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  • Molecular identification of Mycobacterium bovis from cattle and human host in Mali: expanded genetic diversity.

    Published in:
    BMC Veterinary Research, 2016, v. 12, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s12917-016-0768-7
    • Diallo, Mamadou;
    • Diarra, Bassirou;
    • Sanogo, Moumine;
    • Togo, Antieme C. G.;
    • Somboro, Anou M.;
    • Diallo, Mariam H.;
    • Traoré, Bréhima;
    • Maiga, Mamoudou;
    • Koné, Younoussa;
    • Tounkara, Karim;
    • Sadio Sarro, Yeya dit;
    • Baya, Bocar;
    • Goita, Drissa;
    • Kassambara, Hamadoun;
    • Dembélé, Bindongo P. P.;
    • Siddiqui, Sophia;
    • Murphy, Robert L.;
    • Dao, Sounkalo;
    • Diallo, Souleymane;
    • Niang, Mamadou
    Publication type: