Works matching IS 09526757 AND DT 2005 AND VI 22 AND IP 3
Results: 5
Saturation of parameter settings in Spanish stressEarlier drafts benefited from general feedback from Harry van der Hulst, advice on specific points from Bill Idsardi and attention and interaction from members of the audience of a presentation I gave at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Discussion with Antonio Fábregas deepened my understanding of the mechanics of Distributed Morphology. Anonymous reviewers, an associate editor and the editors further contributed with criticism and questions. To all of them, my thanks. Remaining errors are of course my own.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2005, v. 22, n. 3, p. 345, doi. 10.1017/S0952675705000655
- By:
- Publication type:
- Article
The origin of vowel-length neutralisation in vocoid sequences: evidence from Finnish speakersWe would like to thank the following people for helping us to learn about Finnish: Arto Anttila, Heli Harrikari, Benita Heiskanen, Kari and Asta Leppänen, Satu Ollikainen, Juha Poutiainen, Kristiina Rosser, Suvi Simila, Jenny Söderman, Helena Tiainen and the wonderful people of the Finnish Language School of North Texas. We have benefited from helpful comments from Megan Crowhurst and Marta Ortega-Llebaria, and from an associate editor, the editors and three anonymous reviewers for Phonology. We gratefully acknowledge funding for this work from the National Science Foundation (grant BCS-0345649).
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2005, v. 22, n. 3, p. 317, doi. 10.1017/S0952675705000643
- By:
- Publication type:
- Article
Quantity, stress and reduplication in WashoThis paper has benefited tremendously from the comments and suggestions of Sharon Inkelas, the three anonymous reviewers and an associate editor of Phonology. Sincere thanks go to them, and also to the Washo elders for sharing their knowledge of the language with me.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2005, v. 22, n. 3, p. 437, doi. 10.1017/S0952675705000679
- By:
- Publication type:
- Article
Laryngeal markedness and aspiration.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2005, v. 22, n. 3, p. 395, doi. 10.1017/S0952675705000667
- By:
- Publication type:
- Article
Antigemination, assimilation and the determination of identityI thank Jessica Barlow, Ed Keer, John McCarthy, David Perlmutter, Alan Prince, Sharon Rose, Colin Wilson, three anonymous reviewers and an associate editor of Phonology, and the audiences at WECOL 2004, SWOT 6 and UBC for constructive discussions of and feedback on the facts and issues addressed in this paper (not to mention important points of argument and style). These have all led to vast improvements in the paper, and any remaining shortcomings are my own responsibility.
- Published in:
- Phonology, 2005, v. 22, n. 3, p. 279, doi. 10.1017/S0952675705000631
- By:
- Publication type:
- Article