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  • 'The Celt's far vision of weird and hidden things'? H. P. Lovecraft, William Sharp and the Celts.

    Published in:
    Horror Studies, 2024, v. 15, n. 2, p. 171, doi. 10.1386/host_00087_1
    • Sneddon, Duncan
    Publication type:
  • Crystals in the community and the classroom.

    Published in:
    Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2024, v. 57, n. 1, p. 181, doi. 10.1107/S1600576724000207
    • Murray, Claire;
    • Maynard-Casely, Helen E.;
    • Harrington, Ross;
    • McCready, Stephanie;
    • Sneddon, Duncan J.;
    • Thomas, Lynne;
    • Warren, Anna J.
    Publication type:
  • A bioimage informatics platform for high-throughput embryo phenotyping.

    Published in:
    Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2018, v. 19, n. 1, p. 41, doi. 10.1093/bib/bbw101
    • Brown, James M;
    • Horner, Neil R;
    • Lawson, Thomas N;
    • Fiegel, Tanja;
    • Greenaway, Simon;
    • Morgan, Hugh;
    • Ring, Natalie;
    • Santos, Luis;
    • Sneddon, Duncan;
    • Teboul, Lydia
    Publication type:
  • Analysis of Individual Mouse Activity in Group Housed Animals of Different Inbred Strains Using a Novel Automated Home Cage Analysis System.

    Published in:
    Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2016, p. 1, doi. 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00106
    • Bains, Rasneer S.;
    • Cater, Heather L.;
    • Sillito, Rowland R.;
    • Chartsias, Agisilaos;
    • Sneddon, Duncan;
    • Concas, Danilo;
    • Keskivali-Bond, Piia;
    • Lukins, Timothy C.;
    • Wells, Sara;
    • Arozena, Abraham Acevedo;
    • Nolan, Patrick M.;
    • Armstrong, J. Douglas
    Publication type:
  • Corrigendum: Comparative visualization of genotype-phenotype relationships.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2015, v. 12, n. 11, p. 1098, doi. 10.1038/nmeth1115-1098c
    • Yaikhom, Gagarine;
    • Morgan, Hugh;
    • Sneddon, Duncan;
    • Retha, Ahmad;
    • Atienza-Herrero, Julian;
    • Blake, Andrew;
    • Brown, James;
    • Di Fenza, Armida;
    • Fiegel, Tanja;
    • Horner, Neil;
    • Ring, Natalie;
    • Santos, Luis;
    • Westerberg, Henrik;
    • Brown, Steve D M;
    • Mallon, Ann-Marie
    Publication type:
  • A mouse informatics platform for phenotypic and translational discovery.

    Published in:
    Mammalian Genome, 2015, v. 26, n. 9/10, p. 413, doi. 10.1007/s00335-015-9599-2
    • Ring, Natalie;
    • Meehan, Terrence;
    • Blake, Andrew;
    • Brown, James;
    • Chen, Chao-Kung;
    • Conte, Nathalie;
    • Fenza, Armida;
    • Fiegel, Tanja;
    • Horner, Neil;
    • Jacobsen, Julius;
    • Karp, Natasha;
    • Lawson, Thomas;
    • Mason, Jeremy;
    • Matthews, Peter;
    • Morgan, Hugh;
    • Relac, Mike;
    • Santos, Luis;
    • Smedley, Damian;
    • Sneddon, Duncan;
    • Pengelly, Alice
    Publication type:
  • Comparative visualization of genotype-phenotype relationships.

    Published in:
    Nature Methods, 2015, v. 12, n. 8, p. 698, doi. 10.1038/nmeth.3477
    • Yaikhom, Gagarine;
    • Morgan, Hugh;
    • Sneddon, Duncan;
    • Retha, Ahmad;
    • Atienza-Herrero, Julian;
    • Blake, Andrew;
    • Brown, James;
    • Di Fenza, Armida;
    • Fiegel, Tanja;
    • Horner, Neil;
    • Ring, Natalie;
    • Santos, Luis;
    • Westerberg, Henrik;
    • Brown, Steve D M;
    • Mallon, Ann-Marie
    Publication type:
  • Data Analysis WorkbeNch ( DAWN).

    Published in:
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2015, v. 22, n. 3, p. 853, doi. 10.1107/S1600577515002283
    • Basham, Mark;
    • Filik, Jacob;
    • Wharmby, Michael T.;
    • Chang, Peter C. Y.;
    • El Kassaby, Baha;
    • Gerring, Matthew;
    • Aishima, Jun;
    • Levik, Karl;
    • Pulford, Bill C. A.;
    • Sikharulidze, Irakli;
    • Sneddon, Duncan;
    • Webber, Matthew;
    • Dhesi, Sarnjeet S.;
    • Maccherozzi, Francesco;
    • Svensson, Olof;
    • Brockhauser, Sandor;
    • Náray, Gabor;
    • Ashton, Alun W.
    Publication type: