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  • Severe congenital neutropenia due to G6PC3 deficiency: Case series of five patients and literature review.

    Published in:
    Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 2022, v. 95, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1111/sji.13136
    • Velez‐Tirado, Natalia;
    • Yamazaki‐Nakashimada, Marco Antonio;
    • Lopez Valentín, Enrique;
    • Partida‐Gaytan, Armando;
    • Scheffler‐Mendoza, Selma C.;
    • Chaia Semerena, Genny M.;
    • Alvarez‐Cardona, Aristóteles;
    • Suárez Gutiérrez, Marcos Alejandro;
    • Medina Torres, Edgar Alejandro;
    • Baeza Capetillo, Patricia;
    • Hirschmugl, Tatjana;
    • Garncarz, Wojciech;
    • Espinosa‐Padilla, Sara Elva;
    • Aguirre Hernández, Jesús;
    • Klein, Christoph;
    • Boztug, Kaan;
    • Lugo Reyes, Saul O.
    Publication type: