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  • Surface physical properties from HP³ radiometer measurements on the Mars mission InSight.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2019, v. 21, p. 1
    • Mueller, Nils;
    • Grott, Matthias;
    • Piqueux, Sylvain;
    • Kopp, Emanuel;
    • Spohn, Tilman;
    • Smrekar, Suzanne;
    • Knollenberg, Jörg;
    • Hudson, Troy;
    • Krause, Christian;
    • Siegler, Matt;
    • Spiga, Aymeric;
    • Morgan, Paul;
    • Golombek, Matt;
    • Banerdt, Bruce
    Publication type:
  • A Pre-Landing Assessment of Regolith Properties at the InSight Landing Site.

    Published in:
    Space Science Reviews, 2018, v. 214, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1007/s11214-018-0537-y
    • Morgan, Paul;
    • Grott, Matthias;
    • Knapmeyer-Endrun, Brigitte;
    • Golombek, Matt;
    • Delage, Pierre;
    • Lognonné, Philippe;
    • Piqueux, Sylvain;
    • Daubar, Ingrid;
    • Murdoch, Naomi;
    • Charalambous, Constantinos;
    • Pike, William T.;
    • Müller, Nils;
    • Hagermann, Axel;
    • Siegler, Matt;
    • Lichtenheldt, Roy;
    • Teanby, Nick;
    • Kedar, Sharon
    Publication type:
  • Depletion of Heat Producing Elements in the Martian Mantle.

    Published in:
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, v. 46, n. 22, p. 12756, doi. 10.1029/2019GL085234
    • Ojha, Lujendra;
    • Karimi, Saman;
    • Lewis, Kevin W.;
    • Smrekar, Suzanne E.;
    • Siegler, Matt
    Publication type: