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  • Observing the icy Jovian satellites with the Galileo photopolarimeter radiometer instrument.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 1995, v. 100, n. E9, p. 18973, doi. 10.1029/95JE00941
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Spencer, J. R.;
    • Martin, T. Z.
    Publication type:
  • Diurnal Cycle of Rapid Air Temperature Fluctuations at Jezero Crater: Probability Distributions, Exponential Tails, Scaling, and Intermittency.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 7, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2022JE007458
    • de la Torre Juárez, M.;
    • Chavez, A.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Munguira, A.;
    • Martínez, G.;
    • Hueso, R.;
    • Chide, B.;
    • Murdoch, N.;
    • Stott, A. E.;
    • Navarro, S.;
    • Sánchez‐Lavega, A.;
    • Orton, G. S.;
    • Viúdez‐Moreiras, D.;
    • Banfield, D. J.;
    • Rodríguez‐Manfredi, J. A.
    Publication type:
  • Dust Lifting Through Surface Albedo Changes at Jezero Crater, Mars.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2022JE007672
    • Vicente‐Retortillo, A.;
    • Martínez, G. M.;
    • Lemmon, M. T.;
    • Hueso, R.;
    • Johnson, J. R.;
    • Sullivan, R.;
    • Newman, C. E.;
    • Sebastián, E.;
    • Toledo, D.;
    • Apéstigue, V.;
    • Arruego, I.;
    • Munguira, A.;
    • Sánchez‐Lavega, A.;
    • Murdoch, N.;
    • Gillier, M.;
    • Stott, A.;
    • Mora‐Sotomayor, L.;
    • Bertrand, T.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Juárez, M. de la Torre
    Publication type:
  • Convective Vortices and Dust Devils Detected and Characterized by Mars 2020.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 2, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2022JE007516
    • Hueso, R.;
    • Newman, C. E.;
    • del Río‐Gaztelurrutia, T.;
    • Munguira, A.;
    • Sánchez‐Lavega, A.;
    • Toledo, D.;
    • Apéstigue, V.;
    • Arruego, I.;
    • Vicente‐Retortillo, A.;
    • Martínez, G.;
    • Lemmon, M.;
    • Lorenz, R.;
    • Richardson, M.;
    • Viudez‐Moreiras, D.;
    • de la Torre‐Juarez, M.;
    • Rodríguez‐Manfredi, J. A.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Murdoch, N.;
    • Navarro‐López, S.;
    • Gómez‐Elvira, J.
    Publication type:
  • Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Studies of the Martian Atmosphere Over Jezero From Pressure Measurements.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2023, v. 128, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1029/2022JE007480
    • Sánchez‐Lavega, A.;
    • del Rio‐Gaztelurrutia, T.;
    • Hueso, R.;
    • Juárez, M. de la Torre;
    • Martínez, G. M.;
    • Harri, A.‐M.;
    • Genzer, M.;
    • Hieta, M.;
    • Polkko, J.;
    • Rodríguez‐Manfredi, J. A.;
    • Lemmon, M. T.;
    • Pla‐García, J.;
    • Toledo, D.;
    • Vicente‐Retortillo, A.;
    • Viúdez‐Moreiras, D.;
    • Munguira, A.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Newman, C.;
    • Gómez‐Elvira, J.;
    • Guzewich, S.
    Publication type:
  • Relative Humidity on Mars: New Results From the Phoenix TECP Sensor.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2019, v. 124, n. 11, p. 2780, doi. 10.1029/2019JE006080
    • Fischer, E.;
    • Martínez, G. M.;
    • Rennó, N. O.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Zent, A. P.
    Publication type:
  • Martian water ice clouds: A view from Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2011, v. 116, n. E4, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2009JE003449
    • Hale, A. Snyder;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Bass, D. S.;
    • Smith, M. D.
    Publication type:
  • Winds at the Phoenix landing site.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2010, v. 115, n. E5, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2009JE003411
    • Holstein-Rathlou, C.;
    • Gunnlaugsson, H. P.;
    • Merrison, J. P.;
    • Bean, K. M.;
    • Cantor, B. A.;
    • Davis, J. A.;
    • Davy, R.;
    • Drake, N. B.;
    • Ellehoj, M. D.;
    • Goetz, W.;
    • Hviid, S. F.;
    • Lange, C. F.;
    • Larsen, S. E.;
    • Lemmon, M. T.;
    • Madsen, M. B.;
    • Malin, M.;
    • Moores, J. E.;
    • Nørnberg, P.;
    • Smith, P.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.
    Publication type:
  • Convective vortices and dust devils at the Phoenix Mars mission landing site.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2010, v. 115, n. E4, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2009JE003413
    • Ellehoj, M. D.;
    • Gunnlaugsson, H. P.;
    • Taylor, P. A.;
    • Kahanpää, H.;
    • Bean, K. M.;
    • Cantor, B. A.;
    • Gheynani, B. T.;
    • Drube, L.;
    • Fisher, D.;
    • Harri, A.-M.;
    • Holstein-Rathlou, C.;
    • Lemmon, M. T.;
    • Madsen, M. B.;
    • Malin, M. C.;
    • Polkko, J.;
    • Smith, P. H.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Weng, W.;
    • Whiteway, J.
    Publication type:
  • Size-frequency distributions of rocks on the northern plains of Mars with special reference to Phoenix landing surfaces.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2008, v. 113, n. E3, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2007JE003065
    • Golombek, M. P.;
    • Huertas, A.;
    • Marlow, J.;
    • McGrane, B.;
    • Klein, C.;
    • Martinez, M.;
    • Arvidson, R. E.;
    • Heet, T.;
    • Barry, L.;
    • Seelos, K.;
    • Adams, D.;
    • Li, W.;
    • Matijevic, J. R.;
    • Parker, T.;
    • Sizemore, H. G.;
    • Mellon, M.;
    • McEwen, A. S.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Cheng, Y.
    Publication type:
  • Mars 2007 Phoenix Scout mission Organic Free Blank: Method to distinguish Mars organics from terrestrial organics.

    Published in:
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets, 2008, v. 113, n. E3, p. n/a, doi. 10.1029/2007JE003061
    • Ming, D. W.;
    • Morris, R. V.;
    • Woida, R.;
    • Sutter, B.;
    • Lauer, H. V.;
    • Shinohara, C.;
    • Golden, D. C.;
    • Boynton, W. V.;
    • Arvidson, R. E.;
    • Stewart, R. L.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Gross, M.;
    • Smith, P.
    Publication type:
  • The diverse meteorology of Jezero crater over the first 250 sols of Perseverance on Mars.

    Published in:
    Nature Geoscience, 2023, v. 16, n. 1, p. 19, doi. 10.1038/s41561-022-01084-0
    • Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. A.;
    • de la Torre Juarez, M.;
    • Sanchez-Lavega, A.;
    • Hueso, R.;
    • Martinez, G.;
    • Lemmon, M. T.;
    • Newman, C. E.;
    • Munguira, A.;
    • Hieta, M.;
    • Tamppari, L. K.;
    • Polkko, J.;
    • Toledo, D.;
    • Sebastian, E.;
    • Smith, M. D.;
    • Jaakonaho, I.;
    • Genzer, M.;
    • De Vicente-Retortillo, A.;
    • Viudez-Moreiras, D.;
    • Ramos, M.;
    • Saiz-Lopez, A.
    Publication type: