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  • Life in the Atacama: Science autonomy for improving data quality.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 2007, v. 112, n. G4, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2006JG000315
    • Smith, Trey;
    • Thompson, David R.;
    • Wettergreen, David S.;
    • Cabrol, Nathalie A.;
    • Warren-Rhodes, Kimberley A.;
    • Weinstein, Shmuel J.
    Publication type:
  • Life in the Atacama: A scoring system for habitability and the robotic exploration for life.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 2007, v. 112, n. G4, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2006JG000321
    • Hock, Andrew N.;
    • Cabrol, Nathalie A.;
    • Dohm, James M.;
    • Piatek, Jennifer;
    • Warren-Rhodes, Kim;
    • Weinstein, Shmuel;
    • Wettergreen, David S.;
    • Grin, Edmond A.;
    • Moersch, Jeffrey;
    • Cockell, Charles S.;
    • Coppin, Peter;
    • Ernst, Lauren;
    • Fisher, Gregory;
    • Hardgrove, Craig;
    • Marinangeli, Lucia;
    • Minkley, Edwin;
    • Ori, Gian Gabriele;
    • Waggoner, Alan;
    • Wyatt, Mike;
    • Smith, Trey
    Publication type:
  • Surface and subsurface composition of the Life in the Atacama field sites from rover data and orbital image analysis.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 2007, v. 112, n. G4, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2006JG000317
    • Piatek, Jennifer L.;
    • Hardgrove, Craig;
    • Moersch, Jeffrey E.;
    • Drake, Darrell M.;
    • Wyatt, Michael B.;
    • Rampey, Michael;
    • Carlisle, Orion;
    • Warren-Rhodes, Kim;
    • Dohm, James M.;
    • Hock, Andrew N.;
    • Cabrol, Nathalie A.;
    • Wettergreen, David S.;
    • Grin, Edmond A.;
    • Diaz, Guillermo Chong;
    • Coppin, Peter;
    • Weinstein, Shmuel;
    • Cockell, Charles S.;
    • Marinangeli, Lucia;
    • Ori, Gian Gabriele;
    • Smith, Trey
    Publication type: