EBSCOhost: Academic research articles available through your library
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Academic Journals - I
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- I Quaderni dell'Italian Journal of Medicine (1877-9344)
- I.e.: Inquiry in Education (2154-6282)
- I.U. Journal of Translation Studies / İstanbul Üniversitesi Çeviribilim Dergisi (1309-6214)
- I+D Revista de Investigaciones (2256-1676)
- IABS Journal (2572-6706)
- IADIS International Journal on Computer Science & Information Systems (1646-3692)
- IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (1645-7641)
- IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics (1992-9978)
- IAENG International Journal of Computer Science (1819-656X)
- IAFOR Journal of Arts & Humanities (2187-0616)
- IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies (2187-4905)
- IAFOR Journal of Education (2187-0594)
- IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences Review (2347-3797)
- Ialam (1658-3779)
- IAPQR Transactions (0970-0102)
- IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention (1027-5622)
- IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans (1017-1606)
- IARC Scientific Publications (0300-5038)
- IASA Journal (1021-562X)
- IASSI Quarterly (0970-9061)
- IASSIST Quarterly (0739-1137)
- Iatreia (0121-0793)
- IB Revija (1318-2803)
- IBA Business Review (1990-6587)
- IBDA: Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya (1693-6736)
- Iberian Journal of the History of Economic Thought (2386-5768)
- Iberica (1139-7241)
- Ibero Caucasian Linguistics / Iberiul - Kavkasiuri Enatmecniereba (1987-6572)
- Iberoamerican Journal of Industrial Engineering (2175-8018)
- Iberoamericana (0388-1237)
- Ibero-Americana - Nordic Journal of Latin American & Caribbean Studies (0046-8444)
- Ibero-Americana Pragensia (0536-2520)
- Ibero-Americana Pragensia Supplements (1210-6690)
- IBEROAMERICANA. América Latina - España - Portugal (1577-3388)
- Iberoromania (0019-0993)
- Ibersid (1888-0967)
- Ibis (0019-1019)
- IBMS BoneKEy (1940-8692)
- Ibnosina Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (1947-489X)
- IC: Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación (1696-2508)
- ICC Journal (2747-9862)
- Icelandic Journal of Education / Timarit um Uppeldi og Menntun (2298-8394)
- Icelandic Journal of Education / Uppeldi og Menntun (1022-4629)
- Icelandic Review on Politics & Administration (1670-6803)
- ICES Journal of Marine Science / Journal du Conseil (1054-3139)
- ICFAI Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution (0972-6969)
- ICFAI Journal of Audit Practice (0972-9070)
- ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior (0973-3760)
- ICFAI Journal of Derivatives Markets (0972-9119)
- ICFAI Journal of Employment Law (0972-7868)
- ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics (0972-9313)
- ICFAI Journal of Financial Economics (0972-9154)
- ICFAI Journal of Health Care Law (0972-785X)
- ICFAI Journal of Industrial Economics (0972-9208)
- ICFAI Journal of Insurance Law (0972-7876)
- ICFAI Journal of International Business (0973-3752)
- ICFAI Journal of Public Administration (0973-225X)
- ICFAI Journal of Services Marketing (0972-9224)
- ICFAI Journal of Soft Skills (0973-8479)
- ICFAI Journal of Urban Policy (0973-3779)
- Ichthyological Research (1341-8998)
- Ichthyology & Herpetology (2766-1512)
- ICIC Express Letters (1881-803X)
- ICL Journal (2306-3734)
- ICMR Bulletin (0377-4910)
- I-com (1618-162X)
- Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology (1361-8113)
- ICONARP International Journal of Architecture & Planning (2147-9380)
- Ícone: Revista de Letras (1982-7717)
- Icono 14 (1697-8293)
- Iconofacto (1900-2785)
- ICSID Review: Foreign Investment Law Journal (0258-3690)
- ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge - Working Papers Series (2464-9538)
- ICSSPE Bulletin (17285909) (1728-5909)
- ICT in Muzical Field / Tehnologii Informatice si de Comunicatie in Domeniul Muzical (2067-9408)
- ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology (0976-0091)
- ICTACT Journal on Image & Video Processing (0976-9099)
- ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing (0976-6561)
- Ictimaiyat (2602-3377)
- Içtimaiyat (2602-3377)
- Id on Line. Revista de Psicologia (1981-1179)
- IDA Times (0974-3952)
- IDA: International Design & Art Journal (2687-5373)
- Idafat : Arab Journal of Sociology (2306-7128)
- Idaho Archaeologist (0893-2271)
- Idaho Law Review (0019-1205)
- IDE Occasional Papers (0537-9202)
- Idea (15231712) (1523-1712)
- IDEA Journal (1445-5412)
- IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review (0019-1272)
- Idealization (2452-3437)
- Idealkent: Journal of Urban Studies (1307-9905)
- Ideas In Ecology & Evolution (1918-3178)
- Ideas y Valores (0120-0062)
- IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies (2757-9549)
- Ideas: Revista de Filosofia Moderna Y Contemporanea (2451-6910)
- IDEAZ (0799-1401)
- Identification Canada (0826-8142)
- IDES (1314-8990)
- Ideya (0119-6405)
- Idil: Journal of Art & Language (2146-9903)
- Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology (2084-3763)
- Idöjárás (0324-6329)
- IDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica (1699-8154)
- IEEE Internet Computing (1089-7801)
- IEEE Software (0740-7459)
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (0098-5589)
- IEEJ Transactions on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (1931-4973)
- IEEM Revista de Negocios (2301-1181)
- IET Biometrics (Wiley-Blackwell) (2047-4938)
- IET Circuits, Devices & Systems (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-858X)
- IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing (2516-8398)
- IET Communications (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8628)
- IET Computer Vision (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-9632)
- IET Computers & Digital Techniques (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8601)
- IET Control Theory & Applications (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8644)
- IET CyberPhysical Systems: Theory & Applications (2398-3396)
- IET Cyber-systems & Robotics (2097-3608)
- IET Electric Power Applications (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8660)
- IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (Wiley-Blackwell) (2042-9738)
- IET Energy Systems Integration (2516-8401)
- IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8687)
- IET Image Processing (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-9659)
- IET Information Security (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8709)
- IET Intelligent Transport Systems (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-956X)
- IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8725)
- IET Nanobiotechnology (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8741)
- IET Networks (Wiley-Blackwell) (2047-4954)
- IET Optoelectronics (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8768)
- IET Power Electronics (Wiley-Blackwell) (1755-4535)
- IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8784)
- IET Renewable Power Generation (Wiley-Blackwell) (1752-1416)
- IET Science, Measurement & Technology (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8822)
- IET Signal Processing (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-9675)
- IET Software (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8806)
- IET Systems Biology (Wiley-Blackwell) (1751-8849)
- IET Wireless Sensor Systems (Wiley-Blackwell) (2043-6386)
- Ife Journal of Science (0794-4896)
- IFIMs Focus: The International Journal of Management (0973-9165)
- ifo Dresden Berichtet: Ueber Konjunktur, Struktur, Wirtschaftspolitik (0945-5922)
- ifo Schnelldienst (0018-974X)
- iForest - Biogeosciences & Forestry (1971-7458)
- IGKOJEI Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (2746-8658)
- Ignaziana: Rivista di Ricerca Teologica (1828-2377)
- IgualdadES (2695-6403)
- Igwebuike Journal: An African Journal of Arts & Humanities (2488-9210)
- IIE Solutions (1085-1259)
- IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2277-9752)
- IIMS Journal of Management Science (0976-030X)
- IIOAB Letters (2161-3702)
- IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia (1823-4631)
- IJAS Online (2009-2377)
- Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning (2620-5912)
- IJQHC Communications (2634-5293)
- IJU Case Reports (2577-171X)
- Íkala: Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura (0123-3432)
- Ikastorratza: e-Revista de Didáctica (1988-5911)
- IKENGA: International Journal of Institute of African Studies (2006-4241)
- Ikonomiceski I Socialni Alternativi (1314-6556)
- Iktisat ve Toplum (1309-9418)
- Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage (2039-2362)
- Il Cesalpino (0394-6231)
- Il Colle di Galileo (2281-7727)
- Il Diritto Dell'unione Europea (1125-8551)
- Il Fisioterapista (1123-7384)
- Il Nome Nel Testo (1591-7622)
- Il Saggiatore Musicale (1123-8615)
- Ilahiyat Studies (1309-1786)
- Ileti-s-im (1305-2411)
- Ilha do Desterro: A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English & Cultural Studies (0101-4846)
- ILIRIA International Review (2192-7081)
- Ilkogretim Online (1305-3515)
- Illiesia: International Journal of Stonefly Research (1855-5810)
- Illinois Archaeology: Journal of the Illinois Archaeology Survey (1050-8244)
- Illinois Classical Studies (0363-1923)
- Illinois Geographer (2640-6195)
- Illinois Public Employee Relations Report (1559-9892)
- Illinois Reading Council Journal (1082-555X)
- Illness, Crisis & Loss (1054-1373)
- Ilmu Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences (0853-7291)
- ILR Review (0019-7939)
- Iluminace (0862-397X)
- Iluminuras (1984-1191)
- IM + io (2198-9990)
- IMA Educational Case Journal (1940-204X)
- IMA Fungus (2210-6340)
- IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (0272-4960)
- IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (1471-678X)
- IMA Journal of Mathematical Control & Information (0265-0754)
- IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (0272-4979)
- Imafronte. Revista de Historia del Arte (0213-392X)
- Image (0536-5465)
- Imagens da Educação (2179-8427)
- Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts & Audiovisual Communication (1731-450X)
- ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies (1549-6732)
- Imaginaires (1270-931X)
- Imagination, Cognition & Personality (0276-2366)
- Imaginations Journal (1918-8439)
- IMAGING (2732-0960)
- Imaging (09656812) (0965-6812)
- Imaging Science in Dentistry (2233-7822)
- Imago (2365-3027)
- Imago (22549633) (2254-9633)
- IMAGO Studi di Cinema e Media (2038-5536)
- Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum (1888-3931)
- Imagofagia (1852-9550)
- i-Manager's Journal of Educational Technology (0973-0559)
- i-Manager's Journal of Pattern Recognition (2349-7912)
- i-Manager's Journal on Chemical Sciences (JCHEM) (2583-9101)
- i-Manager's Journal on Circuits & Systems (2321-7502)
- i-Manager's Journal on Civil Engineering (2231-1068)
- I-Manager's Journal On Cloud Computing (2349-6835)
- i-Manager's Journal on Computer Science (2347-2227)
- i-Manager's Journal on Digital Forensics & Cyber Security (JDF) (2583-911X)
- i-Manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing (2321-7480)
- i-Manager's Journal on Electrical Engineering (0973-8835)
- i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering (2229-7286)
- i-Manager's Journal on Embedded Systems (2278-7895)
- i-manager's Journal on English Language Teaching (2231-3338)
- i-Manager's Journal on Future Engineering & Technology (0973-2632)
- i-Manager's Journal on Image Processing (2349-4530)
- i-Manager's Journal on Information Technology (2277-5110)
- i-Manager's Journal on Instrumentation & Control Engineering (2321-113X)
- i-Manager's Journal on Life Sciences (JLS) (2583-9500)
- I-Manager's Journal on Material Science (2347-2235)
- I-Manager's Journal on Mathematics (2277-5129)
- i-manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering (2230-9055)
- i-Manager's Journal on Nursing (2231-4504)
- I-Manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering (2321-7499)
- i-Manager's Journal on School Educational Technology (0973-2217)
- i-Manager's Journal on Software Engineering (0973-5151)
- i-Manager's Journal on Structural Engineering (2278-7887)
- I-Manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks (2319-4839)
- iMeta (2770-5986)
- IMF Economic Review (2041-4161)
- IMF Staff Papers (1020-7635)
- IMIB Journal of Innovation & Management (2583-8326)
- Immagine Riflessa (0391-2973)
- Immaterial (2462-5892)
- Immunity & Ageing (1742-4933)
- Immunity, Inflammation & Disease (2050-4527)
- Immunization Newsletter (1814-6244)
- Immuno (2673-5601)
- ImmunoAnalysis (2783-2589)
- Immunogenetics (0093-7711)
- Immunologic Research (0257-277X)
- Immunological Reviews (0105-2896)
- Immunology (0019-2805)
- Immunology & Cell Biology (0818-9641)
- Immunology & Genetics Journal (2645-4831)
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