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  • NCBI’s Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes: dbGaP.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, v. 42, n. D1, p. D975, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkt1211
    • Tryka, Kimberly A.;
    • Hao, Luning;
    • Sturcke, Anne;
    • Jin, Yumi;
    • Wang, Zhen Y.;
    • Ziyabari, Lora;
    • Lee, Moira;
    • Popova, Natalia;
    • Sharopova, Nataliya;
    • Kimura, Masato;
    • Feolo, Michael
    Publication type:
  • Integrated genome-wide analysis of expression quantitative trait loci aids interpretation of genomic association studies.

    Published in:
    Genome Biology, 2017, v. 18, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13059-016-1142-6
    • Joehanes, Roby;
    • Xiaoling Zhang;
    • Tianxiao Huan;
    • Chen Yao;
    • Sai-xia Ying;
    • Nguyen, Quang Tri;
    • Demirkale, Cumhur Yusuf;
    • Feolo, Michael L.;
    • Sharopova, Nataliya R.;
    • Sturcke, Anne;
    • Schäffer, Alejandro A.;
    • Heard-Costa, Nancy;
    • Han Chen;
    • Po-ching Liu;
    • Richard Wang;
    • Woodhouse, Kimberly A.;
    • Tanriverdi, Kahraman;
    • Freedman, Jane E.;
    • Raghavachari, Nalini;
    • Dupuis, Josée
    Publication type: