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Academic Journals - K
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- k@ta (1411-2639)
- KADEM Journal of Women's Studies (2149-4878)
- KADER (2602-2710)
- KADER: Kelam Araptyrmalary Dergisi (1309-2030)
- Kadim (2757-9395)
- Kadin/Woman 2000 (1302-9916)
- Kadmos (0022-7498)
- Kadmos (1987-8788) (1987-8788)
- Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi (1300-6045)
- Kafkas University, Faculty of Divinity Review (2148-8177)
- Kafr El-Sheikh Veterinary Medical Journal (1687-1456)
- Kaimo Raidos Kryptys Ziniu Visuomeneje (2029-8846)
- Kairaranga (1175-9232)
- KAIROS - Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy (1854-9373)
- Kairos: Evandeoski Teoloski Casopis (1846-4580)
- Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology (1846-4599)
- Kaitiaki Nursing New Zealand (1173-2032)
- Kaitiaki Nursing Research (1179-772X)
- Kaj: Časopis Za Književnost, Umjetnost, Kulturu (0453-1116)
- Kajian Malaysia: Journal of Malaysian Studies (0127-4082)
- Kakovostna Starost (1408-869X)
- Kaleidoscope: A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research (1552-700X)
- Kalemname (2651-3595)
- Kalfou (2151-4712)
- Kalkas: Rivista sulla Preistoria, Storia, Archeologia, Numismatica, Storia dell'Arte, Scienze del Paesaggio e Storia Agraria e Forestale del Gargano (2612-4637)
- Káñina. Revista de Artes y Letras de la Universidad de Costa Rica (0378-0473)
- Kansas History (0149-9114)
- Kansas Law Review (0083-4025)
- Kansas Quarterly (0022-8745)
- Kant Yearbook (1868-4599)
- Kantian Review (1369-4154)
- Kant-Studien (0022-8877)
- Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences (1607-551X)
- Karaelmas Science & Engineering Journal / Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi (2146-4987)
- Karbala Heritage: Quarterly Authorized Journal Specialized In Karbala Heritage (2312-5489)
- Karbala Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (7027-2221)
- Karbala Magazine of Physical Edu. Seiences (2304-1471)
- Kardio List (1846-0836)
- Kare International Journal of Comparative Literature (2536-4596)
- Karlsruhe Series on Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems (1867-3813)
- Karlsruher Schriften zur Bau-, Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft (1863-8694)
- Kartika Review (2161-5713)
- Karya Journal of Health Science (2717-9540)
- Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies (0116-0923)
- KASBIT Business Journal (1994-1609)
- Kashmir Journal of Language Research (1028-6640)
- Kasr Al Ainy Medical Journal (1687-4625)
- Katherine Mansfield Studies (2041-4501)
- Kathmandu University Medical Journal (1812-2027)
- Kaunas History Chronicle (1822-2617)
- Kawasaki Medical Journal (0386-5924)
- KB Journal (1930-0026)
- KCA Journal of Business Management (2071-2162)
- KEDI Journal of Educational Policy (1739-4341)
- Keio Communication Review (0388-7596)
- Keio Journal of Medicine (0022-9717)
- Keizai Ronsō (0013-0273)
- KEMANUSIAAN: The Asian Journal of Humanities (1394-9330)
- Kemija u Industriji (0022-9830)
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (1054-6863)
- Kentucky English Bulletin (0023-0197)
- Kentucky Journal of Communication (1533-3140)
- Kentucky Libraries (0732-5452)
- Kentucky Nurse (0742-8367)
- Kentucky SHAPE JOURNAL (1071-2577)
- Kenyon Review (0163-075X)
- Kepes (1794-7111)
- Kerala Journal of Ophthalmology (0976-6677)
- Kerala Journal of Orthopaedics (2249-233X)
- Kerbala Jorunal of Medicine (1990-5483)
- Kerem (1068-6975)
- Keria (1580-0261)
- Kerk en Theologie (0165-2346)
- Kermes (1122-3197)
- Kervan: International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies (1825-263X)
- Kesmas: National Public Health Journal (1907-7505)
- Keunis (2302-9315)
- Key Words (1064-1211)
- Key Words (1369-9725) (1369-9725)
- Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika (2621-038X)
- Khyber Medical University Journal (2305-2643)
- Kidney Cancer (2468-4562) (2468-4562)
- Kidney Diseases (2296-9381)
- Kidney International (0085-2538)
- Kidney International Supplement (0098-6577)
- Kidney International Supplements (2157-1724)
- KidSpirit Magazine (1941-5222)
- Kieferorthopädie: die Zeitschrift für die Praxis (0945-7917)
- Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook (1430-5372)
- Kinematics & Physics of Celestial Bodies (0884-5913)
- Kinesiologia Slovenica (1318-2269)
- Kinesiology (1331-1441)
- Kinesiology Review (2163-0453)
- Kinesis: Graduate Journal in Philosophy (0023-1568)
- Kinetic & Related Models (1937-5093)
- King Khalid University Journal of Educational Sciences (1658-6654)
- King Khalid University Journal of Health Sciences (2772-4832)
- King Khalid University Journal of Health Sciences (1658-743X)
- Kioo Cha Lugha (0856-552X)
- Kipus: Revista Andina de Letras y Estudios Culturales (1390-0102)
- Kirkuk Journal of Science (3005-4788)
- Kirkuk University Journal for Scientific Studies (1992-0849)
- Kiswahili (0023-1886)
- Kitaibelia (1219-9672)
- KIU Journal of Humanities (2415-0843)
- KIU Journal of Social Sciences (2413-9580)
- Kliatt (1065-8602)
- Klimik Journal / Klimik Dergisi (1301-143X)
- Klinická Biochemie a Metabolismus (1210-7921)
- Klinická Farmakologie a Farmacie (1212-7973)
- Klinická Mikrobiologie a Infekční Lékařství (1211-264X)
- Klinik Psikiyatri Dergisi (1302-0099)
- Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni (1017-7833)
- Klinisk Sygepleje (0902-2767)
- KnE Life Sciences (2413-0877)
- KnE Materials Science (2519-1438)
- KnE Medicine (2519-125X)
- KnE Social Sciences (2518-668X)
- Knee Surgery & Related Research (2234-0726)
- Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (0942-2056)
- Knihovna (1801-3252)
- Knihovna PLUS (1801-5948)
- Knjiženstvo (2217-7809)
- Književna Istorija (0350-6428)
- KNOB Bulletin (0166-0470)
- Knowledge (2673-9585)
- Knowledge Engineering Review (0269-8889)
- Knowledge Horizons / Orizonturi ale Cunoasterii (2069-0932)
- Knowledge in Society (0897-1986)
- Knowledge Organization (0943-7444)
- Knowledge: International Journal (2545-4439)
- Knygotyra (0204-2061)
- Kobe College Studies / Kobe Jogakuin Daigaku Kenkyujo Yakuin (0389-1658)
- Kobieta i Biznes (1230-9427)
- Kocatepe Veterinary Journal / Kocatepe Veteriner Dergisi (1308-1594)
- Kodo Keiryogaku (0385-5481)
- Koers: Bulletin for Christian Scholarship (0023-270X)
- KoG (1331-1611)
- Koinonia (1047-1057)
- Kokugakuin University Economics Review / Kokugakuin Keizaigaku (0288-6340)
- Kokusai Keizai (0387-3943)
- Kola (0835-2445)
- KOME, An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry (2063-7330)
- Kommunikation@gesellschaft (1616-2617)
- Kompass Autoimmun (2624-8468)
- Kompass Dermatologie (2296-5424)
- Kompass Onkologie (2296-5416)
- Kompass Ophthalmologie (2297-0118)
- Kompass Pneumologie (2296-0368)
- Komunika: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi (1978-1261)
- Komunikaty Mazursko-Warminskie (0023-3196)
- Konin Language Studies / Koninskie Studia Jezykowe (2353-1983)
- Konopi (2571-1555)
- KONTAKT - Journal of Nursing & Social Sciences related to Health & Illness (1212-4117)
- Kontesksty: Polska Sztuka ludowa (1230-6142)
- Konturen (1947-3796)
- Konuralp Medical Journal / Konuralp Tip Dergisi (1309-3878)
- Konya Art Journal / Konya Sanat Dergisi (2667-789X)
- Koomesh: Journal of Semnan University of Medical Sciences (1608-7046)
- Korea Journal (0023-3900)
- Korea Observer (0023-3919)
- Korean Journal of Adult Nursing (1225-4886)
- Korean Journal of Andrology (1229-1692)
- Korean Journal of Anesthesiology (2005-6419)
- Korean Journal of Audiology (2092-9862)
- Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry (1225-8709)
- Korean Journal of Breeding Science (0250-3360)
- Korean Journal of Child Studies (1226-1688)
- Korean Journal of Cognitive Science (1226-4067)
- Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine (1229-4802)
- Korean Journal of Critical Care Medicine (2383-4870) (2383-4870)
- Korean Journal of Defense Analysis (1016-3271)
- Korean Journal of Gastroenterology (1598-9992)
- Korean Journal of Hepatology (1738-222X)
- Korean Journal of Labor Economics (1229-6651)
- Korean Journal of Medical Education (2005-727X)
- Korean Journal of Medical History (1225-505X)
- Korean Journal of Obesity (1226-4407)
- Korean Journal of Obesity (2383-899X) (2383-899X)
- Korean Journal of Orthodontics (2234-7518)
- Korean Journal of Orthodontics / Daehan ci'gwa gyojeong haghoeji (1225-5610)
- Korean Journal of Pain (2005-9159)
- Korean Journal of Parasitology (0023-4001)
- Korean Journal of Pathology (1738-1843)
- Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology (1226-4512)
- Korean Journal of Radiology (1229-6929)
- Korean Journal of Spine (1738-2262)
- Korean Journal of Urology (2005-6737)
- Korean Journal of Veterinary Research (2466-1384)
- Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing (1225-9543)
- Korean Linguistics (0257-3784)
- Korean Studies (0145-840X)
- Korunk (1222-8338)
- KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science (2958-8332)
- Kosmetische Medizin + Ästhetische Chirurgie (1430-4031)
- Kosmos (0023-4249)
- Kosmos Journal (1556-0422)
- Közép-Európai Közlemények (1789-6339)
- KPI Science News (2617-5509)
- Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics (1450-9628)
- Kragujevac Journal of Science (1450-9636)
- Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny (1233-2135)
- Krakowskie Pismo Kresowe (2081-9463)
- Kranion (1577-8843)
- Kriminologijos Studijos (2351-6097)
- Kriminologisches Journal (0341-1966)
- Krisi: Biannual Scientific Review (2585-2124)
- Krisis (0168-275X)
- Kriterion (1019-8288)
- Kriterion: Revista de Filosofía (0100-512X)
- Kritika Kultura (2094-6937)
- Kritika: Explorations in Russian & Eurasian History (1531-023X)
- KRITIKE: An Online Journal of Philosophy (1908-7330)
- Kritikon Litterarum (0340-9767)
- Kritikos (1552-5112)
- Kritische Justiz (0023-4834)
- KritV, CritQ, RCrit. Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft / Critical Quarterly for Legislation & Law / Revue critique trimestrielle de jurisprudence et de législation (2193-7869)
- Krmiva (0023-4850)
- Kroatologija (1847-8050)
- Kronika (0023-4923)
- Kronos: Southern African Histories (0259-0190)
- Krytyka (1563-6461)
- KSI Transactions on Knowledge Society (1313-4787)
- KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems (1976-7277)
- Kufa Journal for Agricultural Science (2072-7798)
- Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences (2223-4055)
- Kufa Journal for Veterinary Medical Sciences (2077-9798)
- Kufa Journal of Engineering (2071-5528)
- Kufa Journal of the Science of Physical Education (2415-4601)
- Kufa Medical Journal (1993-517X)
- Kufa Studies Center Journal (1993-7016)
- KUL Journal of Legal Studies / Studia Prawnicze KUL (1897-7146)
- Kultivasi (1412-4718)
- Kultura i Wychowanie (2544-9427)
- Kultura Slowian (2451-4985)
- Kulturstudier (1904-5352)
- Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift (KWZ) (2751-3106)
- Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift (0023-5369)
- Kurdiname (2687-5438)
- Kurdish Life (1061-8457)
- Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research (KJAR) (2411-7684)
- Kurswechsel (1016-8419)
- KUST Medical Journal (2072-7763)
- Kutadgubilig: Felsefe Bilim Araştırmaları (1303-3387)
- Kuwait Journal of Science (2307-4108)
- Kvartal: Chronicle of Croatian Art History (1334-8671)
- Kwalon (1385-1535)
- Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki (0023-589X)
- Kwartalnik Historyczny (0023-5903)
- Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny (0023-5911)
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