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  • Topoisomerase 1 inhibits MYC promoter activity by inducing G-quadruplex formation.

    Published in:
    Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, v. 50, n. 11, p. 6332, doi. 10.1093/nar/gkac482
    • Keller, Josephine Geertsen;
    • Hymøller, Kirstine Mejlstrup;
    • Thorsager, Maria Eriksen;
    • Hansen, Noriko Y;
    • Erlandsen, Jens Uldum;
    • Tesauro, Cinzia;
    • Simonsen, Anne Katrine W;
    • Andersen, Anne Bech;
    • Vandsø Petersen, Kamilla;
    • Holm, Lise Lolle;
    • Stougaard, Magnus;
    • Andresen, Brage Storstein;
    • Kristensen, Peter;
    • Frøhlich, Rikke;
    • Knudsen, Birgitta R
    Publication type: