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  • Microcalorimeter Absorber Optimization for ATHENA and LEM.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2024, v. 216, n. 1/2, p. 417, doi. 10.1007/s10909-024-03173-3
    • Wassell, Edward;
    • Adams, Joseph;
    • Bandler, Simon;
    • Chervenak, James;
    • Cumbee, Renata;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred;
    • Fuhrman, Joshua;
    • Hull, Samuel;
    • Kelley, Richard;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline;
    • Mateo, Jennette;
    • Muramatsu, Haruka;
    • Porter, Frederick;
    • Rani, Asha;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Smith, Stephen;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas;
    • Yoon, Sang
    Publication type:
  • Thermal Crosstalk Measurements and Simulations for an X-ray Microcalorimeter Array.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 3/4, p. 663, doi. 10.1007/s10909-019-02312-5
    • Miniussi, Antoine R.;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Beaumont, Sophie;
    • Chang, Meng P.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Ha, Jong Y.;
    • Hummatov, Ruslan;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Porter, Frederick S.;
    • Sadleir, John E.;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas A.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.
    Publication type:
  • Thermal Impact of Cosmic Ray Interaction with an X-Ray Microcalorimeter Array.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2020, v. 199, n. 1/2, p. 45, doi. 10.1007/s10909-020-02337-1
    • Miniussi, Antoine R.;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Beaumont, Sophie;
    • Chang, Meng P.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Ha, Jong Y.;
    • Hummatov, Ruslan;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Porter, Frederick S.;
    • Sadleir, John E.;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas A.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.
    Publication type:
  • Design of Magnetic Shielding and Field Coils for a TES X-ray Microcalorimeter Test Platform.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2019, v. 194, n. 5/6, p. 433, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-02131-0
    • Miniussi, Antoine R.;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Datesman, Aaron M.;
    • Doriese, William B.;
    • Eckart, Megan E.;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Porter, Frederick S.;
    • Sadleir, John E.;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas A.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.;
    • van Weers, Henk J.;
    • Yoon, Wonsik
    Publication type:
  • Performance of an X-ray Microcalorimeter with a 240 μm Absorber and a 50 μm TES Bilayer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, v. 193, n. 3/4, p. 337, doi. 10.1007/s10909-018-1974-4
    • Miniussi, Antoine R.;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Datesman, Aaron M.;
    • Eckart, Megan E.;
    • Ewin, Audrey J.;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Porter, Frederick S.;
    • Sadleir, John E.;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas A.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.;
    • Yoon, Wonsik
    Publication type:
  • Characterization of a hybrid array of single and multi-absorber transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters for the Line Emission Mapper.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments & Systems, 2023, v. 9, n. 4, p. 41006, doi. 10.1117/1.JATIS.9.4.041006
    • Wakeham, Nicholas;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Cumbee, Renata S.;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Fuhrman, Joshua;
    • Hull, Samuel;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.;
    • Yoon, Sang
    Publication type:
  • Development of the microcalorimeter and anticoincidence detector for the Line Emission Mapper x-ray probe.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments & Systems, 2023, v. 9, n. 4, p. 41005, doi. 10.1117/1.JATIS.9.4.041005
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Borrelli, Rachel B.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Cumbee, Renata S.;
    • Figueroa-Feliciano, Enectali;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Furhman, Joshua;
    • Hull, Samuel V.;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Kurinsky, Noah A.;
    • Mateo, Jennette N.;
    • Rani, Asha;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas A.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.;
    • Yoon, Sang H.
    Publication type:
  • Multiabsorber transition-edge sensors for x-ray astronomy.

    Published in:
    Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments & Systems, 2019, v. 5, n. 2, p. 21008, doi. 10.1117/1.JATIS.5.2.021008
    • Smith, Stephen J.;
    • Adams, Joseph S.;
    • Bandler, Simon R.;
    • Chervenak, James A.;
    • Datesman, Aaron M.;
    • Eckart, Megan E.;
    • Finkbeiner, Fred M.;
    • Hummatov, Ruslan;
    • Kelley, Richard L.;
    • Kilbourne, Caroline A.;
    • Miniussi, Antoine R.;
    • Porter, Frederick S.;
    • Sadleir, John E.;
    • Sakai, Kazuhiro;
    • Wakeham, Nicholas A.;
    • Wassell, Edward J.
    Publication type: