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  • A common biological basis of obesity and nicotine addiction.

    Published in:
    Translational Psychiatry, 2013, v. 3, n. 10, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/tp.2013.81
    • Thorgeirsson, T. E.;
    • Gudbjartsson, D. F.;
    • Sulem, P.;
    • Besenbacher, S.;
    • Styrkarsdottir, U.;
    • Thorleifsson, G.;
    • Walters, G. B.;
    • Furberg, H.;
    • Sullivan, P. F.;
    • Marchini, J.;
    • McCarthy, M. I.;
    • Steinthorsdottir, V.;
    • Thorsteinsdottir, U.;
    • Stefansson, K.
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: The gene encoding phosphodiesterase 4D confers risk of ischemic stroke.

    Published in:
    • Gretarsdottir, S.;
    • Thorleifsson, G.;
    • Reynisdottir, S. Th.;
    • Manolescu, A.;
    • Jonsdottir, S.;
    • Jonsdottir, T.;
    • Gudmundsdottir, T.;
    • Bjarnadottir, S. M.;
    • Einarsson, O. B.;
    • Gudjonsdottir, H. M.;
    • Hawkins, M.;
    • Gudmundsson, G.;
    • Gudmundsdottir, H.;
    • Andrason, H.;
    • Gudmundsdottir, A. S.;
    • Sigurdardottir, M.;
    • Chou, T. T.;
    • Nahmias, J.;
    • Goss, S.;
    • Sveinbjörnsdottir, S.
    Publication type:
    Correction notice
  • A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism.

    Published in:
    Nature Biotechnology, 2013, v. 31, n. 5, p. 419, doi. 10.1038/nbt.2488
    • Thiele, Ines;
    • Swainston, Neil;
    • Fleming, Ronan M T;
    • Hoppe, Andreas;
    • Sahoo, Swagatika;
    • Aurich, Maike K;
    • Haraldsdottir, Hulda;
    • Mo, Monica L;
    • Rolfsson, Ottar;
    • Stobbe, Miranda D;
    • Thorleifsson, Stefan G;
    • Agren, Rasmus;
    • Bölling, Christian;
    • Bordel, Sergio;
    • Chavali, Arvind K;
    • Dobson, Paul;
    • Dunn, Warwick B;
    • Endler, Lukas;
    • Hala, David;
    • Hucka, Michael
    Publication type:
  • Variants in DENND1A are associated with polycystic ovary syndrome in women of European ancestry.

    Published in:
    • Welt CK;
    • Styrkarsdottir U;
    • Ehrmann DA;
    • Thorleifsson G;
    • Arason G;
    • Gudmundsson JA;
    • Ober C;
    • Rosenfield RL;
    • Saxena R;
    • Thorsteinsdottir U;
    • Crowley WF;
    • Stefansson K;
    • Welt, Corrine K;
    • Styrkarsdottir, Unnur;
    • Ehrmann, David A;
    • Thorleifsson, Gudmar;
    • Arason, Gudmundur;
    • Gudmundsson, Jens A;
    • Ober, Carole;
    • Rosenfield, Robert L
    Publication type:
    journal article