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Academic Journals - S
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- Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, & Prevention (SOTRAP) (2699-8440)
- Sexual Plant Reproduction (0934-0882)
- Sexual Science (1094-5717)
- Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad: Revista Latinoamericana (1984-6487)
- Sexuality & Culture (1095-5143)
- Sexuality & Disability (0146-1044)
- Sexuality, Gender & Policy Journal (2639-5355)
- Sexuologie (0944-7105)
- Seybold Report: Analyzing Publishing Technologies (1533-9211)
- Sha'anan: An Online Multidisciplinary Journal for Judaism, Education & Society (0793-7016)
- Shakespeare Bulletin (0748-2558)
- Shakespeare in Southern Africa (1011-582X)
- Shakespeare Jahrbuch (Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft) (1430-2527)
- Shakespeare Quarterly (0037-3222)
- Shakespeare Studies - Japan (0582-9402)
- Shandean (0956-3083)
- Shandong Medical Journal (1002-266X)
- Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine (1004-9231)
- Shanghai Journal of Stomatology (1006-7248)
- Shanlax International Journal of English (2320-2645)
- Shaqra University Journal (1658-6549)
- Share: Journal of Islamic Economics & Finance / Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam (2089-6239)
- Shaw: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies (0741-5842)
- Shemot (0969-2258) (0969-2258)
- Shenakht Journal of Psychology & Psychiatry (2588-6657)
- Shendi University Jouranl of Applied Science (1858-9022)
- Shield: Research Journal of Physical Education & Sports Science (1991-8410)
- Shikoku Acta Medica / Shikoku Igaku Zasshi (0037-3699)
- SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterologia (0300-5267)
- Shima (1834-6049)
- Shinshu Journal of Public Health (1882-2312)
- Shipin Kexue/ Food Science (1002-6630)
- Shippensburg Journal of Modern Languages (2374-5290)
- Shiraz E Medical Journal (1735-1391)
- Shirkah: Journal of Economics & Business (2503-4235)
- Shock & Vibration (1070-9622)
- Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies (0882-8539)
- Short Film Studies (2042-7824)
- Siauliai Mathematical Seminar (1822-511X)
- Siberian Mathematical Journal (0037-4466)
- Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies (1361-7362)
- Sic: A Journal of Literature, Culture & Literary Translation (1847-7755)
- Sichuan Mental Health (1007-3256)
- SICOT-J (2426-8887)
- SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (0097-966X)
- Sidney Journal (1480-0926)
- Sidra (0334-6986)
- Siedlce Komeniological Research Bulletin, Pedagogy Series / Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne, seria PEDAGOGIKA (2450-7245)
- SIES Journal of Management (0974-2956)
- Siglo Cero (0210-1696)
- Sigma Tau Delta Review (2471-318X)
- Sigma: Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences / Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi (1304-7191)
- Sigmae (2317-0840)
- Sign Language Studies (0302-1475)
- Sign Systems Studies (1406-4243)
- Signa (1133-3634)
- Signa Vitae (1334-5605)
- SIGNAL Journal (1535-1696)
- Signal Transduction & Targeted Therapy (2095-9907)
- Signal Transduction Insights (1178-6434)
- Signals (2624-6120)
- Signata (2032-9806)
- Signo (0101-1812)
- Signo y Pensamiento (0120-4823)
- Signos (2145-1389)
- Signos Históricos (1665-4420)
- Signótica (0103-7250)
- Signs: International Journal of Semiotics (1902-8822)
- Sigurnost (0350-6886)
- Siirt Journal of Education (2791-870X)
- Silence (1758-907X)
- Silicone Material (1009-4369)
- Silva Balcanica (1311-8706)
- Silva Gabreta (1211-7420)
- Silva Lusitana (0870-6352)
- SilvaWorld (2822-6127)
- Simbiosis (1548-3436)
- Similia: Journal of the Australian Homoeopathic Association (1440-7108)
- Simmel Studies (1616-2552)
- Simulacra (2622-6952)
- Simuliid Bulletin (2397-5067)
- Sinais de Cena (1646-0715)
- Sindh University Research Journal: Science Series (1813-1743)
- Sinergia Académica (2765-8252)
- Sinergie: Italian Journal of Management (0393-5108)
- Sinfonia Virtual (1886-9505)
- Singapore Economic Review (0217-5908)
- Singapore Journal of Legal Studies (0218-2173)
- Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management (2382-5626)
- Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (0129-7619)
- Singapore Labour Journal (2811-0315)
- Singapore Law Review (0080-9691)
- Singapore Medical Journal (0037-5675)
- Singapore Nursing Journal (0218-2475)
- Singapore Year Book of International Law (1793-0448)
- Singidunum Journal of Applied Sciences (2217-8090)
- Singidunum Scientific Review / Singidunum Revija (1820-8819)
- Sino-Christian Studies (1990-2670)
- Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal (1041-875X)
- Sintagma: Revista de Linguistica (0214-9141)
- Síntese: Revista de Filosofia (0103-4332)
- Sinusitis (2673-351X) (2673-351X)
- Sir Syed University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology (SSURJET) (1997-0641)
- Siriraj Medical Journal (0125-152X)
- SIRIUS - Zeitschrift fur Strategische Analysen (2510-263X)
- Sirnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty / Sirnak Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (2146-4901)
- SIS Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health (0971-6610)
- SituArte (1856-7134)
- Six Sigma Forum (1539-4069)
- Sixteenth Century Journal (0361-0160)
- Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi (2147-6934)
- Sjani (Thoughts) (1512-2514)
- SJWEH Supplements (1795-9926)
- SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics (1336-782X)
- SKASE Journal of Translation & Interpretation (1336-7811)
- SKEI - International Interdisciplinary Journal / Medunarodni Interdisciplinarni Casopis (2744-1067)
- Skeletal Muscle (2044-5040)
- Skeletal Radiology (0364-2348)
- Skhid (1728-9343)
- Skin Health & Disease (2690-442X)
- Skin Pharmacology & Physiology (1660-5527)
- Skin Research & Technology (0909-752X)
- SKY Journal of Linguistics (1456-8438)
- Skyline Business Journal (1998-3425)
- Slagmark (0108-8084)
- Släkthistoriska Studier (2004-3910)
- Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne (SSA) (0520-9250)
- Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne (0137-3447)
- Slavia - Journal for Slavonic Philology / Časopis pro Slovanskou Filologii (0037-6736)
- Slavia Meridionalis (1233-6173)
- Slavia Occidentalis Linguistica (0081-0002)
- Slavia Orientalis (0037-6744)
- Slavic & East European Journal (0037-6752)
- Slavica (0583-5336) (0583-5356)
- Slavica Revalensia (2346-5824)
- Slavica Slovaca (0037-6787)
- Slavica Wratislaviensia (0137-1150)
- Slavistica Vilnensis (2351-6895)
- Slavistična Revija (0350-6894)
- Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal (1339-8660)
- Slayage (1546-9212)
- SLD Experience (1367-2460)
- Sleep & Biological Rhythms (1446-9235)
- Sleep & Breathing (1520-9512)
- Sleep & Health / Sömn och Hälsa (2003-234X)
- Sleep Science & Practice (2398-2683)
- Slipstream (0749-0771)
- SLIS Student Research Journal (2160-7753)
- Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science & Sport (1991-0177)
- Slovak Ethnology / Slovenský Národopis (1335-1303)
- Slovak Geological Magazine (1335-096X)
- Slovak Journal for Educational Sciences / Pedagogika (1338-0982)
- Slovak Journal of Animal Science (1337-9984)
- Slovak Journal of Food Sciences (1338-9971)
- Slovak Journal of Food Sciences / Potravinarstvo (1338-0230)
- Slovak Journal of Sport Science (2453-7659)
- Slovak Theatre / Slovenské Divadlo (0037-699X)
- Slovene Linguistic Studies /Slovenski Jezik (1408-2616)
- Slovene Studies (0193-1075)
- Slovenian Law Review (1581-9531)
- Slovenian Veterinary Research / Slovenski Veterinarski Zbornik (1580-4003)
- Slovenska Archeologia (1335-0102)
- Slovenská Literatúra: Revue Pre Literárnu Vedu (0037-6973)
- Slovo (0183-6080)
- Slovo (05836255) (0583-6255)
- Slovo a Slovesnost (0037-7031)
- SMAD Revista Electronica Salud Mental, Alcohol y Drogas (1806-6976)
- SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics (2426-8399)
- Small (1613-6810)
- Small Animal Advances (SAA) (2821-2363)
- Small Business Economics (0921-898X)
- Small Business International Review (2531-0046)
- Small Business Quarterly Journal / Chusho Kigyo Kiho (0287-9476)
- Small Methods (2366-9608)
- Small Structures (2688-4062)
- Smart Agriculture (2096-8094)
- Smart Cities (2624-6511) (2624-6511)
- Smart Learning Environments (2196-7091)
- Smart Materials in Manufacturing (2772-8102)
- Smart Materials in Medicine (2590-1834)
- Smart Materials Research (2090-3561)
- Smart Medical Journal (SmedJour) (2621-1408)
- Smart Nanocomposites (1949-4823)
- Smart Rail Transit (2097-0366)
- Smart Society Empowerment Journal (SSEJ) (2775-5460)
- SMCC Higher Education Research Journal (2449-4402)
- Smile Dental Journal (2072-473X)
- Smithiana Bulletin (1684-4130)
- SMN Digest (2799-1342)
- SMU Annual Texas Survey (2833-1826)
- SMU Law Review (1066-1271)
- SMU Law Review Forum (2688-9730)
- SN Applied Sciences (2523-3963)
- Snow Leopard Reports (2004-3912)
- SOBRE Lab (2387-1733)
- Sociae Polites (1410-3745)
- Social & Education History / Historia Social y de la Educación (2014-3567)
- Social & Legal Studies (0964-6639)
- Social & Personality Psychology Compass (1751-9004)
- Social Alternatives (0155-0306)
- Social Analysis (0155-977X)
- Social Analysis (0911-6001) (0911-6001)
- Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal (0301-2212)
- Social Biology (0037-766X)
- Social Business (2044-4087)
- Social Capital Management (2423-6071)
- Social Change (0049-0857)
- Social Choice & Welfare (0176-1714)
- Social Cognition (0278-016X)
- Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience (1749-5016)
- Social Development (0961-205X)
- Social Development Issues (Follmer Group) (0147-1473)
- Social Development Issues (Social Development Issues) (0147-1473)
- Social Dissertations / Rozpraw Społecznych (2081-6081)
- Social Education / Socialinis Ugdymas (1392-9569)
- Social Education / Sociální Pedagogika (1805-8825)
- Social Educator (1328-3480)
- Social Entrepreneurship Review (2720-7277)
- Social Forces (0037-7732)
- Social Geography (1729-4274)
- Social Geography Discussions (1816-1499)
- Social History of Medicine (0951-631X)
- Social Inclusion (2183-2803) (2183-2803)
- Social Indicators Research (0303-8300)
- Social Inequalities & Economic Growth / Nierownosci Spoleczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy (1898-5084)
- Social Issues in Israel (2308-247X)
- Social Justice (1043-1578)
- Social Justice in Context (1558-8912)
- Social Justice Research (0885-7466)
- Social Media + Society (2056-3051)
- Social Medicine (1557-7112)
- Social Pedagogy / Pedagogika Społeczna (1642-672X)
- Social Perspectives / Drustveni Ogledi (2303-5706)
- Social Philosophy & Policy (0265-0525)
- Social Policy (0037-7783)
- Social Policy & Administration (0144-5596)
- Social Policy & Society (1474-7464)
- Social Policy Issues / Problemy Polityki Społecznej (1640-1808)
- Social Policy Journal of New Zealand (1172-4382)
- Social Policy Report (1075-7031)
- Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society (1072-4745)
- Social Problems (0037-7791)
- Social Process in Hawaii (0737-6871)
- Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology (0933-7954)
- Social Psychological Bulletin (2569-653X)
- Social Psychological Review (1369-7862)
- Social Psychology of Education (1381-2890)
- Social Psychology Quarterly (0190-2725)
- Social Research (0037-783X)
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