Works matching IS 09526757 AND DT 2006 AND VI 23 AND IP 2
Results: 8
Tone production, tone perception and Kammu tonogenesisWe would like to thank Damrong Tayanin for arranging the recording sessions with our subjects and for advice concerning the test material. Thanks also to Marcus Filipsson for writing the F0 algorithm used for analysis and for help with the PSOLA synthesis and to Jan Lanke for statistical advice. The field studies carried out in Laos were made possible by grants from the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation and Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. We would also like to thank the guest editors of this issue and two anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of this paper and many constructive suggestions.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 309, doi. 10.1017/S0952675706000923
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- Publication type:
- Article
Stress and tone in East Slavic dialectsI would like to thank John Alderete, Mark Aronoff, Ellen Broselow, Marie Huffman, Darya Kavitskaya, Jaye Padgett and audiences at FASL 13, AATSEEL Annual Meetings, the Yale University Linguistics Colloquium and Stony Brook University for thoughtful questions and comments on an earlier version of this work. I am also grateful to the guest editors of this thematic issue and to Bob Ladd and the journal editors for detailed and helpful guidance. The extensive comments of three anonymous reviewers significantly contributed to the improvement of the paper. Any remaining shortcomings are mine.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 125, doi. 10.1017/S0952675706000868
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- Publication type:
- Article
The interaction between metrical structure and tone in KeraThis paper is based on Kera data mostly collected during a visit to Chad in January–March 2004, with a few references to field notes taken during 1992–2002. I wish to thank the Kera who enthusiastically provided recordings and to the other members of the Chad branch of SIL International for making these visits possible. I am grateful for the discussions on parts of this paper that I have had with members of the London Phonology Seminar at University College London, particularly the extended discussions with Moira Yip and John Harris, and for the help of Eric Carlson in using Praat. I would also like to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. Any errors are of course my own responsibility.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 259, doi. 10.1017/S095267570600090X
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- Publication type:
- Article
Word-prosodic typologyThis paper was first presented as an invited talk at the conference Between Stress and Tone (BeST). I would like to thank Bert Remijsen and Vincent van Heuven for the invitation and those in attendance for their helpful comments. I have particularly profited from extended discussions with Carlos Gussenhoven and José Hualde on the tone vs. accent question and good Bantu exchanges with David Odden and Gérard Philippson. I also would like to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their very thoughtful comments on the original manuscript.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 225, doi. 10.1017/S0952675706000893
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- Publication type:
- Article
Between stress and tone in Nubi word prosodyThis work was made possible by the kind assistance and advice given by a number of people. I thank Ineke Wellens for facilitating my introduction to the Nubi community in Bombo, Abdul Majid Uthman for serving as my host and for his efficient help in recruiting speakers, Mustafa Khamis and Muzamil Ajobe for sharing their understanding of the language with me, and Abdullah Serwada for providing information on the wider Nubi community. I also thank my speakers Kifaya Musa, Salima Abdalla, Zena Rajab, Khadija Hamid, Abdul Majid Uthman, Abdulmajid Ibrahim Juma Kishonaka, Kassim Hassan, Hawa Abdul, Osman Kassim and Farida Taib. I am grateful to Larry Hyman for extensive discussion, to him, Jörg Peters and Yiya Chen for their comments on an earlier version of the text and to Toni Rietveld for help with statistics.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 192, doi. 10.1017/S0952675706000881
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- Publication type:
- Article
The valves of the throat and their functioning in tone, vocal register and stress: laryngoscopic case studiesWe acknowledge herewith Jimmy G. Harris of the University of Victoria, Michael Mawdsley, MD and Michael Ross, MD, attending physicians, and the STR-Speech Tech Ltd team, Victoria BC, for assistance in the conduct of many of the experiments reported on here. Laryngoscopic research in Victoria was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Thanks also to the editors of this issue, the late Peter Ladefoged, one anonymous reviewer, Leoma Gilley, Deborah Martin and David Silva for comments on the manuscript, and to Edward C. Weisberger, MD and Lesa Blackhurst (Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Indiana University) for laryngoscopic help with Dinka. Special thanks to our informants: Li Shaoni and Li Suqin (Bai), Akiyo Pahala'an (Amis), Cecile Padayodi (Kabiye), Mohamed H. Mohamoud (Somali) and Bishop Nathaniel Garang, Margaret Kuol, R
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 157, doi. 10.1017/S095267570600087X
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- Publication type:
- Article
Acoustic evidence for the emergence of tonal contrast in contemporary KoreanI would like to thank Younjeoung Choi and Ji Eun Kim for their valuable assistance in this project, not only as tireless fieldworkers, but as dedicated research assistants in every respect. I further offer my thanks to the guest editors and to two anonymous reviewers, all of whom provided useful suggestions on the first draft of the text. As noted in the text, preliminary descriptions of the VOT data were presented at the 2003 Harvard International Symposium on Korean Linguistics (ISOKL) and the 2004 Meeting of the International Circle of Korean Linguistics. A first pass at the phonological analysis was offered at the 2005 Harvard ISOKL. The research for this paper was conducted under the auspices of the University of Texas at Arlington's Institutional Research Board for the Protection of Human Subjects.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 287, doi. 10.1017/S0952675706000911
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- Publication type:
- Article
Introduction: between stress and toneWe gratefully acknowledge the International Institute for Asian Studies, the organisers and main sponsors of the Between Stress and Tone conference, held in Leiden from 16 to 18 June 2005, for their excellent support both in the preparation and in the running of the conference.We also thank the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the United Kingdom Arts and Humanities Research Council for supporting Bert Remijsen's involvement in this project with postdoctoral research grants (NWO 355-70-014 and AHRC 19394 respectively).
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2006, v. 23, n. 2, p. 121, doi. 10.1017/S0952675706000856
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- Publication type:
- Article