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  • Patterns of somatic mutation in human cancer genomes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2007, v. 446, n. 7132, p. 153, doi. 10.1038/nature05610
    • Greenman, Christopher;
    • Stephens, Philip;
    • Smith, Raffaella;
    • Dalgliesh, Gillian L.;
    • Hunter, Christopher;
    • Bignell, Graham;
    • Davies, Helen;
    • Teague, Jon;
    • Butler, Adam;
    • Stevens, Claire;
    • Edkins, Sarah;
    • O’Meara, Sarah;
    • Vastrik, Imre;
    • Schmidt, Esther E.;
    • Avis, Tim;
    • Barthorpe, Syd;
    • Bhamra, Gurpreet;
    • Buck, Gemma;
    • Choudhury, Bhudipa;
    • Clements, Jody
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing.

    Published in:
    • Demir, Emek;
    • Cary, Michael P;
    • Paley, Suzanne;
    • Fukuda, Ken;
    • Lemer, Christian;
    • Vastrik, Imre;
    • Wu, Guanming;
    • D'Eustachio, Peter;
    • Schaefer, Carl;
    • Luciano, Joanne;
    • Schacherer, Frank;
    • Martinez-Flores, Irma;
    • Hu, Zhenjun;
    • Jimenez-Jacinto, Veronica;
    • Joshi-Tope, Geeta;
    • Kandasamy, Kumaran;
    • Lopez-Fuentes, Alejandra C;
    • Mi, Huaiyu;
    • Pichler, Elgar;
    • Rodchenkov, Igor
    Publication type:
  • The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing.

    Published in:
    • Demir, Emek;
    • Cary, Michael P;
    • Paley, Suzanne;
    • Fukuda, Ken;
    • Lemer, Christian;
    • Vastrik, Imre;
    • Wu, Guanming;
    • D'Eustachio, Peter;
    • Schaefer, Carl;
    • Luciano, Joanne;
    • Schacherer, Frank;
    • Martinez-Flores, Irma;
    • Hu, Zhenjun;
    • Jimenez-Jacinto, Veronica;
    • Joshi-Tope, Geeta;
    • Kandasamy, Kumaran;
    • Lopez-Fuentes, Alejandra C;
    • Mi, Huaiyu;
    • Pichler, Elgar;
    • Rodchenkov, Igor
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2010, v. 28, n. 9, p. 935, doi. 10.1038/nbt.1666
    • Demir, Emek;
    • Cary, Michael P.;
    • Paley, Suzanne;
    • Fukuda, Ken;
    • Lemer, Christian;
    • Vastrik, Imre;
    • Wu, Guanming;
    • D'Eustachio, Peter;
    • Schaefer, Carl;
    • Luciano, Joanne;
    • Schacherer, Frank;
    • Martinez-Flores, Irma;
    • Hu, Zhenjun;
    • Jimenez-Jacinto, Veronica;
    • Joshi-Tope, Geeta;
    • Kandasamy, Kumaran;
    • Lopez-Fuentes, Alejandra C.;
    • Mi, Huaiyu;
    • Pichler, Elgar;
    • Rodchenkov, Igor
    Publication type:
  • Reactome knowledgebase of human biological pathways and processes.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2009, v. 37, n. suppl_1, p. D619, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkn863
    • Matthews, Lisa;
    • Gopinath, Gopal;
    • Gillespie, Marc;
    • Caudy, Michael;
    • Croft, David;
    • de Bono, Bernard;
    • Garapati, Phani;
    • Hemish, Jill;
    • Hermjakob, Henning;
    • Jassal, Bijay;
    • Kanapin, Alex;
    • Lewis, Suzanna;
    • Mahajan, Shahana;
    • May, Bruce;
    • Schmidt, Esther;
    • Vastrik, Imre;
    • Wu, Guanming;
    • Birney, Ewan;
    • Stein, Lincoln;
    • D’Eustachio, Peter
    Publication type: