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  • Book reviews.

    Published in:
    • Crum, John;
    • Weber, Donald;
    • Guise-Richardson, Cai;
    • Schwantes, Carlos;
    • Carter, Ian;
    • Wakeford, Tony;
    • Mata, Maria Eugénia;
    • Olivares, Javier Vidal;
    • Hernández Marco, José Luis;
    • Ottosson, Jan;
    • Roth, Ralf;
    • Elsasser, Kilian T.;
    • Wydler, Henry;
    • Vahrenkamp, Richard;
    • Dinhobl, Günter;
    • Higginson, Martin;
    • Roskothen, Johannes;
    • Schmidt, Gert;
    • Lyth, Peter;
    • Gordon, Bertram M.
    Publication type:
    Book Review
  • Books Reviews.

    Published in:
    • Biscoe, Adam;
    • Castellino, Joshua;
    • Dodds, Antonia;
    • Hervik, Peter;
    • Hutchinson, John;
    • Lampinen, Tapio;
    • Menski, Werner;
    • Morgan, Tony;
    • Panossian, Razmik;
    • Triandafyllidou, Anna;
    • Wakeford, Tony;
    • Grant, Susan-Mary
    Publication type:
    Book Review