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  • Issue Information.

    Published in:
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2017, v. 85, n. 5, p. 265, doi. 10.1002/fld.4325
    Publication type:
  • A novel method to calculate the pressure interaction between dust and fluid using SPH.

    Published in:
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2017, v. 85, n. 5, p. 267, doi. 10.1002/fld.4380
    • Kwon, Jihoe;
    • Cho, Heechan
    Publication type:
  • Moving immersed boundary method.

    Published in:
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2017, v. 85, n. 5, p. 288, doi. 10.1002/fld.4382
    • Cai, Shang‐Gui;
    • Ouahsine, Abdellatif;
    • Favier, Julien;
    • Hoarau, Yannick
    Publication type: