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  • Phase‐Separated Lipid‐Based Nanoparticles: Selective Behavior at the Nano‐Bio Interface.

    Published in:
    Advanced Materials, 2024, v. 36, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/adma.202310872
    • Papadopoulou, Panagiota;
    • van der Pol, Rianne;
    • van Hilten, Niek;
    • van Os, Winant L.;
    • Pattipeiluhu, Roy;
    • Arias‐Alpizar, Gabriela;
    • Knol, Renzo Aron;
    • Noteborn, Willem;
    • Moradi, Mohammad‐Amin;
    • Ferraz, Maria Joao;
    • Aerts, Johannes Maria Franciscus Gerardus;
    • Sommerdijk, Nico;
    • Campbell, Frederick;
    • Risselada, Herre Jelger;
    • Sevink, Geert Jan Agur;
    • Kros, Alexander
    Publication type:
  • Chain End‐Functionalized Polymer Brushes with Switchable Fluorescence Response.

    Published in:
    Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics, 2019, v. 220, n. 5, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1002/macp.201800537
    • Tas, Sinem;
    • Kopec´, Maciej;
    • der Pol, Rianne;
    • Cirelli, Marco;
    • Vries, Ilse;
    • Bölükbas, Deniz A.;
    • Tempelman, Kristianne;
    • Benes, Nieck E.;
    • Hempenius, Mark A.;
    • Vancso, G. Julius;
    • Beer, Sissi
    Publication type: