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  • Saccharomyces genome database.

    Published in:
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2004, v. 5, n. 1, p. 9, doi. 10.1093/bib/5.1.9
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Feierbach, Becket.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • IsselTarver, Laurie;
    • Nash, Robert S.;
    • Sethuraman, Anand;
    • Starr, Barry;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Andrada, Rey;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Qing Dong;
    • Lane, Christopher;
    • Schroeder, Mark
    Publication type:
  • Accurate genome-wide predictions of spatio-temporal gene expression during embryonic development.

    Published in:
    PLoS Genetics, 2019, v. 15, n. 9, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008382
    • Zhou, Jian;
    • Schor, Ignacio E.;
    • Yao, Victoria;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Marco-Ferreres, Raquel;
    • Tadych, Alicja;
    • Furlong, Eileen E. M.;
    • Troyanskaya, Olga G.
    Publication type:
  • Expanded protein information at SGD: new pages and proteome browser.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, v. 35, p. d468, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkl931
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Weng, Shuai;
    • Hitz, Ben;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Park, Julie;
    • Skrzypek, Marek;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Lane, Christopher;
    • Miyasato, Stuart
    Publication type:
  • Genome Snapshot: a new resource at the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) presenting an overview of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, v. 34, n. suppl 1, p. d442, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkj117
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Livstone, Michael S.;
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Park, Julie;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Skrzypek, Marek;
    • Starr, Barry;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Williams, Jennifer;
    • Andrada, Rey;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Lane, Christopher
    Publication type:
  • Fungal BLAST and Model Organism BLASTP Best Hits: new comparison resources at the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD).

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2005, v. 33, n. suppl 1, p. d374
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Oughtred, Rose;
    • Skrzypek, Marek;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Lane, Christopher;
    • Sethuraman, Anand;
    • Weng, Shuai;
    • Botstein, David;
    • Cherry, J. Michael
    Publication type:
  • Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) provides tools to identify and analyze sequences from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related sequences from other organisms.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2004, v. 32, n. suppl 1, p. d311
    • Christie, Karen R.;
    • Weng, Shuai;
    • Balakrishnan, Rama;
    • Costanzo, Maria C.;
    • Dolinski, Kara;
    • Dwight, Selina S.;
    • Engel, Stacia R.;
    • Feierbach, Becket;
    • Fisk, Dianna G.;
    • Hirschman, Jodi E.;
    • Hong, Eurie L.;
    • Issel‐Tarver, Laurie;
    • Nash, Robert;
    • Sethuraman, Anand;
    • Starr, Barry;
    • Theesfeld, Chandra L.;
    • Andrada, Rey;
    • Binkley, Gail;
    • Dong, Qing;
    • Lane, Christopher
    Publication type: