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  • Correction to 'Mountains on Io: High-resolution Galileo observations, initial interpretations, and formation models' by E. P. Turtle et al.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2002, v. 107, n. E9, p. 8-1, doi. 10.1029/2002JE001928
    • Turtle, Elizabeth P.;
    • Jaeger, Windy L.;
    • Keszthelyi, Laszlo P.;
    • McEwen, Alfred S.;
    • Milazzo, Moses;
    • Moore, Jeff;
    • Phillips, Cynthia B.;
    • Radebaugh, Jani;
    • Simonelli, Damon;
    • Chuang, Frank;
    • Schuster, Peter
    Publication type:
  • Dragonfly: in situ investigation of Titan's astrobiological potential.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2018, v. 20, p. 2586
    • Freissinet, Caroline;
    • Trainer, Melissa G.;
    • Hand, Kevin P.;
    • Hörst, Sarah M.;
    • Lorenz, Ralph D.;
    • MacKenzie, Shannon M.;
    • McKay, Chris P.;
    • Brinckerhoff, William B.;
    • Cable, Morgan L.;
    • Neish, Catherine D.;
    • Barnes, Jason W.;
    • Turtle, Elizabeth P.
    Publication type:
  • Science Overview of the Europa Clipper Mission.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2024, v. 220, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-024-01070-5
    • Pappalardo, Robert T.;
    • Buratti, Bonnie J.;
    • Korth, Haje;
    • Senske, David A.;
    • Blaney, Diana L.;
    • Blankenship, Donald D.;
    • Burch, James L.;
    • Christensen, Philip R.;
    • Kempf, Sascha;
    • Kivelson, Margaret G.;
    • Mazarico, Erwan;
    • Retherford, Kurt D.;
    • Turtle, Elizabeth P.;
    • Westlake, Joseph H.;
    • Paczkowski, Brian G.;
    • Ray, Trina L.;
    • Kampmeier, Jennifer;
    • Craft, Kate L.;
    • Howell, Samuel M.;
    • Klima, Rachel L.
    Publication type:
  • Numerical modeling of impact heating and cooling of the Vredefort impact structure.

    Published in:
    Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2003, v. 38, n. 2, p. 293, doi. 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2003.tb00265.x
    • TURTLE, Elizabeth P.;
    • PIERAZZO, Elisabetta;
    • O'BRIEN, David P.
    Publication type:
  • The evolution of Titan's detached haze layer near equinox in 2009.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2011, v. 38, n. 6, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2011GL046843
    • West, Robert A.;
    • Balloch, Jonathan;
    • Dumont, Philip;
    • Lavvas, Panayotis;
    • Lorenz, Ralph;
    • Rannou, Pascal;
    • Ray, Trina;
    • Turtle, Elizabeth P.
    Publication type:
  • Observational Evidence for Summer Rainfall at Titan's North Pole.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, v. 46, n. 3, p. 1205, doi. 10.1029/2018GL080943
    • Dhingra, Rajani D.;
    • Barnes, Jason W.;
    • Brown, Robert H.;
    • Burrati, Bonnie J.;
    • Sotin, Christophe;
    • Nicholson, Phillip D.;
    • Baines, Kevin H.;
    • Clark, Roger N.;
    • Soderblom, Jason M.;
    • Jauman, Ralf;
    • Rodriguez, Sebastien;
    • Mouélic, Stéphane Le;
    • Turtle, Elizabeth P.;
    • Perry, Jason E.;
    • Cottini, Valeria;
    • Jennings, Don E.
    Publication type: