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  • Tax Collections Optimization for New York State.

    Published in:
    Interfaces, 2012, v. 42, n. 1, p. 74, doi. 10.1287/inte.1110.0618
    • Miller, Gerard;
    • Weatherwax, Melissa;
    • Gardinier, Timothy;
    • Abe, Naoki;
    • Melville, Prem;
    • Pendus, Cezar;
    • Jensen, David;
    • Reddy, Chandan K.;
    • Thomas, Vince;
    • Bennett, James;
    • Anderson, Gary;
    • Cooley, Brent
    Publication type:
  • New York Criminal Tax Investigations.

    Published in:
    CPA Journal, 2009, v. 79, n. 10, p. 48
    • Klein, Mark S.;
    • Trachtenberg, Jack
    Publication type: