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  • An ALMA view of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionisation.

    Published in:
    Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2020, v. 15, n. S352, p. 3, doi. 10.1017/S1743921320001052
    • Smit, Renske;
    • da Cunha, Elisabete;
    • Hodge, Jacqueline;
    • Afonso, José;
    • Pentericci, Laura;
    • Sobral, David
    Publication type:
  • Cosmic lenses for the distant universe.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Geophysics, 2015, v. 56, n. 3, p. 34, doi. 10.1093/astrogeo/atv095
    • Smit, Renske
    Publication type:
  • Inside the bubble: exploring the environments of reionisation-era Lyman-α emitting galaxies with JADES and FRESCO.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2024, v. 682, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202347176
    • Witstok, Joris;
    • Smit, Renske;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Jones, Gareth C.;
    • Helton, Jakob M.;
    • Sun, Fengwu;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Kumari, Nimisha;
    • Stark, Daniel P.;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Baker, William M.;
    • Bhatawdekar, Rachana;
    • Boyett, Kristan;
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma
    Publication type:
  • JADES NIRSpec Spectroscopy of GN-z11: Lyman-α emission and possible enhanced nitrogen abundance in a z = 10.60 luminous galaxy.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2023, v. 677, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202346159
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Willott, Chris J.;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Jakobsen, Peter;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Smit, Renske;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Witstok, Joris;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Jones, Gareth C.;
    • Ferruit, Pierre;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Giardino, Giovanna;
    • de Graaff, Anna;
    • Looser, Tobias J.
    Publication type:
  • JADES: Probing interstellar medium conditions at z ∼ 5.5–9.5 with ultra-deep JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy.

    Published in:
    Astronomy & Astrophysics / Astronomie et Astrophysique, 2023, v. 677, p. 1, doi. 10.1051/0004-6361/202346107
    • Cameron, Alex J.;
    • Saxena, Aayush;
    • Bunker, Andrew J.;
    • D'Eugenio, Francesco;
    • Carniani, Stefano;
    • Maiolino, Roberto;
    • Curtis-Lake, Emma;
    • Ferruit, Pierre;
    • Jakobsen, Peter;
    • Arribas, Santiago;
    • Bonaventura, Nina;
    • Charlot, Stephane;
    • Chevallard, Jacopo;
    • Curti, Mirko;
    • Looser, Tobias J.;
    • Maseda, Michael V.;
    • Rawle, Tim;
    • Rodríguez Del Pino, Bruno;
    • Smit, Renske;
    • Übler, Hannah
    Publication type: