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  • Two cases of monkey pox imported to the United Kingdom, September 2018.

    Published in:
    Eurosurveillance (15607917), 2018, v. 23, n. 38, p. 2, doi. 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.38.1800509
    • Vaughan, Aisling;
    • Aarons, Emma;
    • Astbury, John;
    • Balasegaram, Sooria;
    • Beadsworth, Mike;
    • Beck, Charles R.;
    • Chand, Meera;
    • O'Connor, Catherine;
    • Dunning, Jake;
    • Ghebrehewet, Sam;
    • Harper, Nick;
    • Howlett-Shipley, Ruth;
    • Ihekweazu, Chikwe;
    • Jacobs, Michael;
    • Kaindama, Lukeki;
    • Katwa, Parisha;
    • Khoo, Saye;
    • Lamb, Lucy;
    • Mawdsley, Sharon;
    • Morgan, Dilys
    Publication type:
  • Outbreak of human leptospirosis linked to contaminated water bodies in Northern Israel, June to August 2018.

    Published in:
    Eurosurveillance (15607917), 2018, v. 23, n. 38, p. 7, doi. 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.38.1800486
    • Dadon, Yuval;
    • Haas, Eric J.;
    • Kaliner, Ehud;
    • Anis, Emilia;
    • Singer, Shepherd Roee;
    • Atiya-Nasagi, Yafit;
    • Cohen-Dar, Michal;
    • Avramovich, Eva;
    • King, Roni;
    • Sued, Oded;
    • Goshen, Tamir;
    • Amit, Sharon;
    • Miskin, Ian;
    • Gino, Efrat;
    • Yishai, Ruth;
    • Sheffer, Rivka;
    • Grotto, Itamar;
    • Moran-Gilad, Jacob
    Publication type:
  • Large outbreak of mumps virus genotype G among vaccinated students in Norway, 2015 to 2016.

    Published in:
    Eurosurveillance (15607917), 2018, v. 23, n. 38, p. 14, doi. 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.38.1700642
    • Veneti, Lamprini;
    • Borgen, Katrine;
    • Borge, Kaja Sverdrup;
    • Danis, Kostas;
    • Greve-Isdahl, Margrethe;
    • Konsmo, Kirsten;
    • Njølstad, Gro;
    • Nordbø, Svein Arne;
    • Øystese, Kari Stidal;
    • Rykkvin, Rikard;
    • Sagvik, Eli;
    • Riise, Øystein Rolandsen
    Publication type: