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  • Snow fence load on a house roof with tiles.

    Published in:
    Annals of the University of Oradea: Facsicle of Management & Technological Engineering, 2018, v. 27, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.15660/auofmte.2018-1.3317
    • GAVRILĂ, Cornel Cătălin;
    • LATEŞ, Mihai-Tiberiu
    Publication type:
  • Respiration during snow burial using an artificial air pocket.

    Published in:
    • Grissom, Colin K.;
    • Radwin, Martin I.;
    • Harmston, Chris H.;
    • Hirshberg, Ellie L.;
    • Crowley, Thomas J.;
    • Grissom, C K;
    • Radwin, M I;
    • Harmston, C H;
    • Hirshberg, E L;
    • Crowley, T J
    Publication type:
    journal article