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  • Epilogue.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 307, doi. 10.1023/A:1020316115839
    • McFadden, Daniel
    Publication type:
  • Consumer Control and Empowerment: A Primer.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 297, doi. 10.1023/A:1020311914022
    • Wathieu, Luc;
    • Brenner, Lyle;
    • Carmon, Ziv;
    • Chattopadhyay, Amitava;
    • Wertenbroch, Klaus;
    • Drolet, Aimee;
    • Gourville, John;
    • Muthukrishnan, A. V.;
    • Novemsky, Nathan;
    • Ratner, Rebecca K.;
    • Wu, George
    Publication type:
  • Inferring Market Structure from Customer Response to Competing and Complementary Products.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 221, doi. 10.1023/A:1020222821774
    • Elrod, Terry;
    • Russell, Gary J.;
    • Shocker, Allan D.;
    • Andrews, Rick L.;
    • Bacon, Lynd;
    • Bayus, Barry L.;
    • Carroll, J. Douglas;
    • Johnson, Richard M.;
    • Kamakura, Wagner A.;
    • Lenk, Peter;
    • Mazanec, Josef A.;
    • Rao, Vithala R.;
    • Shankar, Venkatesh
    Publication type:
  • Non-Conscious Influences on Consumer Choice.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 269, doi. 10.1023/A:1020313710388
    • Fitzsimons, Gavan J.;
    • Hutchinson, J. Wesley;
    • Williams, Patti;
    • Alba, Joseph W.;
    • Chartrand, Tanya L.;
    • Huber, Joel;
    • Kardes, Frank R.;
    • Menon, Geeta;
    • Raghubir, Priya;
    • Russo, J. Edward;
    • Shiv, Baba;
    • Tavassoli, Nader T.
    Publication type:
  • Introduction to the Special Issue on Choice Modeling.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 157, doi. 10.1023/A:1020202000393
    • Erdem, Tülin;
    • Winer, Russ
    Publication type:
  • Choice and the Internet: From Clickstream to Research Stream.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 245, doi. 10.1023/A:1020231107662
    • Bucklin, Randolph E.;
    • Lattin, James M.;
    • Ansari, Asim;
    • Gupta, Sunil;
    • Bell, David;
    • Coupey, Eloise;
    • Little, John D. C.;
    • Mela, Carl;
    • Montgomery, Alan;
    • Steckel, Joel
    Publication type:
  • Auctions: Research Opportunities in Marketing.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 281, doi. 10.1023/A:1020399513113
    • Chakravarti, Dipankar;
    • Greenleaf, Eric;
    • Sinha, Atanu;
    • Cheema, Amar;
    • Cox, James C.;
    • Friedman, Daniel;
    • Ho, Teck H.;
    • Isaac, R. Mark;
    • Mitchell, Andrew A.;
    • Rapoport, Amnon;
    • Rothkopf, Michael H.;
    • Srivastava, Joydeep;
    • Zwick, Rami
    Publication type:
  • Context Dependence and Aggregation in Disaggregate Choice Analysis.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 195, doi. 10.1023/A:1020262503119
    • Swait, Joffre;
    • Adamowicz, Wiktor;
    • Hanemann, Michael;
    • Diederich, Adele;
    • Krosnick, Jon;
    • Layton, David;
    • Provencher, William;
    • Schkade, David;
    • Tourangeau, Roger
    Publication type:
  • High Stakes Decision Making: Normative, Descriptive and Prescriptive Considerations.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 259, doi. 10.1023/A:1020287225409
    • Kunreuther, Howard;
    • Meyer, Robert;
    • Zeckhauser, Richard;
    • Slovic, Paul;
    • Schwartz, Barry;
    • Schade, Christian;
    • Luce, Mary Frances;
    • Lippman, Steven;
    • Krantz, David;
    • Kahn, Barbara;
    • Hogarth, Robin
    Publication type:
  • Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 207, doi. 10.1023/A:1020266620866
    • Dube, Jean-Pierre;
    • Chintagunta, Pradeep;
    • Petrin, Amil;
    • Bronnenberg, Bart;
    • Goettler, Ron;
    • Seetharaman, P. B.;
    • Sudhir, K.;
    • Thomadsen, Raphael;
    • Ying#Zhao
    Publication type:
  • Dissecting the Random Component of Utility.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 177, doi. 10.1023/A:1020258402210
    • Louviere, Jordan;
    • Street, Deborah;
    • Carson, Richard;
    • Ainslie, Andrew;
    • Deshazo, J. R.;
    • Cameron, Trudy;
    • Hensher, David;
    • Marley, Tony;
    • Kohn, Robert
    Publication type:
  • Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 233, doi. 10.1023/A:1020226922683
    • Allenby, Greg;
    • Fennell, Geraldine;
    • Bemmaor, Albert;
    • Bhargava, Vijay;
    • Christen, Francois;
    • Dawley, Jackie;
    • Dickson, Peter;
    • Edwards, Yancy;
    • Garratt, Mark;
    • Ginter, Jim;
    • Sawyer, Alan;
    • Staelin, Rick;
    • Sha Yang
    Publication type:
  • Hybrid Choice Models: Progress and Challenges.

    Published in:
    Marketing Letters, 2002, v. 13, n. 3, p. 163, doi. 10.1023/A:1020254301302
    • Ben-Akiva, Moshe;
    • McFadden, Daniel;
    • Train, Kenneth;
    • Walker, Joan;
    • Bhat, Chandra;
    • Bierlaire, Michel;
    • Bolduc, Denis;
    • Boersch-Supan, Axel;
    • Brownstone, David;
    • Bunch, David S.;
    • Daly, Andrew;
    • de Palma, Andre;
    • Gopinath, Dinesh;
    • Karlstrom, Anders;
    • Munizaga, Marcela A.
    Publication type: