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Academic Journals - P
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- Pediatric & Developmental Pathology (1093-5266)
- Pediatric Allergy & Immunology (0905-6157)
- Pediatric Allergy, Immunology & Pulmonology (2151-321X)
- Pediatric Anesthesia (1155-5645)
- Pediatric Annals (0090-4481)
- Pediatric Blood & Cancer (1545-5009)
- Pediatric Cardiology (0172-0643)
- Pediatric Dentistry (0164-1263)
- Pediatric Dermatology (0736-8046)
- Pediatric Diabetes (1399-543X)
- Pediatric Drugs (1174-5878)
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine Reports (1082-3344)
- Pediatric Endocrinology / Endokrynologia Pediatryczna (1730-0282)
- Pediatric Exercise Science (0899-8493)
- Pediatric Health, Medicine & Therapeutics (1179-9927)
- Pediatric Investigation (2574-2272)
- Pediatric Nephrology (0931-041X)
- Pediatric Neurosurgery (1016-2291)
- Pediatric Nursing (0097-9805)
- Pediatric Obesity (2047-6302)
- Pediatric Oncall Journal (0973-0966)
- Pediatric Pulmonology (8755-6863)
- Pediatric Radiology (0301-0449)
- Pediatric Reports (2036-7503)
- Pediatric Respirology & Critical Care Medicine (2543-0343)
- Pediatric Rheumatology (1546-0096)
- Pediatric Surgery International (0179-0358)
- Pediatric Transplantation (1397-3142)
- Pediatrics International (1328-8067)
- Pediatrie pro Praxi (1213-0494)
- Pediatru.ro (1841-5164)
- Pedijatrija Danas: Pediatrics Today (1840-0914)
- Pediomaternal Nursing Journal (2355-1577)
- Peer Review (1541-1389)
- PeerJ (2167-8359)
- PeerJ Analytical Chemistry (2691-6630)
- PeerJ Computer Science (2376-5992)
- PeerJ Materials Science (2691-6657)
- PeerJ Organic Chemistry (2831-6223)
- PeerJ Physical Chemistry (2689-7733)
- Peer-to-Peer Networking & Applications (1936-6442)
- Pegada (1676-1871)
- Pegem Journal of Education & Instruction / Pegem Egitim ve Ögretim (2146-0655)
- Peitho (2169-0774)
- Peitho. Examina Antiqua (2082-7539)
- Peking University Education Review (1671-9468)
- Pelviperineology (1973-4905)
- Penal Issues (1155-4169)
- PENDETA: Journal of Malay Language, Education & Literature (1823-6812)
- Peninsula: A Journal of Relational Politics (1925-525X)
- Penn Bioethics Journal (2150-5462)
- Penn State Law Review (1545-7877)
- Pennsylvania Archaeologist (0031-4358)
- Pennsylvania Communication Annual (2326-8093)
- Pennsylvania Economic Review (1531-0949)
- Pennsylvania English (0741-9805)
- Pennsylvania Geographer (0553-5980)
- Pennsylvania Geology (0048-3214)
- Pennsylvania Literary Journal (2151-3066) (2151-3066)
- Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage (0148-4036)
- Pensamiento (0031-4749)
- Pensamiento Constitucional (1027-6769)
- Pensamiento Educativo (0717-1013)
- Pensamiento Jurídico (0122-1108)
- Pensamiento y Cultura (0123-0999)
- Pensamiento, Palabra y Obra (2011-804X)
- Pensar Enfermagem (0873-8904)
- Pensares em Revista (2317-2215)
- People & Nature (2575-8314)
- Pepperdine Policy Review (2158-2572)
- Peptide Science (2475-8817)
- Per Linguam (0259-2312)
- PER MUSI: Revista Academica de Musica (1517-7599)
- PERC Policy Series (1094-6551)
- Percées (2563-660X)
- Perception (0301-0066)
- Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs (1300-8641)
- Perceptual & Motor Skills (0031-5125)
- PerCursos (1984-7246)
- Peregrinations (1554-8678)
- Perekrestki (1822-5136)
- Perfect Beat (Macquarie University, Department of Contemporary Music Studies) (1038-2909)
- Perfil de Coyuntura Economica (1657-4214)
- Performance Improvement (1090-8811)
- Performance Improvement Quarterly (0898-5952)
- Performance Matters (2369-2537)
- Performing Arts Resources (0360-3814)
- Performing Ethos (1757-1979)
- Performing Islam (2043-1015)
- Perfusion (0267-6591)
- Perfusion (0935-0020) (0935-0020)
- Perinatal Journal (1305-3124)
- Perinatal Journal / Perinatoloji Dergisi (1300-5251)
- Perinola (1138-6363)
- Periodic Epidemiology Journal / Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (2301-7171)
- Periodica Polytechnica Architecture (0324-590X)
- Periodica Polytechnica: Chemical Engineering (0324-5853)
- Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering (0553-6626)
- Periodica Polytechnica: Mechanical Engineering (0324-6051)
- Periodica Polytechnica: Transportation Engineering (0303-7800)
- Periódico Tchê Química (1806-0374)
- Periodontal Practice Today (1742-3279)
- Periodontology 2000 (0906-6713)
- Perioperative Medicine (2047-0525)
- Perioperative Nursing (2241-0481)
- Peripatetikos (1198-8878)
- Peripherie (0173-184X)
- Periplo Sustentable (1870-9036)
- Peritoneal Dialysis International (0896-8608)
- Perl Review (1553-667X)
- Permanente Journal (1552-5767)
- Persian Gulf Crop Protection (2251-9343)
- Persian Journal of Acarology (2251-8169)
- Persian Language & Iranian Dialects (2476-6585)
- Persian Literary Studies Journal (2322-2557)
- Persona y Derecho (0211-4526)
- Personal & Ubiquitous Computing (1617-4909)
- Personal Relationships (1350-4126)
- Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin (0146-1672)
- Personality Neuroscience (2513-9886)
- Personality Science (2700-0710)
- Personalized Medicine in Oncology (2166-0166)
- Personnel Psychology (0031-5826)
- Persoonia (0031-5850)
- Perspectiva (0102-5473)
- Perspectiva Educacional (0716-0488)
- Perspectivas Metodologicas (1666-3055)
- Perspectives (0821-1507) (0821-1507)
- Perspectives (TESOL Arabia) (1813-1913)
- Perspectives Chinoises (1021-9013)
- Perspectives in Clinical Research (2229-3485)
- Perspectives in Education (0258-2236)
- Perspectives in Health Information Management (1559-4122)
- Perspectives In International Librarianship (2219-8962)
- Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry (1177-391X)
- Perspectives in Politics / Perspective Politice (1841-6098)
- Perspectives in Psychiatric Care (0031-5990)
- Perspectives in Public Affairs (1948-1764)
- Perspectives in Public Health (1757-9139)
- Perspectives of Higher Education Development / Oliy Ta'lim Taraqqiyoti Istiqbollari (2181-2462)
- Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (2381-473X)
- Perspectives on Audiology (1940-8587)
- Perspectives on Culture / Perspektywy Kultury (2081-1446)
- Perspectives on Medical Education (2212-2761)
- Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health (1538-6341)
- Perspectives on Telepractice (2162-2353)
- Perspectives on Terrorism (2334-3745)
- Perspectives on Urban Education (1946-7109)
- Perspectives Psychiatriques (0031-6032)
- Perspectives: Central European Review of International Affairs (1210-762X)
- Perspectives: The Journal of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association (0831-7445)
- Perspektive Mediation (1814-3695)
- Perspektiven der Philosophie: Neues Jahrbuch (0171-1288)
- Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (1465-6493)
- Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal (0821-0314)
- Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal Online (1559-7520)
- Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science (1511-3701)
- Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada (1519-0501)
- Pessoa Como Centro: Revista de Estudos Rogerianos (0874-0070)
- Pessoa Plural (2212-4179)
- Pest Management In Horticultural Ecosystems (0971-6831)
- Pest Management Science (1526-498X)
- Pesticide Research Journal (09706763) (0970-6763)
- Pesticides & Phytomedicine / Pesticidi i Fitomedicina (1820-3949)
- Pestology (Pest Control Research) (1880-3415)
- Petits Propos Culinaires (0142-7857)
- Petroleum (2405-6561)
- Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Economic Sciences Series (1224-6832)
- Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Educational Sciences Series (1841-6586)
- Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Mathematics - Informatics - Physics Series (1224-4899)
- Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Philology Series (1224-2020)
- Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series (1224-8495)
- Petroleum Business Review (PBR) (2645-4726)
- Petroleum Chemistry (0965-5441)
- Petroleum Drilling Techniques (1001-0890)
- Petroleum Geology & Experiment (1001-6112)
- Petroleum Geology & Recovery Efficiency (1009-9603)
- Petroleum Refinery Engineering (1002-106X)
- Petroleum Research (2096-2495)
- Petroleum Science (KeAi Communications Co.) (1672-5107)
- Petroleum Science (Springer Nature) (1672-5107)
- Petrology (0869-5911)
- Petrology (2228-5210) (2228-5210)
- Peuce Journal (0258-8102)
- Peyzaj (2687-2358)
- Pferdeheilkunde (0177-7726)
- Pflege (1012-5302)
- Pflege & Gesellschaft (1430-9653)
- Pflegewissenschaft (1662-3029)
- Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology (0031-6768)
- Phainomena (1318-3362)
- Phaos (1676-3076)
- Pharma + Food (1434-8942)
- Pharma Science Monitor (0976-9242)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal (0091-150X)
- Pharmaceutical Discovery (1554-2068)
- Pharmaceutical Letter (1575-3611)
- Pharmaceutical Medicine (1178-2595)
- Pharmaceutical Methods (2229-4708)
- Pharmaceutical Research (0724-8741)
- Pharmaceutical Sciences Asia (2586-8195)
- Pharmaceutical Statistics (1539-1604)
- Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacies (2365-2411)
- Pharmaceuticals (14248247) (1424-8247)
- Pharmaceutics (1999-4923)
- Pharmacia (0428-0296) (0428-0296)
- PharmacoEconomics (1170-7690)
- PharmacoEconomics - Open (2509-4254)
- Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety (1053-8569)
- Pharmacoepidemiology (2813-0618) (2813-0618)
- Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine (1178-7066)
- Pharmacogenomics Journal (1470-269X)
- Pharmacognosy Communications (2249-0159)
- Pharmacognosy Journal (0975-3575)
- Pharmacognosy Magazine (0973-1296)
- Pharmacognosy Research (0976-4836)
- Pharmacognosy Reviews (0973-7847)
- Pharmacology (0031-7012)
- Pharmacology Research & Perspectives (2052-1707)
- Pharmacophore (2229-5402)
- Pharmacotherapy (0277-0008)
- Pharmacy (2226-4787)
- Pharmacy Practice (1886-3655) (1885-642X)
- Pharmacy Research Review (1178-6175)
- PharmaGenomics (1541-4035)
- Pharmakeftiki (1105-4999)
- Pharmata (2980-1966)
- Pharmazeutische Industrie (Pharmind) (0031-711X)
- Pharmeuropa Bio & Scientific Notes (2075-2164)
- Pharos Journal of Theology (1018-9556)
- Phegea (0771-5277)
- Phi Kappa Phi Forum (1538-5914)
- Philinq: Philosophical Inquiries (2281-8618)
- Philip Roth Society Newsletter (1543-1347)
- Philip Roth Studies (1547-3929)
- Philippine Agricultural Scientist (0031-7454)
- Philippine Canonical Forum (0119-9617)
- Philippine Engineering Journal (0117-5564)
- Philippine Institute for Development Studies Research Papers (1908-3297)
- Philippine Journal of Counseling Psychology (1655-1702)
- Philippine Journal of Development (0115-9143)
- Philippine Journal of Nursing (0048-3818)
- Philippine Journal of Ophthalmology (0031-7659)
- Philippine Journal of Science (0031-7683)
- Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine (0031-7705)
- Philippine Management Review (1656-5363)
- Philippine Review of Economics (1655-1516)
- Philippine Scientist (0079-1466)
- Philippine Social Sciences Review (0031-7802)
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