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Academic Journals - M
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- M&SOM: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1523-4614)
- M/C Journal (1441-2616)
- M@gm@ (1721-9809)
- M@n@gement (1286-4692)
- Ma'alim Quran Sunnah (1823-4356)
- Maandblad voor Ondernemingsrecht (2452-3135)
- Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht (1574-5767)
- Ma'arag: Israeli Journal of Psychoanalysis (2413-290X)
- Maarif Mektepleri: International Journal of Social & Humanistic Sciences (2619-9300)
- Mabsya: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Syariah (2714-5565)
- Macau Journal of Nursing (1681-1534)
- Macedonian Folklore / Makedonski Folklor (0542-2108)
- Macedonian Journal for Criminal Law & Criminology (1409-5327)
- Macedonian Journal of Animal Science (1857-6907)
- Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin / Makedonsko Farmacevtski Bilten (1409-8695)
- Macedonian Veterinary Review (1409-7621)
- Machine Graphics & Vision (1230-0535)
- Machine Learning (0885-6125)
- Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction (2504-4990)
- Machine Tool & Hydraulics (1001-3881)
- Machine Vision & Applications (0932-8092)
- Machinery & Energetics (2663-1334)
- Machines (2075-1702)
- Macquarie Law Journal (1445-386X)
- Macro Review (0915-0560)
- Macroeconomic Dynamics (1365-1005)
- Macromol (2673-6209)
- Macromolecular Bioscience (1616-5187)
- Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics (1022-1352)
- Macromolecular Materials & Engineering (1438-7492)
- Macromolecular Rapid Communications (1022-1336)
- Macromolecular Reaction Engineering (1862-832X)
- Macromolecular Symposia (1022-1360)
- Macromolecular Theory & Simulations (1022-1344)
- Made in China Journal (2652-6352)
- Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnología (0717-3644)
- Madras Agricultural Journal (0024-9602)
- Madrygal: Revista de Estudios Gallegos (1138-9664)
- Maedica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine (1841-9038)
- Maejo International Journal of Science & Technology (1905-7873)
- Maetagused (1406-992X)
- Mağallaẗ Al-Dirāsāt Al-Tārīẖiyyaẗ wa Al-Ḥaḍāriyyaẗ Al-Miṣriyyaẗ (2536-9180)
- Magazin Istoric (0541-881X)
- Magazine General Union of Arab Archaeologists (2536-9822)
- Magazine of Al-Kufa University for Biology (2073-8854)
- Magazine of Historical Studies & Archaeology (2075-3047)
- Magazine of the Colombian Association of Biological Sciences / Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas (ACCB) (0120-4173)
- Maghreb - Machrek (1762-3162)
- Magic, Ritual & Witchcraft (1556-8547)
- Magis: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación (2027-1174)
- Magister: Reflexe Primárního a Preprimáního Vzdelávání ve Výzkumu (1805-7152)
- Magister: Revista de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa (0212-6796)
- Magistra (1079-7572)
- Magistra Iadertina (1846-3606)
- MAGMA: Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology & Medicine (0968-5243)
- Magna Neurologica (2963-6027)
- Magnesium Research (0953-1424)
- Magnetic Resonance (2699-0016)
- Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (0749-1581)
- Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences (1347-3182)
- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (0740-3194)
- Magnetic Resonance Insights (1178-623X)
- Magnetic Resonance Letter (2097-0048)
- Magnetism (2673-8724) (2673-8724)
- Magnetochemistry (2312-7481)
- Magnetohydrodynamics (0024-998X) (0024-998X)
- Maguaré (0120-3045)
- Magyar Állatorvosok Lapja (0025-004X)
- Magyar Fogorvos (1216-2213)
- Magyar Könyvszemle (0025-0171)
- Magyar Nőorvosok Lapja (0025-021X)
- Magyar Pedagógia (0025-0260)
- Magyar Radiologia Online (0025-0287)
- Magyar Traumatológia, Ortopédia, Kézsebészet, Plasztikai Sebészet (1217-3231)
- MAI Journal (2230-6862) (2230-6862)
- MAI Review (1177-5904)
- Maia (0025-0538)
- Mailer Review (1936-4679)
- Main Group Metal Chemistry (0792-1241)
- Maine Law Review (0025-0651)
- Mainfränkisches Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Kunst (0076-2725)
- Mains'l Haul: A Journal of Pacific Maritime History (1540-3386)
- Maintenance, Reliability & Condition Monitoring (MARC) (2669-2961)
- Majalah Biomorfologi (0215-8833)
- Majalat Monazaat Al-Aamal (2508-9293)
- Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering (2345-377X)
- Majlesi Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2008-1421)
- Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices (2423-4117)
- Makalid (2253-0029)
- Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia (2355-749X)
- Makara Journal of Health Research (2356-3664)
- Makara Journal of Science (2356-0851)
- Makara Journal of Technology (2355-2786)
- Makedonski Jazik (0025-1089)
- Makedonski Pregled (0861-2277)
- Making Connections: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Diversity (1930-1987)
- Maktab: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Teknologi (2829-2901)
- Maktabat.Net (1110-7464)
- Maladies Chroniques et Blessures au Canada (1925-6531)
- Malaria Journal (1475-2875)
- Malawi Medical Journal (1995-7262)
- Malay (0115-6195)
- Malayan Nature Journal (0025-1291)
- Malaysia Journal Syariah & Law (1985-7454)
- Malaysian Accounting Review (1675-4077)
- Malaysian Applied Biology (0126-8643)
- Malaysian Business Management Journal (MBMJ) (2821-2983)
- Malaysian Dental Journal (0126-8023)
- Malaysian Family Physician (1985-207X)
- Malaysian Journal of Animal Science (1394-3227)
- Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (0127-9084)
- Malaysian Journal of Consumer & Family Economics (1511-2802)
- Malaysian Journal of Distance Education (1511-6433)
- Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (1511-4554)
- Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (1511-8002)
- Malaysian Journal of Halal Research (2616-1923)
- Malaysian Journal of Health Sciences / Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia (1675-8161)
- Malaysian Journal of Human Resources Management (MJHRM) (3036-0161)
- Malaysian Journal of Law & Society (1394-7729)
- Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science (1394-6234)
- Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1823-8343)
- Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences (1394-195X)
- Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (1675-8544)
- Malaysian Journal of Microbiology (1823-8262)
- Malaysian Journal of Music (2600-9366)
- Malaysian Journal of Nursing (MJN) (2231-7007)
- Malaysian Journal of Nutrition (1394-035X)
- Malaysian Journal of Pathology (0126-8635)
- Malaysian Journal of Phamaceutical Sciences (1675-7319)
- Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research (1823-8521)
- Malaysian Journal of Science (1394-3065)
- Malaysian Journal of Soil Science (1394-7990)
- Malaysian Management Journal (0128-6226)
- Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science (2289-3024)
- Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology (2289-2990)
- Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal (1985-2533)
- Mali Médical (0464-7874)
- Maliki Islamic Economics Journal (M-IEC Journal) (2798-0383)
- Maliye Dergisi (1300-3623)
- Mallorn (0308-6674)
- Malta Journal of Education (2708-7514)
- Malta Medical Journal (1813-3339)
- MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences (2394-7438)
- Mamluk Studies Review (1086-170X)
- Mammal Review (0305-1838)
- Mammalia: International Journal of the Systematics, Biology & Ecology of Mammals (0025-1461)
- Mammalian Genome (0938-8990)
- Mammalian Species (0076-3519)
- Man, Building & Urban Planning (2336-7687)
- Management & Accounting Review (2600-7975)
- Management & Economics Review (2501-885X)
- Management & Labour Studies (0258-042X) (0258-042X)
- Management & Marketing (1842-0206)
- Management & Marketing Journal (1841-2416)
- Management & Organization Review (1740-8776)
- Management & Production Engineering Review (MPER) (2080-8208)
- Management & Quality / Zarządzanie i Jakość (2658-2104)
- Management (1429-9321) (1429-9321)
- Management (1820-0222) (1820-0222)
- Management (18544223) (1854-4223)
- Management / Vadyba (16487974) (1648-7974)
- Management Accounting Frontiers (2209-038X)
- Management Accounting Quarterly (1528-5359)
- Management Communication Quarterly (0893-3189)
- Management Dynamics (0972-5067)
- Management Dynamics / Bestuursdinamika (1019-567X)
- Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy (2286-2668)
- Management in Education (Education Publishing Worldwide Ltd) (0892-0206)
- Management in Education (Sage Publications, Ltd.) (0892-0206)
- Management Intercultural (1454-9980)
- Management international / International Management / Gestiòn Internacional (1206-1697)
- Management International Review (MIR) (0938-8249)
- Management Learning (1350-5076)
- Management of Biological Invasions (1989-8649)
- Management of Organizations: Systematic Research (1392-1142)
- Management of Sustainable Development (2066-9380)
- Management Research & Practice (2067-2462)
- Management Researches in Iran (2322-200X)
- Management Review (0025-1895)
- Management Revue (0935-9915)
- Management Science (0025-1909)
- Management Sciences / Nauki o Zarzadzaniu (2080-6000)
- Management System Engineering (2731-5843)
- Management Systems in Production Engineering (2299-0461)
- Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues (1331-0194)
- Management: Journal of Sustainable Business & Management Solutions in Emerging Economies (1820-0222)
- Manager (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Business & Administration) (1453-0503)
- Managerial & Decision Economics (0143-6570)
- Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society (2069-4229)
- Managerial Economics (1898-1143) (1898-1143)
- Managerial Studies Journal (9861-2076)
- Managing Global Transitions: International Research Journal (1581-6311)
- Manajemen IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah (2085-8418)
- Manar Alsharq Journal for Education & Instructional Technology (2790-6698)
- Manar Elsharq Journal for Management & Commerce Studies (2959-0655)
- Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary & Life Sciences (1694-7932)
- Manas Journal of Engineering (1694-7398)
- Manas Journal of Social Studies (1694-7215)
- Manazir (2673-4354)
- Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (1742-3945)
- Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice (1742-3945)
- Manchester School (1463-6786) (1463-6786)
- Mande Studies (1536-5506)
- Mandorla (1550-7432)
- Manipal Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences (2395-1397)
- Manipal Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2455-3735)
- Manitoba History (0226-5044)
- Manitoba Law Journal (0076-3861)
- Man-Made Textiles in India (0377-7537)
- Mannheimer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft (0175-3169)
- MĀNOA: A Pacific Journal of International Writing (1045-7909)
- Manpower Journal (0542-5808)
- Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal (1110-7219)
- MANU: Jurnal Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa (PPIB) (1511-1989)
- Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal (2236-5435)
- Manufacturing Engineer (0956-9944)
- Manufacturing Review (2265-4224)
- Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (2381-5329)
- Manuscripta Mathematica (0025-2611)
- Manuscrito (0100-6045)
- Manzar: The Iranian Scientific Journal of Landscape (2008-7446)
- Maori Health Research Review (1178-6191)
- MAP Social Sciences (2744-2454)
- Map, Journal of the Japan Cartographers Association (0009-4897)
- Mapana Journal of Sciences (0975-3303)
- Maple Transactions (2564-3029)
- Maple Tree Literary Supplement, MTLS (1916-341X)
- Mapping (1131-9100) (1131-9100)
- Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui (1571-5647)
- Mare Nostrum (2177-4218)
- Margalla Papers (1999-2297)
- Margaret Atwood Studies (1081-9622)
- Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research (0973-8010)
- Marginalien (0025-2948)
- Margini: Giornale della Dedica e Altro (1662-5579)
- Marifetname (2757-752X)
- Marine & Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management & Ecosystem Science (1942-5120)
- Marine & Life Sciences (2687-5802)
- Marine Biodiversity Records (1755-2672)
- Marine Biology (0025-3162)
- Marine Biotechnology (1436-2228)
- Marine Corps History (2381-375X)
- Marine Drugs (1660-3397)
- Marine Ecology (0173-9565)
- Marine Environment & Health Series (1649-0053)
- Marine Fisheries / Haiyang Yuye (1004-2490)
- Marine Fisheries Review (0090-1830)
- Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Perikanan Laut (2087-4235)
- Marine Geophysical Research (0025-3235)
- Marine Mammal Science (0824-0469)
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