EBSCOhost: Academic research articles available through your library
Academic Journals - T
TESL Reporter (0886-0661)
TESL-EJ (1072-4303)
TESOL Communications (2790-9441)
TESOL in Context (1030-8385)
TESOL Journal (1056-7941)
TESOL Quarterly (0039-8322)
TESOLANZ Journal (1172-9694)
Testo a Fronte (1128-238X)
Tetkik (2822-3322)
Tevilat: Journal of Islamic Sciences (2687-4849)
Texas Dental Journal (0040-4284)
Texas Heart Institute Journal (1526-6702)
Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal (1068-1000)
Texas International Law Journal (0163-7479)
Texas Journal of Business Law (1547-3619)
Texas Journal of Microscopy (1554-0820)
Texas Journal of Science (0040-4403)
Texas Law Review (0040-4411)
Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education (0898-8471)
Texas Public Health Journal (2574-5859)
Texas Review of Law & Politics (1098-4577)
Texas Speech Communication Journal (0363-8782)
Texas Tech Law Review (0564-6197)
Texas Water Journal (2160-5319)
Texas Wesleyan Law Review (1081-5449)
Text & Talk (1860-7330)
TEXT (1366476X) (1366-476X)
Text Matters (2083-2931)
Text und Kontext (0105-7014)
Textil v Muzeu (1804-1752)
Textile Museum Journal (0083-7407)
Textiles (2673-7248) (2673-7248)
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem (0104-0707)
Texto Livre / Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia (1983-3652)
Textual (0185-9439)
Textual Criticism of Persian Literature (2008-5486)
Textual Criticism of Persian Literature (2476-3268)
Textual Cultures: Text, Contexts, Interpretation (Indiana University Press) (1559-2936)
Textual Studies in Canada (1183-854X)
Textus (1824-3967)
Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature (0927-5754)
Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (0125-4685)
Thai Journal of Surgery (0125-6068)
Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine (0125-6491)
Thalassemia Reports (2039-4357)
Thalassia Salentina (0563-3745)
The Injector (2822-4272)
Theatralia (1803-845X)
Theatre Design & Technology (TD&T) (1052-6765)
Theatre History Studies (0733-2033)
Theatre Journal (0192-2882)
Theatre Notebook (0040-5523)
Theatre Studies: Journal of Japanese Society for Theatre Research (1348-2815)
Theatre Survey (0040-5574)
Theatre Symposium (1065-4917)
Theatre Topics (1054-8378)
Theatrical Colloquia (1584-4927)
Thélème (1139-9368)
Thema (1041-4851)
Thémata: Revista de Filosofía (0212-8365)
Themis Magazine (1584-9783)
Themis: Revista de Derecho (1810-9934)
Theologia Viatorum (0378-4142)
Theologica Xaveriana (0120-3649)
Theological Journal / Usuteaduslik Ajakiri (1406-6564)
Theological Librarianship (1937-8904)
Theological Review (0379-9557)
Theological Review / Bogoslovska Smotra (0352-3101)
Theological Studies (0040-5639)
Theologische Trends (1613-5261)
Theology & Life / Teologie și Viață (2285-5564)
Theology & Morality / Teologia I Moralmosc (1898-2964)
Theology Annual (1609-087X)
Theophany (2653-9527)
Theopoetics (2374-4103)
Theoretical & Applied Climatology (0177-798X)
Theoretical & Applied Economics (1841-8678)
Theoretical & Applied Genetics (0040-5752)
Theoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics (0935-4964)
Theoretical & Empirical Researches in Urban Management (2065-3913)
Theoretical & Experimental Chemistry (0040-5760)
Theoretical & Mathematical Physics (0040-5779)
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, & Modeling (1432-881X)
Theoretical Criminology (1362-4806)
Theoretical Ecology (1874-1738)
Theoretical Economics (1555-7561)
Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering (0040-5795)
Theoretical Inquiries in Law (1565-1509)
Theoretical Linguistics (0301-4428)
Theoretical Medicine & Bioethics (1386-7415)
Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal (2515-2289)
Theoria Journal for Philosophy / Theoria Casopis za Filozofiju (2303-5862)
Theoria: A Journal of Social & Political Theory (0040-5817)
Theoria: A Swedish Journal of Philosophy (0040-5825)
Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History & Foundations of Science (0495-4548)
Theoria: Casopis Srpskog Filozofskog Drustva (0351-2274)
Theory & Applications of Categories (1201-561X)
Theory & Applications of GIS / GIS-Riron to Oyo (1340-5381)
Theory & Decision (0040-5833)
Theory & Event (2572-6633)
Theory & Practice (0741-6156)
Theory & Practice in Language Studies (TPLS) (1799-2591)
Theory & Practice in Rural Education (2641-7170)
Theory & Practice of Logic Programming (1471-0684)
Theory & Practice of Second Language Acquisition (2450-5455)
Theory & Psychology (0959-3543)
Theory & Research in Education (1477-8785)
Theory & Society (0304-2421)
Theory in Action (1937-0229)
Theory in Biosciences (1431-7613)
Theory of Computing Systems (1432-4350)
Theory of Science / Teorie Vedy (1210-0250)
Theory, Methodology, Practice (1589-3413)
Theosophia Practica (2008-9309)
Theo-Web (1863-0502)
Theranostics (1838-7640)
Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease (1753-9447)
Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease (2040-6223)
Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety (2042-0986)
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology & Metabolism (2042-0188)
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology (1756-283X)
Therapeutic Advances in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2631-7745)
Therapeutic Advances in Hematology (2040-6207)
Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Disease (2049-9361)
Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology (1758-8340)
Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease (1759-720X)
Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders (1756-2856)
Therapeutic Advances in Ophthalmology (2515-8414)
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology (2045-1253)
Therapeutic Advances in Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine (2976-8675)
Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease (2633-0040)
Therapeutic Advances in Reproductive Health (2633-4941)
Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease (1753-4658)
Therapeutic Advances in Urology (1756-2872)
Therapeutic Advances in Vaccines & Immunotherapy (2515-1355)
Therapeutic Apheresis & Dialysis (1744-9979)
Therapeutic Patient Education / Education Therapeutique du Patient (2100-0808)
Therapeutic Patient Education / Éducation Thérapeutique du Patient (2100-0808)
Therapeutic Recreation Journal (0040-5914)
Therapeutics & Clinical Risk Management (1176-6336)
Therapeutische Umschau (0040-5930)
Thermal Science (0354-9836)
Thermo (2673-7264)
Thermology International (1560-604X)
Therya (2007-3364)
Thesis Eleven (0725-5136)
Thessaliko Hemerologio (1105-5138)
Thiasos (2280-4773)
Thiasos Monografie (2281-8774)
Think: Philosophy for Everyone (1477-1756)
Thinker (2075-2458) (2075-2458)
Third Sector Review (1323-9163)
Thomas Hardy Journal (0268-5418)
Thomas Jefferson Law Review (1090-5278)
Thomas Wolfe Review (0276-5683)
Thoracic Cancer (1759-7706)
Thoracic Research & Practice (2979-9139)
Thoreau Society Bulletin (0040-6406)
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy (2161-2234)
Thresholds in Education (0196-9641)
Thrita (2352-0612)
Thrombosis (2090-1488)
Thrombosis Journal (1477-9560)
Thunderbird International Business Review (1096-4762)
Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies (1931-9045)
Thyroid (1050-7256)
Thyroid Research (1756-6614)
Thyroid Research & Practice (0973-0354)
Tianjin Journal of Nursing (1006-9143)
Tianjin Medical Journal (0253-9896)
Tibet Journal (0970-5368)
Tibetan Review: The Monthly Magazine on all Aspects of Tibet (0040-6708)
Tidsskrift for Miljø, Klima og Energi (2794-7262)
Tidsskrift for Psykisk Helsearbeid (1503-6707)
Tidsskriftet FoU i praksis (1504-6893)
Tiempo de Paz (0212-8926)
Tiempo Histórico (0718-7432)
Tiempo y Clima (2340-6607)
Tiempo y Economía (2422-2704)
Tiempo y Escritura (2395-8553)
Tiempo y Espacio (0716-9671)
Tiempos Modernos (1699-7778)
Tierra Grande (1070-0234)
Tijdschrift Erfrecht (1874-1681)
Tijdschrift Modernisering Strafvordering (2589-5109)
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (0169-2216)
Tijdschrift voor Bijzonder Strafrecht & Handhaving (2295-6700)
Tijdschrift voor Civiele Rechtspleging (0929-8649)
Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap (1384-6930)
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie (0165-182X)
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic & Social Geography) (0040-747X)
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (1370-575X)
Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies (1388-3186)
Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (0040-7518)
Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht (0165-0874)
Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidszorg en Ethiek (1572-0179)
Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht (1568-654X)
Tijdschrift voor Historische Geografie (2468-2187)
Tijdschrift voor Human Factors (2405-7924)
Tijdschrift voor Jeugdrecht (2590-3500)
Tijdschrift voor Omgevingsrecht (1568-5012)
Tijdschrift voor Ontslagrecht (2542-5315)
Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid (1879-7784)
Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek (0168-2148)
Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing (1573-9775)
Tijdschrift voor Toezicht (1879-8705)
Tijdschrift voor Urologie (2211-3037)
Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid (1872-7948)
Tijdschrift voor Vergoeding Personenschade (1388-2066)
Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (1813-162X)
Tikrit Medical Journal (1813-1638)
Tilburg Law Review (2211-0046)
Timarit um menntarannsoknir / Journal of Educational Research (Iceland) (1670-5548)
Timberline Review (2639-9547)
Time-Based Architecture International (1754-4661)
Timisoara Physical Education & Rehabilitation Journal (2065-0574)
Timocki Medicinski Glasnik (0350-2899)
Tinkuy: Boletin de Investigacion y Debate (1913-0473)
Tinkuy: Boletín de Investigación y Debate (1913-0473)
Tintas: Quaderni di Letterature Lberiche e Lberoamericane (2240-5437)
TIP Revista Especializada en Ciencias Químico-Biológicas (1405-888X)
TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (0739-1110)
Tiroler Heimat (1013-8919)
TISK Academy / TISK Akademi (1306-6757)
Titivillus (2387-0915)
Tlalocan (0185-0989)
TLC Journal (2520-2073)
TMR Cancer - Cancer Advances (2815-7125)
TMR Integrative Medicine (2521-3415)
TMR Integrative Nursing (2522-6371)
TNOA Journal of Ophthalmic Science & Research (2589-4528)
TNTeF - Interdisciplinary eJournal of Gender Studies (2062-7084)
To Improve the Academy (2334-4822) (2334-4822)
Tobacco / Tutun (0494-3244)
Tobacco Induced Diseases (2070-7266)
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation (2459-3087)
Tobacco Science & Technology (1002-0861)
Tobacco Use Insights (1179-173X)
TOBIDER - Uluslararası Toplumsal Bilimler Dergisi (2587-2591)
Tocqueville Review -- La Revue Tocqueville (0730-479X)
Todas as Artes: revista luso-brasileira de artes e cultura (2184-3805)
Today's Children are Tomorrow's Parents (1582-1889)
Today's Speech (0040-8573)
Today's Veterinary Practice (2162-3872)
Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (0040-8727)
Tokai Journal of Experimental & Clinical Medicine (0385-0005)
Token: A Journal of English Linguistics (2299-5900)
Tokyo Occupational Therapy Research / Tokyo Sagyo Ryoho (2187-5383)
Toldo de Astier (1853-3124)
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