EBSCOhost: Academic research articles available through your library
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Academic Journals - A
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- Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics (0946-2171)
- Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism (1715-5312)
- Applied Pragmatics (2589-109X)
- Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice (1550-3550)
- Applied Psychology: An International Review (0269-994X)
- Applied Psychology: Health & Well-Being (1758-0846)
- Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback (1090-0586)
- Applied Radiology (0160-9963)
- Applied Research (2702-4288)
- Applied Research in Administrative Sciences (2734-5602)
- Applied Research in Studies & Practice / Taikomieji Tyrimai Studijose ir Praktikoje (2029-1280)
- Applied Research on English Language (2252-0198)
- Applied Rheology (1430-6395)
- Applied Sciences (1454-5101)
- Applied Sciences (2076-3417) (2076-3417)
- Applied Sedimentology (2322-147X) (2322-147X)
- Applied Solar Energy (19349424) (0003-701X)
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business & Industry (1524-1904)
- Applied System Innovation (ASI) (2571-5577)
- Applied Theatre Research (2049-3010)
- Applied Theatre Researcher/IDEA Journal (1443-1726)
- Applied Vegetation Science (1402-2001)
- Applied Water Science (2190-5487)
- AppliedChem (2673-9623)
- AppliedMath (2673-9909)
- Appraisal (1358-3336)
- Appraisal Journal (0003-7087)
- Apprendre et Enseigner aujourd'hui (1927-3215)
- Approaches to Translation Studies (0169-0523)
- Approaching Religion (1799-3121)
- APSP Journal of Case Reports (2218-8185)
- Aptamers (2514-3247)
- Apulia Theologica (2421-3977)
- APUNTES - Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies (1657-9763)
- Apuntes Contables (1657-7175)
- Apuntes de Psicologia (0213-3334)
- Apuntes del CENES (0120-3053)
- Apuntes Universitarios: Revista de Investigación (2225-7136)
- Apuntes: Revista de Ciencias Sociales (0252-1865)
- Apunts: Educació Física i Esports (0214-8757)
- AQ: Australian Quarterly (1443-3605)
- Aquaculture Journal (2673-9496)
- Aquaculture Nutrition (1353-5773)
- Aquaculture Research (1355-557X)
- Aquaculture Studies (AquaSt) (2618-6381)
- Aquaculture, Fish & Fisheries (2693-8847)
- Aquademia (2542-4874)
- Aqualines: The Journal of the Hydrotherapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (1748-8648)
- Aquatic Animals Nutrition (2383-4412)
- Aquatic Biosystems (2046-9063)
- Aquatic Conservation (1052-7613)
- Aquatic Ecology (1386-2588)
- Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management (1463-4988)
- Aquatic Geochemistry (1380-6165)
- Aquatic Invasions (1798-6540)
- Aquatic Living Resources (0990-7440)
- Aquatic Mammals (0167-5427)
- Aquatic Sciences (1015-1621)
- Aquatic Sciences & Engineering (2602-473X)
- Aquatic Veterinarian (2329-5562)
- Aquichan (1657-5997)
- Aquila Legionis (1578-1518)
- AR: Architecture, Research / AR: Aritekture, Raziskave (1580-5573)
- Arab Board Medical Journal (1561-0217)
- Arab Future (1024-9834)
- Arab Gulf (1012-6384)
- Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research (1985-9899)
- Arab International Journal of Digital Art & Designs (2812-5371)
- Arab International Journal of Information Technology & Data (2812-5010)
- Arab International Journal of Knowledge Management (2812-5215)
- Arab International Journal of Library & Information (2812-5177)
- Arab Journal for Archives, Documentation & Information (AJADI) (0330-6763)
- Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (2308-5347)
- Arab Journal for Scientific Publishing (2708-2806)
- Arab Journal for the Humanities (1026-9576)
- Arab Journal of Administration (1110-5453)
- Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences (1029-855X)
- Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics (2490-4198)
- Arab Journal of Geographic Information Systems (2502-1425)
- Arab Journal of Interventional Radiology (2542-7075)
- Arab Journal of Plant Protection (0255-982X)
- Arab Journal of Political Science (2309-2637)
- Arab Journal of Psychiatry (1016-8923)
- Arab Journal of Quality in Education (2313-495X)
- Arab Journal of Science & Research Publishing (2518-5780)
- Arab Media & Society (1687-7721)
- Arab Policy / Siyasat Arabiya (2307-1583)
- Arab Studies in Psychology (1687-9872)
- Arab Studies Journal (1083-4753)
- Arab Studies Quarterly (0271-3519)
- Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences (1110-2675)
- Arab Water Council Journal (1996-5699)
- Arab World English Journal (2229-9327)
- Arabian Journal for Media & Communication (1658-3620)
- Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (Springer Science & Business Media B.V. ) (2193-567X)
- Arabian Journal of Geosciences (1866-7511)
- Arabian Journal of Mathematics (2193-5343)
- Arabian Journal of Scientific Research (2708-0463)
- Arabic Language & Literature (2072-4756)
- Arabic Language & Literature (1735-9767) (1735-9767)
- Arabica (0570-5398)
- Arabist - Budapest Studies in Arabics (0239-1619)
- Arabiyat: Journal of Arabic Education & Arabic Studies / Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban (2356-153X)
- Arachnology (2050-9928)
- Arachnology Letters / Arachnologische Mitteilungen (1018-4171)
- Arak Medical University Journal (1735-5338)
- Araucaria (1575-6823)
- Arbeidsrechtelijke Annotaties (1568-6639)
- Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv (1400-9692)
- Arbitration International (0957-0411)
- Arbitration Journal (0003-7893)
- Arbitrium (0723-2977)
- Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (1935-5297)
- Arc Poetry Magazine (1910-3239)
- Arcadia -- International Journal for Literary Studies (0003-7982)
- Archa Verbi (1612-3964)
- Archaea (1472-3646)
- Archaeoastronomy (0190-9940)
- Archaeobios (1996-5214)
- Archaeologia Adriatica (1846-4807)
- Archaeologia Baltica (1392-5520)
- Archaeologia Historica (0231-5823)
- Archaeologia Lituana (1392-6748)
- Archaeologia Polona (0066-5924)
- Archaeologiai Értesítő (0003-8032)
- Archaeological & Anthropological Sciences (1866-9557)
- Archaeological Dialogues (1380-2038)
- Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia / Arheoloogilised Valitood Eestis (1406-3972)
- Archaeological Materials & Research / Materiale şi Cercetǎri Arheologice (0076-5147)
- Archaeological Prospection (1075-2196)
- Archaeological Reports (0570-6084)
- Archaeological Research of Iran / Pazhoheshha-ye Bastan Shenasi Iran (2345-5225)
- Archaeological Review from Cambridge (0261-4332)
- Archaeological Textiles Review (2245-7135)
- Archaeology & Science / Arheologija i Prirodne Nauke (1452-7448)
- Archaeology in Oceania (0728-4896)
- Archaeology International (1463-1725)
- Archaeology Ireland (0790-892X)
- Archaeology of Eastern North America (0360-1021)
- Archaeometry (0003-813X)
- Archeologia dell'Architettura (1126-6236)
- Archeologia e Calcolatori (1120-6861)
- Archeologia Medievale: Cultura Materiale, Insediamenti, Territorio (0390-0592)
- Archeologia Polski (0003-8180)
- Archeologia Postmedievale (1592-5935)
- Archeologia Technica (1805-7241)
- Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (1551-823X)
- Archeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin (0003-8202)
- Archeomatica (2037-2485)
- ArcHistoR (2384-8898)
- Architecturae et Artibus (2080-9638)
- Architectural Design (0003-8504)
- Architectural Design & Research (2717-5588)
- Architectural Heritage (1350-7524)
- Architectural Histories (2050-5833)
- Architectural History (0066-622X)
- Architectural Intelligence (2731-6726)
- Architectural Journal / Jian Zhu Xue Bao (0529-1399)
- Architecture -- Technology -- Culture (1871-0115)
- Architecture & Life Journal / Kocaeli Üniversitesi Mimarlık ve Yaşam Dergisi (2564-6109)
- Architecture & Urban Planning (1691-4333)
- Architecture & Urbanism / Architektúra a Urbanizmus (0044-8680)
- Architecture (2673-8945) (2673-8945)
- Architecture Image Studies (AIS) (2184-8645)
- Architecture Philosophy (2372-0883)
- Architecture_MPS (2050-9006)
- Architectus (1429-7507)
- Architektur Aktuell (0570-6602)
- Architext, Journal of Architecture (AJA) (2415-4792)
- Archiv der Mathematik (0003-889X)
- Archiv der Pharmazie (0365-6233)
- Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte (0003-8946)
- Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde (0066-6297)
- Archiv für Papyrusforschung und Verwandte Gebiete (0066-6459)
- Archiv für Religionsgeschichte (1436-3038)
- Archiv Natur- und Landeskunde Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (0518-3189)
- Archiv orientální (ArOr) (0044-8699)
- Archiv und Bibliothek der TU Graz (2310-6611)
- Archival Issues: Journal of the Midwest Archives Conference (1067-4993)
- Archival Science (1389-0166)
- Archivaria (0318-6954)
- ARChive (2537-0154)
- Archive for History of Exact Sciences (0003-9519)
- Archive for Mathematical Logic (0933-5846)
- Archive for Rational Mechanics & Analysis (0003-9527)
- Archive for the Psychology of Religion / Archiv für Religionspsychologie (0084-6724)
- Archive of Applied Mechanics (0939-1533)
- Archive of Clinical Cases (2360-6975)
- Archive of Mechanical Engineering (0004-0738)
- Archive of Oncology (0354-7310)
- Archive of Ukrainian Ophthalmology / Arhìv Oftal'mologìï Ukraïni (2309-8147)
- Archives Animal Breeding / Archiv Tierzucht (0003-9438)
- Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis (0020-2509)
- Archives for Technical Sciences / Arhiv za Tehnicke Nauke (1840-4855)
- Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine (2645-4904)
- Archives of Acoustics (0137-5075)
- Archives of Advanced Engineering Science (2972-4325)
- Archives of Anesthesiology & Critical Care (2423-5849)
- Archives of Automotive Engineering / Archiwum Motoryzacji (1234-754X)
- Archives of Basic & Clinical Research (2687-4482)
- Archives of Biological Sciences (0354-4664)
- Archives of Bone & Joint Surgery (2345-4644)
- Archives of Breast Cancer (2383-0425)
- Archives of Civil Engineering (Polish Academy of Sciences) (1230-2945)
- Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (0887-6177)
- Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (1134-3060)
- Archives of Control Sciences (1230-2384)
- Archives of Craniofacial Surgery (2287-1152)
- Archives of Criminology / Archiwum Kryminologii (0066-6890)
- Archives of Dental Science / Arquivos em Odontologia (1516-0939)
- Archives of Dermatological Research (0340-3696)
- Archives of Electrical Engineering (1427-4221)
- Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology (0090-4341)
- Archives of Environmental Protection (2083-4772)
- Archives of Epilepsy (2792-0550)
- Archives of Foundry Engineering (1897-3310)
- Archives of Gynecology & Obstetrics (0932-0067)
- Archives of Hand & Microsurgery (2586-3290)
- Archives of Health Science & Research (2687-4644)
- Archives of Hellenic Medicine / Arheia Ellenikes Iatrikes (1105-3992)
- Archives of Hygiene Sciences (2251-9203)
- Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology (0739-4462)
- Archives of Iranian Medicine (AIM) (1029-2977)
- Archives of Italian Urology & Andrology / Archivio Italiano di Urologia Andrologia (1124-3562)
- Archives of Materials Science & Engineering (1897-2764)
- Archives of Mechanics (0373-2029)
- Archives of Medical Science (1734-1922)
- Archives of Medical Science - Aging (2657-7941)
- Archives of Medical Science - Atherosclerotic Diseases (2451-0629)
- Archives of Medical Science. Civilization Diseases (2451-0637)
- Archives of Medicine & Health Sciences (2321-4848)
- Archives of Mental Health (2589-9171)
- Archives of Metallurgy & Materials (1733-3490)
- Archives of Microbiology (0302-8933)
- Archives of Mining Sciences (0860-7001)
- Archives of Natural History (0260-9541)
- Archives of Neuropsychiatry / Nöropsikiyatri Arşivi (1300-0667)
- Archives of Neuroscience (2322-3944)
- Archives of Orofacial Science (1823-8602)
- Archives of Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery (0936-8051)
- Archives of Osteoporosis (1862-3522)
- Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (0003-9985)
- Archives of Pharmacal Research (0253-6269)
- Archives of Pharmacy Practice (2320-5210)
- Archives of Physiotherapy (2057-0082)
- Archives of Plastic Surgery (2234-6163)
- Archives of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy (1509-2046)
- Archives of Psychiatry Research (2671-1079)
- Archives of Public Health (0778-7367)
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