protein & Cell (1674-800X)
- Protein Engineering (0269-2139)
- Protein Journal (1572-3887)
- Protein Science: A Publication of the Protein Society (0961-8368)
- Proteins (0887-3585)
- Proteome Science (1477-5956)
- Proteomes (2227-7382)
- Proteomics (1615-9853)
- Proteomics - Clinical Applications (1862-8346)
- Proteomics Insights (1178-6418)
- Protestantismo em Revista (1678-6408)
- Proteus (0889-6348)
- Protoplasma (0033-183X)
- Protosociology: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (1434-4319)
- Provenance: The Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists (0739-4241)
- Provincia (1317-9535)
- Provincial China (1836-7038)
- Proyecciones (1850-6542)
- Proyecciones - Journal of Mathematics (0716-0917)
- Prudentia Iuris (0326-2774)
- Průzkumy Památek (1212-1487)
- Przeglad Badan Edukacyjnych (1895-4308)
- Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (0033-2097)
- Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (0033-2097)
- Przegląd Europejski (1641-2478)
- Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria (1230-1493)
- Przeglad Flebologiczny (1232-7174)
- Przegląd Hodowlany (0137-4214)
- Przeglad Humanistyczny (0033-2194)
- Przeglad Informacyjno-Dokumentacyjny (1234-1371)
- Przegląd Pedagogiczny (1897-6557)
- Przeglad Pediatryczny (0137-723X)
- Przeglad Prawa Rolnego (1897-7626)
- Przeglad Sejmowy (1230-5502)
- Przeglad Socjologiczny (0033-2356)
- Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej (1733-8069)
- Przeglad Tomistyczny (0860-0015)
- Przeglad Zachodni (0033-2437)
- Przegląd Zachodni (0033-2437)
- Przeklady Literatur Slowianskich (1899-9417)
- Przestrzenie Teorii (1644-6763)
- PSA (1042-4822)
- Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research (2164-8204)
- Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research (1089-4136)
- Psichiatria e Psicoterapia (1724-4919)
- PSICO (0103-5371)
- Psicoanalisi (1971-0364)
- PSICOANÁLISIS Revista de la Asociación Psicoanalítica Colombiana (0120-1093)
- PsicoArt (2038-6184)
- Psicoespacios (2145-2776)
- Psicogente (0124-0137)
- Psicología (02549247) (0254-9247)
- Psicología desde el Caribe (0123-417X)
- Psicologia Educativa (1135-755X)
- Psicologia em Estudo (1413-7372)
- Psicologia USP (0103-6564)
- Psicologia: Reflexão e Critica (0102-7972)
- Psicologia: Revista da Associacao Portuguesa Psicologia (0874-2049)
- Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa (0102-3772)
- Psicologia: Teoria e Prática (1516-3687)
- Psicooncologia (1696-7240)
- Psicopatologia Fenomenológica Contemporânea (2316-2449)
- Psicoperspectivas (0717-7798)
- Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale (1126-1072)
- Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (0394-2864)
- Psicothema (0214-9915)
- Psico-USF (1413-8271)
- Psihiatru.ro (1841-4877)
- Psihologija (0048-5705)
- Psihoterapija (0350-3186)
- Psikohumaniora: Journal of Psychological Research / Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi (2502-9363)
- Psique, Journal of Research Centre for Psychology of the Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa (2183-4792)
- PSL Quarterly Review (2037-3635)
- Psocial (2422-619X)
- Psoriasis Forum (1089-3504)
- Psoriasis: Targets & Therapy (2230-326X)
- PsyArt (1088-5870)
- Psycause (2562-4377)
- Psych (2624-8611)
- PsyCh Journal (2046-0252)
- Psyche: A Journal of Entomology (0033-2615)
- Psychiatria Danubina (0353-5053)
- Psychiatria Hungarica (0237-7896)
- Psychiatria Polska (0033-2674)
- Psychiatric Annals (0048-5713)
- Psychiatric Quarterly (0033-2720)
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal (1095-158X)
- Psychiatric Times (0893-2905)
- Psychiatrie et Violence (1702-501X)
- Psychiatrie Pro Praxi (1213-0508)
- Psychiatriki (1105-2333)
- Psychiatrische Pflege (2297-6965)
- Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences (1323-1316)
- Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences Reports (2769-2558)
- Psychiatry (1550-5952) (1550-5952)
- Psychiatry / Psychiatria (1732-9841)
- Psychiatry International (2673-5318)
- Psychiatry Nursing Journal / Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (2656-3894)
- Psychiatry Today / Psihijatrija Danas (0350-2538)
- PsychNology Journal (1720-7525)
- Psychoactives (2813-1851)
- Psychoanalysis & History (1460-8235)
- Psychoanalysis (1226-7503) (1226-7503)
- Psychoanalytic Practice (2709-6971)
- Psycho-Analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa (1023-0548)
- Psychoanalytic Review (0033-2836)
- Psychoanalytische Familientherapie (1616-8836)
- Psychodynamic Psychiatry (2162-2590)
- Psycho-Educational Research Reviews (2634-7172)
- Psychofenia: Ricerca ed Analisi Psicologica (1722-8093)
- Psychogeriatrics (1346-3500)
- Psychologia (1900-2386)
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