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  • Transiting circumbinary planets Kepler-34 b and Kepler-35 b.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 481, n. 7382, p. 475, doi. 10.1038/nature10768
    • Welsh, William F.;
    • Orosz, Jerome A.;
    • Carter, Joshua A.;
    • Fabrycky, Daniel C.;
    • Ford, Eric B.;
    • Lissauer, Jack J.;
    • Prša, Andrej;
    • Quinn, Samuel N.;
    • Ragozzine, Darin;
    • Short, Donald R.;
    • Torres, Guillermo;
    • Winn, Joshua N.;
    • Doyle, Laurance R.;
    • Barclay, Thomas;
    • Batalha, Natalie;
    • Bloemen, Steven;
    • Brugamyer, Erik;
    • Buchhave, Lars A.;
    • Caldwell, Caroline;
    • Caldwell, Douglas A.
    Publication type: