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Academic Journals - J
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- Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial (1676-2444)
- Jornal de Pediatria (0021-7557)
- Jornal of Al-Muthanna for Agricultural Sciences (2226-4086)
- Jornal of Biotechnology Research Center (1815-1140)
- Jornal Vascular Brasileiro (1677-5449)
- JOSAH: Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities (2653-0848)
- JoSch: Journal für Schreibwissenschaft (2701-066X)
- JOSPT Cases (2767-293X)
- Jounal of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences (2820-5480)
- Journal - International Chinese Snuff Bottle Society (0734-5534)
- Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (0035-9173)
- Journal 18 (2470-5683)
- Journal Agronida / Jurnal Agronida (2407-9111)
- Journal Applied Computing / Revista de Cómputo Aplicado (2531-2952)
- Journal Baltic Surveying (2255-999X)
- Journal Business Directions / Journal Biznes Posoki (1312-6016)
- Journal Computer Technology (2531-2197)
- Journal Dawat (2411-5711)
- Journal de Ciencia e Ingeniería (2145-2628)
- Journal de la Rechange et de la Reparation (2107-0067)
- Journal de Pharmacie Clinique (0291-1981)
- Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (1610-0379)
- Journal der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte (1863-9984)
- Journal Educational Theory / Revista de Teoría Educativa (2523-2509)
- Journal Edunity (2963-3648)
- Journal EJENS - European Journal of Engineering & Natural Sciences (2458-8156)
- Journal EJSDR- European Journal of Sustainable Development & Research (2458-8091)
- Journal Emerging Technologies in Education (3025-0668)
- Journal Encyclopedia of Economic Law (2322-4177)
- Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés (1269-6935)
- Journal for Academic Study of Magic (1479-0750)
- Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education (2326-3296)
- Journal for African Literary & Cultural Studies (0932-9714)
- Journal for Art Market Studies (2511-7602)
- Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics / Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts und Unternehmensethik (1439-880X)
- Journal for Christian Scholarship / Tydskrif vir Christelike wetenskap (1013-1116)
- Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) (2051-0969)
- Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies (1531-0485)
- Journal for East European Management Studies (0949-6181)
- Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies (1754-0194)
- Journal for Ethics in Social Studies (2559-7612)
- Journal for Foreign Languages (1855-8453)
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science (0925-4560)
- Journal for Geography / Revija za Geografijo (1854-665X)
- Journal for Global Business Education (1551-6784)
- Journal for Human Rights / Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte (1864-6492)
- Journal for Interdisciplinary Middle Eastern Studies (2522-347X)
- Journal for Judea & Samaria Research Studies (JSRS) (0792-8416)
- Journal for Juvenile Justice Services (1932-5789)
- Journal for Labour Market Research (1614-3485)
- Journal for Language Teaching / Ijenali Yekufundzisa Lulwimi / Tydskrif vir Taalonderrig (0259-9570)
- Journal for Languages & Literatures of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad / Zbornik za Jezike i Knjizevnosti Filozofskog Fakulteta u Novom Sadu (2217-7221)
- Journal for Late Antique Religion & Culture (1754-517X)
- Journal for Leadership & Instruction (2475-6032)
- Journal for Person-Oriented Research (2002-0244)
- Journal for Protection of Monuments / Varstvo Spomenikov (0350-9494)
- Journal for Religion in Education / Religionspädagogische Beiträge (0173-0339)
- Journal for Semitics (1013-8471)
- Journal for Social Media Inquiry (2559-7639)
- Journal for Sociology of Education & Socialization / Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung & Sozialisation (1436-1957)
- Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing (1539-0136)
- Journal for Sustainable Development Law & Policy (2467-8406)
- Journal for Technology in Theory & Practice / Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis (TATuP) (2568-020X)
- Journal for the Academic Study of Religion (2047-704X)
- Journal for the Anthropological Study of Human Movement (0891-7124)
- Journal for the Anthropology of North America (1539-2546)
- Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion (2049-7555)
- Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists (2149-360X)
- Journal for the Education of the Gifted (0162-3532)
- Journal for the Evangelical Study of the Old Testament (2169-2882)
- Journal for the History of Astronomy (0021-8286)
- Journal for the History of Knowledge (2632-282X)
- Journal for the History of Modern Theology / Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte (0943-7592)
- Journal for the History of Science (1735-0573)
- Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art & Education (JIAE) (2717-8870)
- Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour (2575-6605)
- Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (0021-8294)
- Journal for the Society of North Carolina Archivists (1945-8533)
- Journal for the Study of Radicalism (1930-1189)
- Journal for the Study of Religion (1011-7601)
- Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature & Culture (1749-4907)
- Journal for the Study of Religions & Ideologies (1583-0039)
- Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha (0951-8207)
- Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (0021-8308)
- Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa (1817-4434)
- Journal fuer Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (1661-5751)
- Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (0075-4102)
- Journal für Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht (JMG) (2415-6868)
- Journal für Psychologie (0942-2285)
- Journal für Schulentwicklung (1029-2624)
- Journal Hawalah (2963-3435)
- Journal Health NPEPS (2526-1010)
- Journal High School (2523-0336)
- Journal History of Latin American Education / Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana (0122-7238)
- Journal Inspector General (2078-8789)
- Journal Jurisprudence (1836-0955)
- Journal Markcount Finance (2987-0925)
- Journal Neosantara Hybrid Learning (2987-2316)
- Journal Nordic Museology / Nordisk Museologi (1103-8152)
- Journal of Abant Social Sciences / Abant Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (2757-9425)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (0091-0627)
- Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (1481-9112)
- Journal of Aboriginal Health (1710-0712)
- Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education (1936-3478)
- Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine / Akademik Acil Tip Olgu Sunumlari Dergisi (1305-760X)
- Journal of Academic Emergency Medicine Case Reports / Akademik Acil Tip Olgu Sunumlari Dergisi (1309-534X)
- Journal of Academic Ethics (1570-1727)
- Journal of Academic Finance (1923-2993)
- Journal of Academic Inquiries / Akademik Incelemeler Dergisi (1306-7885)
- Journal of Academic Libraries (1002-1027)
- Journal of Academic Library & Information Science (1006-1525)
- Journal of Academic Perspectives (2328-8264)
- Journal of Academic Research in Economics (2066-0855)
- Journal of Academic Research in Medicine (2146-6505)
- Journal of Academic Research in Nursing (JAREN) (2149-4983)
- Journal of Academic Social Resources (2636-7637)
- Journal of Academic Social Science Studies (2147-2971)
- Journal of Academic Studies (1302-2431)
- Journal of Academic Value Studies (2149-8598)
- Journal of Academic Writing (2225-8973)
- Journal of Academy of Dental Education (2348-1595)
- Journal of Accounting & Auditing (2314-4793) (2314-4793)
- Journal of Accounting & Finance (2158-3625) (2158-3625)
- Journal of Accounting & Finance Management (JAFM). (2721-3005)
- Journal of Accounting & Management (1848-137X)
- Journal of Accounting & Management (2284-9459) (2284-9459)
- Journal of Accounting & Management Information Systems / Contabilitate si Informatica de Gestiune (1843-8105)
- Journal of Accounting Knowledge (2008-8914)
- Journal of Accounting Research (Wiley-Blackwell) (0021-8456)
- Journal of Accounting Review (1018-1687)
- Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance (0148-558X)
- Journal of Accounting, Business & Management (0216-423X)
- Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy (JAEPP) (1089-652X)
- Journal of Achievements in Materials & Manufacturing Engineering (1734-8412)
- Journal of Acoustic Emission (0730-0050)
- Journal of Active & Passive Electronic Devices (1555-0281)
- Journal of Activity, Sedentary & Sleep Behaviors (2731-4391)
- Journal of Actual Problems of Jurisprudence / Habaršy. Zan̦ Seriâsy (1563-0366)
- Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy (Acute Care Section - APTA, Inc.) (2158-8686)
- Journal of Acute Disease (2221-6189)
- Journal of Adhesive Dentistry (1461-5185)
- Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revista Ciências Administrativas (1414-0896)
- Journal of Administrative Sciences / Yonetim Bilimleri Dergisi (1304-5318)
- Journal of Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty (1304-7787)
- Journal of Adolescence (0140-1971)
- Journal of Adolescent & Young Adult Oncology (2156-5333)
- Journal of Adolescent & Youth Psychological Studies (2981-2526)
- Journal of Adolescent Research (0743-5584)
- Journal of Adult Development (1068-0667)
- Journal of Advanced Academics (1932-202X)
- Journal of Advanced Biomedical Sciences (2783-1523)
- Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics (1343-0130)
- Journal of Advanced Dielectrics (2010-135X)
- Journal of Advanced Distributed Learning Technology (JADLET) (2285-1070)
- Journal of Advanced Education Studies (2687-3087)
- Journal of Advanced Health Care (2612-1344)
- Journal of Advanced Immunopharmacology (2950-5461)
- Journal of Advanced Industrial Technology & Application (JAITA) (2716-7097)
- Journal of Advanced Lung Health (2772-7165)
- Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (0219-6867)
- Journal of Advanced Mathematical Modeling (JAMM) (2251-8088)
- Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies (2065-3506)
- Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA) (2716-6201)
- Journal of Advanced Medical & Pharmaceutical Research (2636-4158)
- Journal of Advanced Military Studies (JAMS) (2770-2596)
- Journal of Advanced Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell) (0309-2402)
- Journal of Advanced Oral Research (2320-2068)
- Journal of Advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (2645-5390)
- Journal of Advanced Perioperative Care (1470-5664)
- Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research (2231-4040)
- Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research [JAPER] (2249-3379)
- Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics (2005-7806)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Health Sciences (JARHS) / Sağlık Bilimlerinde İleri Araştırmalar Dergisi (SABİAD) (2651-4060)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Mechanical Engineering (1737-9318)
- Journal of Advanced Scientific Research (0976-9595)
- Journal of Advanced Sport Technology (2538-5259)
- Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology (2090-388X)
- Journal of Advanced Technology & Management (2220-1424)
- Journal of Advanced Technology & Multidiscipline (2964-6162)
- Journal of Advanced Transportation (0197-6729)
- Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research (2090-6269)
- Journal of Advanced Zoology (0253-7214)
- Journal of Advances in Environmental Health Research (2676-3478)
- Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (1557-6418)
- Journal of Advances in Manufacturing Engineering (JAME) (2717-7203)
- Journal of Advances in Medical & Biomedical Research (2676-6264)
- Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism (2322-2220)
- Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (1942-2466)
- Journal of Aeronautical Materials (1005-5053)
- Journal of Aerospace Technology & Management (1984-9648)
- Journal of Aesthetic Education (0021-8510)
- Journal of Aesthetic Nursing (2050-3717)
- Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism (0021-8529)
- Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law (1084-2268)
- Journal of African American Males in Education (2153-9065)
- Journal of African American Men (1081-1753)
- Journal of African American Studies (1559-1646)
- Journal of African Christian Biography (2572-0651)
- Journal of African Cinemas (1754-9221)
- Journal of African Economies (0963-8024)
- Journal of African Education (2633-2922)
- Journal of African Film & Diaspora Studies (JAFDIS) (2516-2705)
- Journal of African Foreign Affairs (2056-564X)
- Journal of African History (0021-8537)
- Journal of African Languages & Linguistics (0167-6164)
- Journal of African Languages & Literary Studies (JoALLS) (2633-2108)
- Journal of African Law (0021-8553)
- Journal of African Media Studies (2040-199X)
- Journal of African Policy Studies (1058-5613)
- Journal of African Studies (0065-4140)
- Journal of African Union Studies (2050-4292)
- Journal of Ageing & Longevity (2673-9259)
- Journal of Aging & Health (0898-2643)
- Journal of Aging & Physical Activity (1063-8652)
- Journal of Aging & Social Change (2576-5310)
- Journal of Aging Research (2090-2204)
- Journal of Agrarian Change (1471-0358)
- Journal of Agribusiness & Rural Development (1899-5241)
- Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics (Cambridge University Press) (1074-0708)
- Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics (1187-7863)
- Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics (1068-5502)
- Journal of Agricultural Big Data (2096-6369)
- Journal of Agricultural Chemistry & Biotechnology (2090-3626)
- Journal of Agricultural Economics (0021-857X)
- Journal of Agricultural Economics & Development (2008-4722) (2008-4722)
- Journal of Agricultural Economics & Social Sciences (2090-3634)
- Journal of Agricultural Economics Researches (2008-6407)
- Journal of Agricultural Education (1042-0541)
- Journal of Agricultural Engineering (1974-7071) (1974-7071)
- Journal of Agricultural Engineering (India) (0256-6524)
- Journal of Agricultural Engineering / Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian (2407-0475)
- Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpasa University / Gazi Osman Pasa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (1300-2910)
- Journal of Agricultural History (1347-5614)
- Journal of Agricultural Machinery (2228-6829)
- Journal of Agricultural Meteorology (0021-8588)
- Journal of Agricultural Production (2757-6620)
- Journal of Agricultural Research (03681157) (0368-1157)
- Journal of Agricultural Research Advances (2582-7227)
- Journal of Agricultural Resources & Environment / Nongye Ziyuan yu Huanjing Xuebao (2095-6819)
- Journal of Agricultural Science (0021-8596)
- Journal of Agricultural Science & Sustainable Production (2476-4310)
- Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology (1680-7073)
- Journal of Agricultural Science & Technology (1008-0864) (1008-0864)
- Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Sri Lanka) (1391-9318)
- Journal of Agricultural Sciences / Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi (1300-7580)
- Journal of Agricultural Sciences Euphrates (2072-3875)
- Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade (1450-8109)
- Journal of Agricultural, Environmental & Veterinary Sciences (2522-3364)
- Journal of Agriculture & Environment for International Development (1590-7198)
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