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  • Low-Damping Spin-Wave Transmission in YIG/Pt-Interfaced Structures.

    Published in:
    Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2022, v. 9, n. 36, p. 1, doi. 10.1002/admi.202201323
    • Serha, Rostyslav O.;
    • Bozhko, Dmytro A.;
    • Agrawal, Milan;
    • Verba, Roman V.;
    • Kostylev, Mikhail;
    • Vasyuchka, Vitaliy I.;
    • Hillebrands, Burkard;
    • Serga, Alexander A.
    Publication type:
  • Classical analog of qubit logic based on a magnon Bose–Einstein condensate.

    Published in:
    Communications Physics, 2022, v. 5, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s42005-022-00970-8
    • Mohseni, Morteza;
    • Vasyuchka, Vitaliy I.;
    • L'vov, Victor S.;
    • Serga, Alexander A.;
    • Hillebrands, Burkard
    Publication type:
  • Enhancement of the Spin Pumping Effect by Magnon Confluence Process in YIG/Pt Bilayers.

    Published in:
    Physica Status Solidi (B), 2019, v. 256, n. 9, p. N.PAG, doi. 10.1002/pssb.201900121
    • Noack, Timo B.;
    • Vasyuchka, Vitaliy I.;
    • Bozhko, Dmytro A.;
    • Heinz, Björn;
    • Frey, Pascal;
    • Slobodianiuk, Denys V.;
    • Prokopenko, Oleksandr V.;
    • Melkov, Gennadii A.;
    • Kopietz, Peter;
    • Hillebrands, Burkard;
    • Serga, Alexander A.
    Publication type:
  • Optically reconfigurable magnetic materials.

    Published in:
    Nature Physics, 2015, v. 11, n. 6, p. 487, doi. 10.1038/nphys3325
    • Vogel, Marc;
    • Chumak, Andrii V.;
    • Waller, Erik H.;
    • Langner, Thomas;
    • Vasyuchka, Vitaliy I.;
    • Hillebrands, Burkard;
    • von Freymann, Georg
    Publication type:
  • Bose-Einstein condensation in an ultra-hot gas of pumped magnons.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2014, v. 5, n. 3, p. 3452, doi. 10.1038/ncomms4452
    • Serga, Alexander A.;
    • Tiberkevich, Vasil S.;
    • Sandweg, Christian W.;
    • Vasyuchka, Vitaliy I.;
    • Bozhko, Dmytro A.;
    • Chumak, Andrii V.;
    • Neumann, Timo;
    • Obry, Björn;
    • Melkov, Gennadii A.;
    • Slavin, Andrei N.;
    • Hillebrands, Burkard
    Publication type: