Found: 13

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  • Lifetime exposure to estrogen and progressive supranuclear palsy: Environmental and Genetic PSP study.

    Published in:
    • Park, Hee Kyung;
    • Ilango, Sindana;
    • Charriez, Christina M.;
    • Checkoway, Harvey;
    • Riley, David;
    • Standaert, David G.;
    • Bordelon, Yvette;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Reich, Stephen G.;
    • Hall, Deborah;
    • Kluger, Benzi;
    • Marras, Connie;
    • Jankovic, Joseph;
    • Dubinsky, Richard;
    • Litvan, Irene;
    • on behalf of the ENGENE‐PSP Study;
    • ENGENE-PSP Study
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Genetic influences on cognition in progressive supranuclear palsy.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders, 2017, v. 32, n. 12, p. 1764, doi. 10.1002/mds.27196
    • Gerstenecker, Adam;
    • Roberson, Erik D.;
    • Schellenberg, Gerard D.;
    • Standaert, David G.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Kluger, Benzi M.;
    • Litvan, Irene
    Publication type:
  • Environmental and occupational risk factors for progressive supranuclear palsy: Case-control study.

    Published in:
    • Litvan, Irene;
    • Lees, Peter S.J.;
    • Cunningham, Christopher R.;
    • Rai, Shesh N.;
    • Cambon, Alexander C.;
    • Standaert, David G.;
    • Marras, Connie;
    • Juncos, Jorge;
    • Riley, David;
    • Reich, Stephen;
    • Hall, Deborah;
    • Kluger, Benzi;
    • Bordelon, Yvette;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • for ENGENE-PSP
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Relationship between uric acid levels and progressive supranuclear palsy.

    Published in:
    • Brody, David M.;
    • Litvan, Irene;
    • Warner, Steve;
    • Riley, David E.;
    • Hall, Deborah A.;
    • Kluger, Benzi M.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Cunningham, Christopher R.
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • A U.S. survey of patients with Parkinson's disease: Satisfaction with medical care and support groups.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders, 2010, v. 25, n. 13, p. 2128, doi. 10.1002/mds.23160
    • Dorsey, E. Ray;
    • Voss, Tiffini S.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Deuel, Lisa M.;
    • Beck, Christopher A.;
    • Gardiner, Irenita F.;
    • Coles, Margaret A.;
    • Burns, Richard S.;
    • Marshall, Frederick J.;
    • Biglan, Kevin M.
    Publication type:
  • The RAB39B p.G192R mutation causes X-linked dominant Parkinson's disease.

    Published in:
    Molecular Neurodegeneration, 2015, v. 10, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s13024-015-0045-4
    • Mata, Ignacio F.;
    • Yongwoo Jang;
    • Chun-Hyung Kim;
    • Hanna, David S.;
    • Dorschner, Michael O.;
    • Samii, Ali;
    • Agarwal, Pinky;
    • Roberts, John W.;
    • Klepitskaya, Olga;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Chung, Kathryn A.;
    • Factor, Stewart A.;
    • Espay, Alberto J.;
    • Revilla, Fredy J.;
    • Higgins, Donald S.;
    • Litvan, Irene;
    • Leverenz, James B.;
    • Yearout, Dora;
    • Inca-Martinez, Miguel;
    • Martinez, Erica
    Publication type:
  • Baseline characteristics of the North American prodromal Synucleinopathy cohort.

    Published in:
    Annals of Clinical & Translational Neurology, 2023, v. 10, n. 4, p. 520, doi. 10.1002/acn3.51738
    • Elliott, Jonathan E.;
    • Lim, Miranda M.;
    • Keil, Allison T.;
    • Postuma, Ronald B.;
    • Pelletier, Amelie;
    • Gagnon, Jean‐François;
    • St. Louis, Erik K.;
    • Forsberg, Leah K.;
    • Fields, Julie A.;
    • Huddleston, Daniel E.;
    • Bliwise, Donald L.;
    • Avidan, Alon Y.;
    • Howell, Michael J.;
    • Schenck, Carlos H.;
    • McLeland, Jennifer;
    • Criswell, Susan R.;
    • Videnovic, Aleksandar;
    • During, Emmanuel H.;
    • Miglis, Mitchell G.;
    • Shprecher, David R.
    Publication type:
  • Lewy body pathology in Alzheimer's disease: A clinicopathological prospective study.

    Published in:
    Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 2019, v. 139, n. 1, p. 76, doi. 10.1111/ane.13028
    • Savica, Rodolfo;
    • Beach, Thomas G.;
    • Hentz, Joseph G.;
    • Sabbagh, Marwan N.;
    • Serrano, Geidy E.;
    • Sue, Lucia I.;
    • Dugger, Brittany N.;
    • Shill, Holly A.;
    • Driver‐Dunckley, Erika;
    • Caviness, John N.;
    • Mehta, Shyamal H.;
    • Jacobson, Sandra A.;
    • Belden, Christine M.;
    • Davis, Kathryn J.;
    • Zamrini, Edward;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Adler, Charles H.
    Publication type:
  • Severe hyposmia distinguishes neuropathologically confirmed dementia with Lewy bodies from Alzheimer's disease dementia.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2020, v. 15, n. 4, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0231720
    • Beach, Thomas G.;
    • Adler, Charles H.;
    • Zhang, Nan;
    • Serrano, Geidy E.;
    • Sue, Lucia I.;
    • Driver-Dunckley, Erika;
    • Mehta, Shayamal H.;
    • Zamrini, Edouard E.;
    • Sabbagh, Marwan N.;
    • Shill, Holly A.;
    • Belden, Christine M.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Caselli, Richard J.;
    • Reiman, Eric M.;
    • Davis, Kathryn J.;
    • Long, Kathy E.;
    • Nicholson, Lisa R.;
    • Intorcia, Anthony J.;
    • Glass, Michael J.;
    • Walker, Jessica E.
    Publication type:
  • Faster cognitive decline in dementia due to Alzheimer disease with clinically undiagnosed Lewy body disease.

    Published in:
    PLoS ONE, 2019, v. 14, n. 6, p. 1, doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0217566
    • Malek-Ahmadi, Michael;
    • Beach, Thomas G.;
    • Zamrini, Edward;
    • Adler, Charles H.;
    • Sabbagh, Marwan N.;
    • Shill, Holly A.;
    • Jacobson, Sandra A.;
    • Belden, Christine M.;
    • Caselli, Richard J.;
    • Woodruff, Brian K.;
    • Rapscak, Steven Z.;
    • Ahern, Geoffrey L.;
    • Shi, Jiong;
    • Caviness, John N.;
    • Driver-Dunckley, Erika;
    • Mehta, Shyamal H.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Spann, Bryan M.;
    • Tariot, Pierre;
    • Davis, Kathryn J.
    Publication type:
  • Conjugal Synucleinopathies: A Clinicopathologic Study.

    Published in:
    Movement Disorders, 2024, v. 39, n. 7, p. 1212, doi. 10.1002/mds.29783
    • Adler, Charles H.;
    • Halverson, Matthew;
    • Zhang, Nan;
    • Shill, Holly A.;
    • Driver‐Dunckley, Erika;
    • Mehta, Shyamal H.;
    • Atri, Alireza;
    • Caviness, John N.;
    • Serrano, Geidy E.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Belden, Christine M.;
    • Sabbagh, Marwan N.;
    • Long, Kathy;
    • Beach, Thomas G.
    Publication type:
  • Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Statin Use.

    Published in:
    • Bayram, Ece;
    • Marras, Connie;
    • Standaert, David G.;
    • Kluger, Benzi M.;
    • Bordelon, Yvette M.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Litvan, Irene;
    • and the ENGENE-PSP Consortium;
    • ENGENE-PSP Consortium
    Publication type:
    journal article
  • Longitudinal motor decline in dementia with Lewy bodies, Parkinson disease dementia, and Alzheimer's dementia in a community autopsy cohort.

    Published in:
    Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2023, v. 19, n. 10, p. 4377, doi. 10.1002/alz.13357
    • Choudhury, Parichita;
    • Zhang, Nan;
    • Adler, Charles H.;
    • Chen, Kewei;
    • Belden, Christine;
    • Driver‐Dunckley, Erika;
    • Mehta, Shyamal H.;
    • Shprecher, David R.;
    • Serrano, Geidy E.;
    • Shill, Holly A.;
    • Beach, Thomas G.;
    • Atri, Alireza
    Publication type: