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  • An encyclopedia of mouse DNA elements (Mouse ENCODE).

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2012, v. 13, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/gb-2012-13-8-418
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A;
    • Snyder, Michael;
    • Hardison, Ross;
    • Ren, Bing;
    • Gingeras, Thomas;
    • Gilbert, David M;
    • Groudine, Mark;
    • Bender, Michael;
    • Kaul, Rajinder;
    • Canfield, Theresa;
    • Giste, Erica;
    • Johnson, Audra;
    • Zhang, Mia;
    • Balasundaram, Gayathri;
    • Byron, Rachel;
    • Roach, Vaughan;
    • Sabo, Peter J;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Stehling, A Sandra;
    • Thurman, Robert E
    Publication type:
  • An encyclopedia of mouse DNA elements (Mouse ENCODE).

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2012, v. 13, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/gb-2012-13-8-418
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.;
    • Snyder, Michael;
    • Hardison, Ross;
    • Ren, Bing;
    • Gingeras, Thomas;
    • Gilbert, David M.;
    • Groudine, Mark;
    • Bender, Michael;
    • Kaul, Rajinder;
    • Canfield, Theresa;
    • Giste, Erica;
    • Johnson, Audra;
    • Mia Zhang;
    • Balasundaram, Gayathri;
    • Byron, Rachel;
    • Roach, Vaughan;
    • Sabo, Peter J.;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Sandra Stehling, A.;
    • Thurman, Robert E.
    Publication type:
  • Dynamic reprogramming of chromatin accessibility during Drosophila embryo development.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2011, v. 12, n. 5, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/gb-2011-12-5-r43
    • Thomas, Sean;
    • Xiao-Yong Li;
    • Sabo, Peter J.;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Canfield, Theresa K.;
    • Giste, Erika;
    • Fisher, William;
    • Hammonds, Ann;
    • Celniker, Susan E.;
    • Biggin, Mark D.;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.
    Publication type:
  • The accessible chromatin landscape of the human genome.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 489, n. 7414, p. 75, doi. 10.1038/nature11232
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Rynes, Eric;
    • Humbert, Richard;
    • Vierstra, Jeff;
    • Maurano, Matthew T.;
    • Haugen, Eric;
    • Sheffield, Nathan C.;
    • Stergachis, Andrew B.;
    • Wang, Hao;
    • Vernot, Benjamin;
    • Garg, Kavita;
    • John, Sam;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Bates, Daniel;
    • Boatman, Lisa;
    • Canfield, Theresa K.;
    • Diegel, Morgan;
    • Dunn, Douglas;
    • Ebersol, Abigail K.;
    • Frum, Tristan
    Publication type:
  • An expansive human regulatory lexicon encoded in transcription factor footprints.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 489, n. 7414, p. 83, doi. 10.1038/nature11212
    • Neph, Shane;
    • Vierstra, Jeff;
    • Stergachis, Andrew B.;
    • Reynolds, Alex P.;
    • Haugen, Eric;
    • Vernot, Benjamin;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • John, Sam;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Johnson, Audra K.;
    • Maurano, Matthew T.;
    • Humbert, Richard;
    • Rynes, Eric;
    • Wang, Hao;
    • Vong, Shinny;
    • Lee, Kristen;
    • Bates, Daniel;
    • Diegel, Morgan;
    • Roach, Vaughn;
    • Dunn, Douglas
    Publication type:
  • Chromatin accessibility pre-determines glucocorticoid receptor binding patterns.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2011, v. 43, n. 3, p. 264, doi. 10.1038/ng.759
    • John, Sam;
    • Sabo, Peter J.;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Myong-Hee Sung;
    • Biddie, Simon C.;
    • Johnson, Thomas A.;
    • Hager, Gordon L.;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.
    Publication type:
  • Human mutation rate associated with DNA replication timing.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2009, v. 41, n. 4, p. 393, doi. 10.1038/ng.363
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.;
    • Adzhubei, Ivan;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Kryukov, Gregory V.;
    • Mirkin, Sergei M.;
    • Sunyaev, Shamil R.
    Publication type:
  • Reduced local mutation density in regulatory DNA of cancer genomes is linked to DNA repair.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2014, v. 32, n. 1, p. 71, doi. 10.1038/nbt.2778
    • Polak, Paz;
    • Lawrence, Michael S;
    • Haugen, Eric;
    • Stoletzki, Nina;
    • Stojanov, Petar;
    • Thurman, Robert E;
    • Garraway, Levi A;
    • Mirkin, Sergei;
    • Getz, Gad;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A;
    • Sunyaev, Shamil R
    Publication type:
  • Predicting Human Nucleosome Occupancy from Primary Sequence.

    Published in:
    PLoS Computational Biology, 2008, v. 4, n. 8, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000134
    • Gupta, Shobhit;
    • Dennis, Jonathan;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Kingston, Robert;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.;
    • Noble, William Stafford
    Publication type:
  • Conservation of trans-acting circuitry during mammalian regulatory evolution.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 515, n. 7527, p. 365, doi. 10.1038/nature13972
    • Stergachis, Andrew B.;
    • Neph, Shane;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Haugen, Eric;
    • Reynolds, Alex P.;
    • Canfield, Theresa;
    • Stelhing-Sun, Sandra;
    • Lee, Kristen;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Vong, Shinny;
    • Bates, Daniel;
    • Neri, Fidencio;
    • Diegel, Morgan;
    • Giste, Erika;
    • Dunn, Douglas;
    • Vierstra, Jeff;
    • Johnson, Audra K.;
    • Sabo, Peter J.;
    • Zhang, Miaohua;
    • Byron, Rachel
    Publication type:
  • Topologically associating domains are stable units of replication-timing regulation.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 515, n. 7527, p. 402, doi. 10.1038/nature13986
    • Pope, Benjamin D.;
    • Dileep, Vishnu;
    • Vera, Daniel L.;
    • Dennis, Jonathan H.;
    • Gilbert, David M.;
    • Gülsoy, Günhan;
    • Kahveci, Tamer;
    • Ren, Bing;
    • Ryba, Tyrone;
    • Yue, Feng;
    • Wu, Weisheng;
    • Hardison, Ross C.;
    • Denas, Olgert;
    • Taylor, James;
    • Wang, Yanli;
    • Hansen, R. Scott;
    • Canfield, Theresa K.;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.;
    • Cheng, Yong
    Publication type:
  • DNA methylation status predicts cell type-specific enhancer activity.

    Published in:
    EMBO Journal, 2011, v. 30, n. 15, p. 3028, doi. 10.1038/emboj.2011.210
    • Wiench, Malgorzata;
    • John, Sam;
    • Baek, Songjoon;
    • Johnson, Thomas A;
    • Sung, Myong-Hee;
    • Escobar, Thelma;
    • Simmons, Catherine A;
    • Pearce, Kenneth H;
    • Biddie, Simon C;
    • Sabo, Pete J;
    • Thurman, Robert E;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A;
    • Hager, Gordon L
    Publication type:
  • BEDOPS: high-performance genomic feature operations.

    Published in:
    Bioinformatics, 2012, v. 28, n. 14, p. 1919, doi. 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts277
    • Neph, Shane;
    • Kuehn, M. Scott;
    • Reynolds, Alex P.;
    • Haugen, Eric;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Johnson, Audra K.;
    • Rynes, Eric;
    • Maurano, Matthew T.;
    • Vierstra, Jeff;
    • Thomas, Sean;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Humbert, Richard;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.
    Publication type:
  • Unsupervised segmentation of continuous genomic data.

    Published in:
    Bioinformatics, 2007, v. 23, n. 11, p. 1424, doi. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm096
    • Nathan Day;
    • Andrew Hemmaplardh;
    • Robert E. Thurman;
    • John A. Stamatoyannopoulos;
    • William S. Noble
    Publication type:
  • Nonfucosylation of an anti-TIGIT antibody enhances FcγR engagement, driving innate immune activation and antitumor activity.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Immunology, 2023, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1280986
    • Smith, Alyson J.;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Weiping Zeng;
    • Grogan, Bryan;
    • Lucas, Sasha;
    • Gutierrez, Guadalupe;
    • Heiser, Ryan A.;
    • Wo, Serena W.;
    • Blackmarr, Amber;
    • Peterson, Scott;
    • Gardai, Shyra J.
    Publication type:
  • Global mapping of protein-DNA interactions in vivo by digital genomic footprinting.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2009, v. 6, n. 4, p. 283, doi. 10.1038/nmeth.1313
    • Hesselberth, Jay R.;
    • Xiaoyu Chen;
    • Zhihong Zhang;
    • Sabo, Peter J.;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Reynolds, Alex P.;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Neph, Shane;
    • Kuehn, Michael S.;
    • Noble, William S.;
    • Fields, Stanley;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.
    Publication type:
  • Mapping and Dynamics of Regulatory DNA in Maturing Arabidopsis thaliana Siliques.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, v. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fpls.2019.01434
    • Sullivan, Alessandra M.;
    • Arsovski, Andrej A.;
    • Thompson, Agnieszka;
    • Sandstrom, Richard;
    • Thurman, Robert E.;
    • Neph, Shane;
    • Johnson, Audra K.;
    • Sullivan, Shawn T.;
    • Sabo, Peter J.;
    • Neri III, Fidencio V.;
    • Weaver, Molly;
    • Diegel, Morgan;
    • Nemhauser, Jennifer L.;
    • Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.;
    • Bubb, Kerry L.;
    • Queitsch, Christine
    Publication type: