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  • In mice and humans, brain microvascular contractility matures postnatally.

    Published in:
    Brain Structure & Function, 2023, v. 228, n. 2, p. 475, doi. 10.1007/s00429-022-02592-w
    • Slaoui, Leila;
    • Gilbert, Alice;
    • Rancillac, Armelle;
    • Delaunay-Piednoir, Barbara;
    • Chagnot, Audrey;
    • Gerard, Quentin;
    • Letort, Gaëlle;
    • Mailly, Philippe;
    • Robil, Noémie;
    • Gelot, Antoinette;
    • Lefebvre, Mathilde;
    • Favier, Maryline;
    • Dias, Karine;
    • Jourdren, Laurent;
    • Federici, Laetitia;
    • Auvity, Sylvain;
    • Cisternino, Salvatore;
    • Vivien, Denis;
    • Cohen-Salmon, Martine;
    • Boulay, Anne-Cécile
    Publication type:
  • Dynamic local mRNA localization and translation occurs during the postnatal molecular maturation of perivascular astrocytic processes.

    Published in:
    Glia, 2024, v. 72, n. 4, p. 777, doi. 10.1002/glia.24503
    • Avila‐Gutierrez, Katia;
    • Slaoui, Leila;
    • Alvear‐Perez, Rodrigo;
    • Kozlowski, Esther;
    • Oudart, Marc;
    • Augustin, Emma;
    • Claveau, Camille;
    • Mailly, Philippe;
    • Monnet, Héloïse;
    • Mignon, Virginie;
    • Saubaméa, Bruno;
    • Boulay, Anne‐Cécile;
    • Cohen‐Salmon, Martine
    Publication type:
  • Astrocytes in the regulation of cerebrovascular functions.

    Published in:
    Glia, 2021, v. 69, n. 4, p. 817, doi. 10.1002/glia.23924
    • Cohen‐Salmon, Martine;
    • Slaoui, Leila;
    • Mazaré, Noémie;
    • Gilbert, Alice;
    • Oudart, Marc;
    • Alvear‐Perez, Rodrigo;
    • Elorza‐Vidal, Xabier;
    • Chever, Oana;
    • Boulay, Anne‐Cécile
    Publication type: