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  • hydrographr: An R package for scalable hydrographic data processing.

    Published in:
    Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 2023, v. 14, n. 12, p. 2953, doi. 10.1111/2041-210X.14226
    • Schürz, Marlene;
    • Grigoropoulou, Afroditi;
    • García Márquez, Jaime;
    • Torres‐Cambas, Yusdiel;
    • Tomiczek, Thomas;
    • Floury, Mathieu;
    • Bremerich, Vanessa;
    • Schürz, Christoph;
    • Amatulli, Giuseppe;
    • Grossart, Hans‐Peter;
    • Domisch, Sami
    Publication type: