Found: 71

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  • Microglial activation underlies cerebellar deficits produced by repeated cannabis exposure.

    Published in:
    • Cutando, Laura;
    • Busquets-Garcia, Arnau;
    • Puighermanal, Emma;
    • Gomis-González, Maria;
    • Delgado-García, José María;
    • Gruart, Agnès;
    • Maldonado, Rafael;
    • Ozaita, Andrés
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • FcγRIIb mediates amyloid-β neurotoxicity and memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease.

    Published in:
    • Kam, Tae-In;
    • Song, Sungmin;
    • Gwon, Youngdae;
    • Park, Hyejin;
    • Yan, Ji-Jing;
    • Im, Isak;
    • Choi, Ji-Woo;
    • Choi, Tae-Yong;
    • Kim, Jeongyeon;
    • Song, Dong-Keun;
    • Takai, Toshiyuki;
    • Kim, Yong-Chul;
    • Kim, Key-Sun;
    • Choi, Se-Young;
    • Choi, Sukwoo;
    • Klein, William L;
    • Yuan, Junying;
    • Jung, Yong-Keun
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Reciprocal regulation by TLR4 and TGF-β in tumor-initiating stem-like cells.

    Published in:
    • Chen, Chia-Lin;
    • Tsukamoto, Hidekazu;
    • Liu, Jian-Chang;
    • Kashiwabara, Claudine;
    • Feldman, Douglas;
    • Sher, Linda;
    • Dooley, Steven;
    • French, Samuel W;
    • Mishra, Lopa;
    • Petrovic, Lydia;
    • Jeong, Joseph H;
    • Machida, Keigo
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Prenatal sensitization of a postnatal trigger for metabolic disease.

    Published in:
    • Murphy, Susan K
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Whole exome sequencing of adenoid cystic carcinoma.

    Published in:
    • Stephens, Philip J;
    • Davies, Helen R;
    • Mitani, Yoshitsugu;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Shlien, Adam;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Cheverton, Angela;
    • Bignell, Graham R;
    • Butler, Adam P;
    • Gamble, John;
    • Gamble, Stephen;
    • Hardy, Claire;
    • Hinton, Jonathan;
    • Jia, Mingming;
    • Jayakumar, Alagu;
    • Jones, David;
    • Latimer, Calli;
    • McLaren, Stuart;
    • McBride, David J
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • A conversation with Christine Seidman. Interview by Ushma S. Neill.

    Published in:
    • Neill, Ushma S;
    • Seidman, Christine
    Publication type:
  • Transcription factor ATF3 links host adaptive response to breast cancer metastasis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2893, doi. 10.1172/JCI64410
    • Wolford, Chris C.;
    • McConoughey, Stephen J.;
    • Jalgaonkar, Swati P.;
    • Leon, Marino;
    • Merchant, Anand S.;
    • Dominick, Johnna L.;
    • Xin Yin;
    • Yiseok Chang;
    • Zmuda, Erik J.;
    • O’Toole, Sandra A.;
    • Millar, Ewan K. A.;
    • Roller, Stephanie L.;
    • Shapiro, Charles L.;
    • Ostrowski, Michael C.;
    • Sutherland, Robert L.;
    • Tsonwin Hai
    Publication type:
  • WAVE1 mediates suppression of phagocytosis by phospholipid-derived DAMPs.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3014, doi. 10.1172/JCI60681
    • Matt, Ulrich;
    • Sharif, Omar;
    • Martins, Rui;
    • Furtner, Tanja;
    • Langeberg, Lorene;
    • Gawish, Riem;
    • Elbau, Immanuel;
    • Zivkovic, Ana;
    • Lakovits, Karin;
    • Oskolkova, Olga;
    • Doninger, Bianca;
    • Vychytil, Andreas;
    • Perkmann, Thomas;
    • Schabbauer, Gernot;
    • Binder, Christoph J.;
    • Bochkov, Valery N.;
    • Scott, John D.;
    • Knapp, Sylvia
    Publication type:
  • Type 2 alveolar cells are stem cells in adult lung.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3025, doi. 10.1172/JCI68782
    • Barkauskas, Christina E.;
    • Cronce, Michael J.;
    • Rackley, Craig R.;
    • Bowie, Emily J.;
    • Keene, Douglas R.;
    • Stripp, Barry R.;
    • Randell, Scott H.;
    • Noble, Paul W.;
    • Hogan, Brigid L. M.
    Publication type:
  • α-Ketoglutarate regulates acid-base balance through an intrarenal paracrine mechanism.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3166, doi. 10.1172/JCI67562
    • Natsuko Tokonami;
    • Morla, Luciana;
    • Centeno, Gabriel;
    • Mordasini, David;
    • Ramakrishnan, Suresh Krishna;
    • Nikolaeva, Svetlana;
    • Wagner, Carsten A.;
    • Bonny, Olivier;
    • Houillier, Pascal;
    • Doucet, Alain;
    • Firsov, Dmitri
    Publication type:
  • Microglial activation underlies cerebellar deficits produced by repeated cannabis exposure.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2816, doi. 10.1172/JCI67569
    • Cutando, Laura;
    • Busquets-Garcia, Arnau;
    • Puighermanal, Emma;
    • Gomis-González, Maria;
    • Delgado-García, José María;
    • Gruart, Agnès;
    • Maldonado, Rafael;
    • Ozaita, Andrés
    Publication type:
  • Reversal of gene dysregulation in cultured cytotrophoblasts reveals possible causes of preeclampsia.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2862, doi. 10.1172/JCI66966
    • Yan Zhou;
    • Gormley, Matthew J.;
    • Hunkapiller, Nathan M.;
    • Kapidzic, Mirhan;
    • Stolyarov, Yana;
    • Feng, Victoria;
    • Masakazu Nishida;
    • Drake, Penelope M.;
    • Bianco, Katherine;
    • Fei Wang;
    • McMaster, Michael T.;
    • Fisher, Susan J.
    Publication type:
  • Reciprocal regulation by TLR4 and TGF-βin tumor-initiating stem-like cells.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2832, doi. 10.1172/JCI65859
    • Chia-Lin Chen;
    • Hidekazu Tsukamoto;
    • Jian-Chang Liu;
    • Kashiwabara, Claudine;
    • Feldman, Douglas;
    • Sher, Linda;
    • Dooley, Steven;
    • French, Samuel W.;
    • Mishra, Lopa;
    • Petrovic, Lydia;
    • Jeong, Joseph H.;
    • Machida, Keigo
    Publication type:
  • Mitochondrial TCA cycle intermediates regulate body fluid and acid-base balance.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2788, doi. 10.1172/JCI68095
    • János Peti-Peterdi, János
    Publication type:
  • Transcription factor NRF2 regulates miR-1 and miR-206 to drive tumorigenesis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2921, doi. 10.1172/JCI66353
    • Singh, Anju;
    • Happel, Christine;
    • Manna, Soumen K.;
    • Acquaah-Mensah, George;
    • Carrerero, Julian;
    • Kumar, Sarvesh;
    • Nasipuri, Poonam;
    • Krausz, Kristopher W.;
    • Wakabayashi, Nobunao;
    • Dewi, Ruby;
    • Boros, Laszlo G.;
    • Gonzalez, Frank J.;
    • Gabrielson, Edward;
    • Kwok K. Wong;
    • Girnun, Geoffrey;
    • Biswal, Shyam
    Publication type:
  • Metabolic stress regulates cytoskeletal dynamics and metastasis of cancer cells.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2907, doi. 10.1172/JCI67841
    • Caino, M. Cecilia;
    • Young Chan Chae;
    • Vaira, Valentina;
    • Ferrero, Stefano;
    • Nosotti, Mario;
    • Martin, Nina M.;
    • Weeraratna, Ashani;
    • O’Connell, Michael;
    • Jernigan, Danielle;
    • Fatatis, Alessandro;
    • Languino, Lucia R.;
    • Bosari, Silvano;
    • Altieri, Dario C.
    Publication type:
  • Melanoma immunotherapy using mature DCs expressing the constitutive proteasome.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3135, doi. 10.1172/JCI67544
    • Dannull, Jens;
    • Haley, N. Rebecca;
    • Archer, Gary;
    • Nair, Smita;
    • Boczkowski, David;
    • Harper, Mark;
    • De Rosa, Nicole;
    • Pickett, Nancy;
    • Mosca, Paul J.;
    • Burchette, James;
    • Selim, Maria A.;
    • Mitchell, Duane A.;
    • Sampson, John;
    • Tyler, Douglas S.;
    • Pruitt, Scott K.
    Publication type:
  • Maternal cholestasis during pregnancy programs metabolic disease in offspring.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3172, doi. 10.1172/JCI68927
    • Papacleovoulou, Georgia;
    • Abu-Hayyeh, Shadi;
    • Nikolopoulou, Evanthia;
    • Briz, Oscar;
    • Owen, Bryn M.;
    • Nikolova, Vanya;
    • Ovadia, Caroline;
    • Xiao Huang;
    • Vaarasmaki, Marja;
    • Baumann, Marc;
    • Jansen, Eugene;
    • Albrecht, Christiane;
    • Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta;
    • Marin, Jose J. G.;
    • Knisely, A. S.;
    • Williamson, Catherine
    Publication type:
  • Linking MLL and the HGF-MET signaling pathway in liver cancer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2780, doi. 10.1172/JCI70235
    • Marquardt, Jens U.;
    • Thorgeirsson, Snorri S.
    Publication type:
  • Integrated genetic and epigenetic analysis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3099, doi. 10.1172/JCI66203
    • Figueroa, Maria E.;
    • Shann-Ching Chen;
    • Andersson, Anna K.;
    • Phillips, Letha A.;
    • Yushan Li;
    • Sotzen, Jason;
    • Kundu, Mondira;
    • Downing, James R.;
    • Melnick, Ari;
    • Mullighan, Charles G.
    Publication type:
  • HGF-MET signals via the MLL-ETS2 complex in hepatocellular carcinoma.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3154, doi. 10.1172/JCI65566
    • Shugaku Takeda;
    • Han Liu;
    • Satoru Sasagawa;
    • Yiyu Dong;
    • Trainor, Paul A.;
    • Cheng, Emily H.;
    • Hsieh, James J.
    Publication type:
  • HDAC3 is essential for DNA replication in hematopoietic progenitor cells.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3112, doi. 10.1172/JCI60806
    • Summers, Alyssa R.;
    • Fischer, Melissa A.;
    • Stengel, Kristy R.;
    • Yue Zhao;
    • Kaiser, Jonathan F.;
    • Wells, Christina E.;
    • Hunt, Aubrey;
    • Bhaskara, Srividya;
    • Luzwick, Jessica W.;
    • Sampathi, Shilpa;
    • Xi Chen;
    • Thompson, Mary Ann;
    • Cortez, David;
    • Hiebert, Scott W.
    Publication type:
  • Nanoparticle clearance is governed by Th1/Th2 immunity and strain background.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3061, doi. 10.1172/JCI66895
    • Jones, Stephen W.;
    • Roberts, Reid A.;
    • Robbins, Gregory R.;
    • Perry, Jillian L.;
    • Kai, Marc P.;
    • Kai Chen;
    • Tao Bo;
    • Napier, Mary E.;
    • Ting, Jenny P. Y.;
    • DeSimone, Joseph M.;
    • Bear, James E.
    Publication type:
  • Sirtuin 1 inhibition delays cyst formation in autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1172/JCI64401
    • Xia Zhou;
    • Fan, Lucy X.;
    • Sweeney Jr., William E.;
    • Denu, John M.;
    • Avner, Ellis D.;
    • Xiaogang Li
    Publication type:
  • Prenatal sensitization of a postnatal trigger for metabolic disease..

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2786, doi. 10.1172/JCI69399
    • Murphy, Susan K.
    Publication type:
  • CD4+ follicular helper T cell infiltration predicts breast cancer survival.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2873, doi. 10.1172/JCI67428
    • Chunyan Gu-Trantien;
    • Loi, Sherene;
    • Garaud, Soizic;
    • Equeter, Carole;
    • Libin, Myriam;
    • de Wind, Alexandre;
    • Ravoet, Marie;
    • Le Buanec, Hélène;
    • Sibille, Catherine;
    • Manfouo-Foutsop, Germain;
    • Veys, Isabelle;
    • Haibe-Kains, Benjamin;
    • Singhal, Sandeep K.;
    • Michiels, Stefan;
    • Rothé, Françoise;
    • Salgado, Roberto;
    • Duvillier, Hugues;
    • Ignatiadis, Michail;
    • Desmedt, Christine;
    • Bron, Dominique
    Publication type:
  • Loss-of-function mutations in SIM1 contribute to obesity and Prader-Willi-like features.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3037, doi. 10.1172/JCI68035
    • Bonnefond, Amélie;
    • Raimondo, Anne;
    • Stutzmann, Fanny;
    • Ghoussaini, Maya;
    • Ramachandrappa, Shwetha;
    • Bersten, David C.;
    • Durand, Emmanuelle;
    • Vatin, Vincent;
    • Balkau, Beverley;
    • Lantieri, Olivier;
    • Raverdy, Violeta;
    • Pattou, François;
    • Van Hul, Wim;
    • Van Gaal, Luc;
    • Peet, Daniel J.;
    • Weill, Jacques;
    • Miller, Jennifer L.;
    • Horber, Fritz;
    • Goldstone, Anthony P.;
    • Driscoll, Daniel J.
    Publication type:
  • Whole exome sequencing of adenoid cystic carcinoma.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2965, doi. 10.1172/JCI67201
    • Stephens, Philip J.;
    • Davies, Helen R.;
    • Mitani, Yoshitsugu;
    • Van Loo, Peter;
    • Shlien, Adam;
    • Tarpey, Patrick S.;
    • Papaemmanuil, Elli;
    • Cheverton, Angela;
    • Bignell, Graham R.;
    • Butler, Adam P.;
    • Gamble, John;
    • Gamble, Stephen;
    • Hardy, Claire;
    • Hinton, Jonathan;
    • Mingming Jia;
    • Jayakumar, Alagu;
    • Jones, David;
    • Latimer, Calli;
    • McLaren, Stuart;
    • McBride, David J.
    Publication type:
  • Immune cells control skin lymphatic electrolyte homeostasis and blood pressure.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2803, doi. 10.1172/JCI60113
    • Wiig, Helge;
    • Schröder, Agnes;
    • Neuhofer, Wolfgang;
    • Jantsch, Jonathan;
    • Kopp, Christoph;
    • Karlsen, Tine V.;
    • Boschmann, Michael;
    • Goss, Jennifer;
    • Bry, Maija;
    • Rakova, Natalia;
    • Dahlmann, Anke;
    • Brenner, Sven;
    • Tenstad, Olav;
    • Nurmi, Harri;
    • Department of Cellular Physiology and Department of Nephrology, Medical Clinic 4, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany, Eero Mervaala;
    • Wagner, Hubertus;
    • Beck, Franz-Xaver;
    • Müller, Dominik N.;
    • Kerjaschki, Dontscho;
    • Luft, Friedrich C.
    Publication type:
  • iPSC-derived β cells model diabetes due to glucokinase deficiency.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3146, doi. 10.1172/JCI67638
    • Haiqing Hua;
    • Linshan Shang;
    • Martinez, Hector;
    • Freeby, Matthew;
    • Gallagher, Mary Pat;
    • Ludwig, Thomas;
    • Deng, Liyong;
    • Greenberg, Ellen;
    • LeDuc, Charles;
    • Chung, Wendy K.;
    • Goland, Robin;
    • Leibel, Rudolph L.;
    • Egli, Dieter
    Publication type:
  • Rare variants in single-minded 1 (SIM1) are associated with severe obesity.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3042, doi. 10.1172/JCI68016
    • Ramachandrappa, Shwetha;
    • Raimondo, Anne;
    • Cali, Anna M. G.;
    • Keogh, Julia M.;
    • Henning, Elana;
    • Saeed, Sadia;
    • Thompson, Amanda;
    • Garg, Sumedha;
    • Bochukova, Elena G.;
    • Brage, Soren;
    • Trowse, Victoria;
    • Wheeler, Eleanor;
    • Sullivan, Adrienne E.;
    • Dattani, Mehul;
    • Clayton, Peter E.;
    • Datta, Vippan;
    • Bruning, John B.;
    • Wareham, Nick J.;
    • O’Rahilly, Stephen;
    • Peet, Daniel J.
    Publication type:
  • Mutation signature of adenoid cystic carcinoma: evidence for transcriptional and epigenetic reprogramming.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2783, doi. 10.1172/JCI69070
    • Frierson Jr., Henry F.;
    • Moskaluk, Christopher A.
    Publication type:
  • PRKDC mutations in a SCID patient with profound neurological abnormalities.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2969, doi. 10.1172/JCI67349
    • Woodbine, Lisa;
    • Neal, Jessica A.;
    • Sasi, Nanda-Kumar;
    • Mayuko Shimada;
    • Deem, Karen;
    • Coleman, Helen;
    • Dobyns, William B.;
    • Tomoo Ogi;
    • Meek, Katheryn;
    • Davies, E. Graham;
    • Jeggo, Penny A.
    Publication type:
  • Peptidylarginine deiminase inhibition is immunomodulatory and vasculoprotective in murine lupus.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2981, doi. 10.1172/JCI67390
    • Knight, Jason S.;
    • Wenpu Zhao;
    • Wei Luo;
    • Subramanian, Venkataraman;
    • O’Dell, Alexander A.;
    • Yalavarthi, Srilakshmi;
    • Hodgin, Jeffrey B.;
    • Eitzman, Daniel T.;
    • Thompson, Paul R.;
    • Kaplan, Mariana J.
    Publication type:
  • FcγRIIb mediates amyloid-β neurotoxicity and memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2791, doi. 10.1172/JCI66827
    • Tae-In Kam;
    • Sungmin Song;
    • Youngdae Gwon;
    • Hyejin Park;
    • Ji-Jing Yan;
    • Isak Im;
    • Ji-Woo Choi;
    • Tae-Yong Choi;
    • Jeongyeon Kim;
    • Dong-Keun Song;
    • Toshiyuki Takai;
    • Yong-Chul Kim;
    • Key-Sun Kim;
    • Se-Young Choi;
    • Sukwoo Choi;
    • Klein, William L.;
    • Junying Yuan;
    • Yong-Keun Jung
    Publication type:
  • Dysregulation of voltage-gated sodium channels by ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2 in neuropathic pain.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3002, doi. 10.1172/JCI68996
    • Laedermann, Cédric J.;
    • Cachemaille, Matthieu;
    • Kirschmann, Guylène;
    • Pertin, Marie;
    • Gosselin, Romain-Daniel;
    • Chang, Isabelle;
    • Albesa, Maxime;
    • Towne, Chris;
    • Schneider, Bernard L.;
    • Kellenberger, Stephan;
    • Abriel, Hugues;
    • Decosterd, Isabelle
    Publication type:
  • Dominant protein interactions that influence the pathogenesis of conformational diseases.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3124, doi. 10.1172/JCI67260
    • Wright, Jordan;
    • Xiaofan Wang;
    • Haataja, Leena;
    • Kellogg, Aaron P.;
    • Jaemin Lee;
    • Ming Liu;
    • Arvan, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Dependence receptor UNC5D mediates nerve growth factor depletion-induced neuroblastoma regression.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2935, doi. 10.1172/JCI65988
    • Yuyan Zhu;
    • Yuanyuan Li;
    • Seiki Haraguchi;
    • Meng Yu;
    • Miki Ohira;
    • Toshinori Ozaki;
    • Atsuko Nakagawa;
    • Toshikazu Ushijima;
    • Eriko Isogai;
    • Haruhiko Koseki;
    • Yohko Nakamura;
    • Cuize Kong;
    • Mehlen, Patrick;
    • Hirofumi Arakawa;
    • Akira Nakagawara
    Publication type:
  • CpG-depleted adeno-associated virus vectors evade immune detection.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2994, doi. 10.1172/JCI68205
    • Faust, Susan M.;
    • Bell, Peter;
    • Cutler, Benjamin J.;
    • Ashley, Scott N.;
    • Yanqing Zhu;
    • Rabinowitz, Joseph E.;
    • Wilson, James M.
    Publication type:
  • Antigenic liposomes displaying CD22 ligands induce antigen-specific B cell apoptosis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1172/JCI69187
    • Macauley, Matthew S.;
    • Pfrengle, Fabian;
    • Rademacher, Christoph;
    • Nycholat, Corwin M.;
    • Gale, Andrew J.;
    • von Drygalski, Annette;
    • Paulson, James C.
    Publication type:
  • Antigen-activated dendritic cells ameliorate influenza A infections.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2850, doi. 10.1172/JCI67550
    • Boonnak, Kobporn;
    • Vogel, Leatrice;
    • Orandle, Marlene;
    • Zimmerman, Daniel;
    • Talor, Eyal;
    • Subbarao, Kanta
    Publication type:
  • An androgen receptor N-terminal domain antagonist for treating prostate cancer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2948, doi. 10.1172/JCI66398
    • Jae-Kyung Myung;
    • Banuelos, Carmen A.;
    • Garcia Fernandez, Javier;
    • Mawji, Nasrin R.;
    • Jun Wang;
    • Tien, Amy H.;
    • Yu Chi Yang;
    • Tavakoli, Iran;
    • Haile, Simon;
    • Watt, Kate;
    • McEwan, Iain J.;
    • Plymate, Stephen;
    • Andersen, Raymond J.;
    • Sadar, Marianne D.
    Publication type:
  • 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase blockade prevents age-induced skin structure and function defects.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 3051, doi. 10.1172/JCI64162
    • Tiganescu, Ana;
    • Tahraní, Abd A.;
    • Morgan, Stuart A.;
    • Otranto, Marcela;
    • Desmoulière, Alexis;
    • Abrahams, Lianne;
    • Hassan-Smith, Zaki;
    • Walker, Elizabeth A.;
    • Rabbitt, Elizabeth H.;
    • Cooper, Mark S.;
    • Amrein, Kurt;
    • Lavery, Gareth G.;
    • Stewart, Paul M.
    Publication type:
  • STALing B cell responses with CD22.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2778, doi. 10.1172/JCI69670
    • Chappell, Craig P.;
    • Clark, Edward A.
    Publication type:
  • Radiation and immunotherapy: a synergistic combination.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2756, doi. 10.1172/JCI69219
    • Kalbasi, Anusha;
    • June, Carl H.;
    • Haas, Naomi;
    • Vapiwala, Neha
    Publication type:
  • Preeclampsia: a link between trophoblast dysregulation and an antiangiogenic state.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2775, doi. 10.1172/JCI70431
    • Romero, Roberto;
    • Chaiworapongsa, Tinnakorn
    Publication type:
  • Lamin B1 mediates cell-autonomous neuropathology in a leukodystrophy mouse model.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2719, doi. 10.1172/JCI66737
    • Heng, Mary Y.;
    • Shu-Ting Lin;
    • Verret, Laure;
    • Yong Huang;
    • Kamiya, Sherry;
    • Padiath, Quasar S.;
    • Ying Tong;
    • Palop, Jorge J.;
    • Huang, Eric J.;
    • Ptáček, Louis J.;
    • Ying-Hui Fu
    Publication type:
  • Intestinal CFTR expression alleviates meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis pigs.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2685, doi. 10.1172/JCI68867
    • Stoltz, David A.;
    • Rokhlina, Tatiana;
    • Ernst, Sarah E.;
    • Pezzulo, Alejandro A.;
    • Ostedgaard, Lynda S.;
    • Karp, Philip H.;
    • Samuel, Melissa S.;
    • Reznikov, Leah R.;
    • Rector, Michael V.;
    • Gansemer, Nicholas D.;
    • Bouzek, Drake C.;
    • Alaiwa, Mahmoud H. Abou;
    • Hoegger, Mark J.;
    • Ludwig, Paula S.;
    • Taft, Peter J.;
    • Wallen, Tanner J.;
    • Wohlford-Lenane, Christine;
    • McMenimen, James D.;
    • Jeng-Haur Chen;
    • Bogan, Katrina L.
    Publication type:
  • Inhibition of DYRK1A destabilizes EGFR and reduces EGFR-dependent glioblastoma growth.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2475, doi. 10.1172/JCI63623
    • Pozo, Natividad;
    • Zahonero, Cristina;
    • Fernández, Paloma;
    • Liñares, Jose M.;
    • Ayuso, Angel;
    • Hagiwara, Masatoshi;
    • Pérez, Angel;
    • Ricoy, Jose R.;
    • Hernández-Laín, Aurelio;
    • Sepúlveda, Juan M.;
    • Sánchez-Gómez, Pilar
    Publication type:
  • HPV-related methylation signature predicts survival in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas.

    Published in:
    Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013, v. 123, n. 7, p. 2488, doi. 10.1172/JCI67010
    • Kostareli, Efterpi;
    • Holzinger, Dana;
    • Bogatyrova, Olga;
    • Hielscher, Thomas;
    • Wichmann, Gunnar;
    • Keck, Michaela;
    • Lahrmann, Bernd;
    • Grabe, Niels;
    • Flechtenmacher, Christa;
    • Schmidt, Christopher R.;
    • Seiwert, Tanguy;
    • Dyckhoff, Gerhard;
    • Dietz, Andreas;
    • Höfler, Daniela;
    • Pawlita, Michael;
    • Benner, Axel;
    • Bosch, Franz X.;
    • Plinkert, Peter;
    • Plass, Christoph;
    • Weichenhan, Dieter
    Publication type: