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  • Evaluation of Antarctic Ozone Profiles derived from OMPS-LP by using Balloon-borne Ozonesondes.

    Published in:
    Scientific Reports, 2021, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41598-021-81954-6
    • Sepúlveda, Edgardo;
    • Cordero, Raul R.;
    • Damiani, Alessandro;
    • Feron, Sarah;
    • Pizarro, Jaime;
    • Zamorano, Felix;
    • Kivi, Rigel;
    • Sánchez, Ricardo;
    • Yela, Margarita;
    • Jumelet, Julien;
    • Godoy, Alejandro;
    • Carrasco, Jorge;
    • Crespo, Juan S.;
    • Seckmeyer, Gunther;
    • Jorquera, Jose A.;
    • Carrera, Juan M.;
    • Valdevenito, Braulio;
    • Cabrera, Sergio;
    • Redondas, Alberto;
    • Rowe, Penny M.
    Publication type: