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  • Annals of Neurology: Volume 92, Number 3, September 2022.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. C1, doi. 10.1002/ana.26470
    Publication type:
  • Neural Correlates of Optimal Deep Brain Stimulation for Cervical Dystonia.

    Published in:
    • Loh, Aaron;
    • Elias, Gavin J.B.;
    • Germann, Jürgen;
    • Boutet, Alexandre;
    • Gwun, Dave;
    • Yamamoto, Kazuaki;
    • Sarica, Can;
    • Azevedo, Paula;
    • Zemmar, Ajmal;
    • Pinto, Jessica;
    • Naheed, Asma;
    • Kalia, Suneil K.;
    • Hodaie, Mojgan;
    • Munhoz, Renato P.;
    • Lozano, Andres M.;
    • Fasano, Alfonso
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Application of the Amyloid/Tau/Neurodegeneration Framework in Cognitively Intact Adults: The CABLE Study.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 439, doi. 10.1002/ana.26439
    • Hu, Hao;
    • Bi, Yan‐Lin;
    • Shen, Xue‐Ning;
    • Ma, Ya‐Hui;
    • Ou, Ya‐Nan;
    • Zhang, Wei;
    • Ma, Ling‐Zhi;
    • Hu, He‐Ying;
    • Dong, Qiang;
    • Tan, Lan;
    • Yu, Jin‐Tai
    Publication type:
  • Decreased Frontal Gamma Activity in Alzheimer Disease Patients.

    Published in:
    • Casula, Elias P.;
    • Pellicciari, Maria C.;
    • Bonnì, Sonia;
    • Borghi, Ilaria;
    • Maiella, Michele;
    • Assogna, Martina;
    • Minei, Marilena;
    • Motta, Caterina;
    • D'Acunto, Alessia;
    • Porrazzini, Francesco;
    • Pezzopane, Valentina;
    • Mencarelli, Lucia;
    • Roncaioli, Andrea;
    • Rocchi, Lorenzo;
    • Spampinato, Danny A.;
    • Caltagirone, Carlo;
    • Santarnecchi, Emiliano;
    • Martorana, Alessandro;
    • Koch, Giacomo
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Networks Underlie Temporal Onset of Dysplasia-Related Epilepsy: A MELD Study.

    Published in:
    • Cohen, Nathan T.;
    • You, Xiaozhen;
    • Krishnamurthy, Manu;
    • Sepeta, Leigh N.;
    • Zhang, Anqing;
    • Oluigbo, Chima;
    • Whitehead, Matthew T.;
    • Gholipour, Taha;
    • Baldeweg, Torsten;
    • Wagstyl, Konrad;
    • Adler, Sophie;
    • Gaillard, William D.;
    • Ripart, Mathilde;
    • Whitaker, Kirstie;
    • Napolitano, Antonio;
    • De Palma, Luca;
    • De Benedictis, Alessandro;
    • Foldes, Stephen;
    • Humphreys, Zachary;
    • Zhang, Kai
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • A New Advanced MRI Biomarker for Remyelinated Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis.

    Published in:
    • Rahmanzadeh, Reza;
    • Galbusera, Riccardo;
    • Lu, Po‐Jui;
    • Bahn, Erik;
    • Weigel, Matthias;
    • Barakovic, Muhamed;
    • Franz, Jonas;
    • Nguyen, Thanh D.;
    • Spincemaille, Pascal;
    • Schiavi, Simona;
    • Daducci, Alessandro;
    • La Rosa, Francesco;
    • Absinta, Martina;
    • Sati, Pascal;
    • Bach Cuadra, Meritxell;
    • Radue, Ernst‐Wilhelm;
    • Leppert, David;
    • Kuhle, Jens;
    • Kappos, Ludwig;
    • Brück, Wolfgang
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Longitudinal Retinal Changes in MOGAD.

    Published in:
    • Oertel, Frederike Cosima;
    • Sotirchos, Elias S.;
    • Zimmermann, Hanna G.;
    • Motamedi, Seyedamirhosein;
    • Specovius, Svenja;
    • Asseyer, Eva Susanna;
    • Chien, Claudia;
    • Cook, Lawrence;
    • Vasileiou, Eleni;
    • Filippatou, Angeliki;
    • Calabresi, Peter A.;
    • Saidha, Shiv;
    • Pandit, Lekha;
    • D'Cunha, Anitha;
    • Outteryck, Olivier;
    • Zéphir, Hélène;
    • Pittock, Sean;
    • Flanagan, Eoin P.;
    • Bhatti, M. Tariq;
    • Rommer, Paulus S.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Intravenous Thrombolysis with Tenecteplase for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 349, doi. 10.1002/ana.26445
    • Tsivgoulis, Georgios;
    • Katsanos, Aristeidis H.;
    • Christogiannis, Christos;
    • Faouzi, Belahsen;
    • Mavridis, Dimitris;
    • Dixit, Anand K.;
    • Palaiodimou, Lina;
    • Khurana, Dheeraj;
    • Petruzzellis, Marco;
    • Psychogios, Klearchos;
    • Macleod, Mary Joan;
    • Ahmed, Niaz
    Publication type:
  • TDP-43 Pathology Exacerbates Cognitive Decline in Primary Age-Related Tauopathy.

    Published in:
    • Smirnov, Denis S.;
    • Salmon, David P.;
    • Galasko, Douglas;
    • Edland, Steven D.;
    • Pizzo, Donald P.;
    • Goodwill, Vanessa;
    • Hiniker, Annie
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • GGC Repeat Expansion of RILPL1 is Associated with Oculopharyngodistal Myopathy.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 512, doi. 10.1002/ana.26436
    • Zeng, Yi‐Heng;
    • Yang, Kang;
    • Du, Gan‐Qin;
    • Chen, Yi‐Kun;
    • Cao, Chun‐Yan;
    • Qiu, Yu‐Sen;
    • He, Jin;
    • Lv, Hai‐Dong;
    • Qu, Qian‐Qian;
    • Chen, Jian‐Nan;
    • Xu, Guo‐Rong;
    • Chen, Long;
    • Zheng, Fu‐Ze;
    • Zhao, Miao;
    • Lin, Min‐Ting;
    • Chen, Wan‐Jin;
    • Hu, Jing;
    • Wang, Zhi‐Qiang;
    • Wang, Ning
    Publication type:
  • Limbic Stimulation Drives Mania in STN‐DBS in Parkinson Disease: A Prospective Study.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 411, doi. 10.1002/ana.26434
    • Prange, Stéphane;
    • Lin, Zhengyu;
    • Nourredine, Mikail;
    • Danaila, Teodor;
    • Laurencin, Chloé;
    • Lagha‐Boukbiza, Ouhaid;
    • Anheim, Mathieu;
    • Klinger, Hélène;
    • Longato, Nadine;
    • Phillipps, Clelie;
    • Voirin, Jimmy;
    • Polo, Gustavo;
    • Simon, Emile;
    • Mertens, Patrick;
    • Rolland, Anne‐Sophie;
    • Devos, David;
    • Metereau, Elise;
    • Tranchant, Christine;
    • Thobois, Stéphane;
    • Moreau, Caroline
    Publication type:
  • Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Can Reduce Unilateral Spatial Neglect after Stroke: ELETRON Trial.

    Published in:
    • da Silva, Taís Regina;
    • de Carvalho Nunes, Hélio Rubens;
    • Martins, Laís Geronutti;
    • da Costa, Rafael Dalle Molle;
    • de Souza, Juli Thomaz;
    • Winckler, Fernanda Cristina;
    • Sartor, Lorena Cristina Alvarez;
    • Modolo, Gabriel Pinheiro;
    • Ferreira, Natalia Cristina;
    • da Silva Rodrigues, Josiela Cristina;
    • Kanda, Rafael;
    • Fogarolli, Marcelo Ortolani;
    • Borges, Guilherme Ferreira;
    • Rizzatti, Gabriela Rizzo Soares;
    • Ribeiro, Priscila Watson;
    • Favoretto, Diandra B.;
    • dos Santos, Luan R. Aguiar;
    • Bazan, Silméia Garcia Zanati;
    • Betting, Luiz Eduardo;
    • de Oliveira Antunes, Leticia Cláudia
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Progressive White Matter Injury in Preclinical Dutch Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 358, doi. 10.1002/ana.26429
    • Shirzadi, Zahra;
    • Yau, Wai‐Ying W.;
    • Schultz, Stephanie A.;
    • Schultz, Aaron P.;
    • Scott, Matthew R.;
    • Goubran, Maged;
    • Mojiri‐Forooshani, Parisa;
    • Joseph‐Mathurin, Nelly;
    • Kantarci, Kejal;
    • Preboske, Greg;
    • Wermer, Marieke J. H.;
    • Jack, Clifford;
    • Benzinger, Tammie;
    • Taddei, Kevin;
    • Sohrabi, Hamid R.;
    • Sperling, Reisa A.;
    • Johnson, Keith A.;
    • Bateman, Randall J.;
    • Martins, Ralph N.;
    • Greenberg, Steven M.
    Publication type:
  • Lipids, Apolipoproteins, Statins, and Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Mendelian Randomization Study.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 390, doi. 10.1002/ana.26426
    • Yu, Zhou;
    • Zhang, Linjing;
    • Zhang, Gan;
    • Xia, Kailin;
    • Yang, Qiong;
    • Huang, Tao;
    • Fan, Dongsheng
    Publication type:
  • ApoB and Non‐HDL Cholesterol Versus LDL Cholesterol for Ischemic Stroke Risk.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 379, doi. 10.1002/ana.26425
    • Johannesen, Camilla D. L.;
    • Mortensen, Martin B.;
    • Langsted, Anne;
    • Nordestgaard, Børge G.
    Publication type:
  • Lifestyle Affects Amyloid Burden and Cognition Differently in Men and Women.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 451, doi. 10.1002/ana.26417
    • Bachmann, Dario;
    • Roman, Zachary J.;
    • Buchmann, Andreas;
    • Zuber, Isabelle;
    • Studer, Sandro;
    • Saake, Antje;
    • Rauen, Katrin;
    • Gruber, Esmeralda;
    • Nitsch, Roger M.;
    • Hock, Christoph;
    • Gietl, Anton F.;
    • Treyer, Valerie
    Publication type:
  • Issue Information.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. i, doi. 10.1002/ana.26119
    Publication type:
  • Thrombectomy versus Medical Management in Mild Strokes due to Large Vessel Occlusion: Exploratory Analysis from the EXTEND‐IA Trials and a Pooled International Cohort.

    Published in:
    Annals of Neurology, 2022, v. 92, n. 3, p. 364, doi. 10.1002/ana.26418
    • Sarraj, Amrou;
    • Albers, Gregory W.;
    • Blasco, Jordi;
    • Arenillas, Juan F.;
    • Ribo, Marc;
    • Hassan, Ameer E.;
    • de la Ossa, Natalia Pérez;
    • Wu, Teddy Yuan‐Hao;
    • Cardona Portela, Pere;
    • Abraham, Michael G.;
    • Chen, Michael;
    • Maali, Laith;
    • Kleinig, Timothy J.;
    • Cordato, Dennis;
    • Wallace, Adam Nathan;
    • Schaafsma, Joanna D.;
    • Sangha, Navdeep;
    • Gibson, Daniel P.;
    • Blackburn, Spiros L.;
    • De Lera Alfonso, Mercedes
    Publication type: