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  • A Gene Expression Signature to Predict Nucleotide Excision Repair Defects and Novel Therapeutic Approaches.

    Published in:
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, v. 22, n. 9, p. 5008, doi. 10.3390/ijms22095008
    • Wei, Rongbin;
    • Dai, Hui;
    • Zhang, Jing;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Liang, Yulong;
    • Xiao, Pengfeng;
    • McGrail, Daniel J.;
    • Lin, Shiaw-Yih;
    • Kim, Heui-Soo
    Publication type:
  • Heterogeneity within the PF-EPN-B ependymoma subgroup.

    Published in:
    Acta Neuropathologica, 2018, v. 136, n. 2, p. 227, doi. 10.1007/s00401-018-1888-x
    • Cavalli, Florence M. G.;
    • Hübner, Jens-Martin;
    • Sharma, Tanvi;
    • Luu, Betty;
    • Sill, Martin;
    • Zapotocky, Michal;
    • Mack, Stephen C.;
    • Witt, Hendrik;
    • Lin, Tong;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Ho, Ben;
    • Santi, Mariarita;
    • Emery, Lyndsey;
    • Hukin, Juliette;
    • Dunham, Christopher;
    • McLendon, Roger E.;
    • Lipp, Eric S.;
    • Gururangan, Sridharan;
    • Grossbach, Andrew;
    • French, Pim
    Publication type:
  • <i>TERT</i> promoter mutations are highly recurrent in SHH subgroup medulloblastoma.

    Published in:
    Acta Neuropathologica, 2013, v. 126, n. 6, p. 917, doi. 10.1007/s00401-013-1198-2
    • Remke, Marc;
    • Ramaswamy, Vijay;
    • Peacock, John;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Koelsche, Christian;
    • Northcott, Paul A.;
    • Hill, Nadia;
    • Cavalli, Florence M. G.;
    • Kool, Marcel;
    • Wang, Xin;
    • Mack, Stephen C.;
    • Barszczyk, Mark;
    • Morrissy, A. Sorana;
    • Wu, Xiaochong;
    • Agnihotri, Sameer;
    • Luu, Betty;
    • Jones, David T. W.;
    • Garzia, Livia;
    • Dubuc, Adrian M.;
    • Zhukova, Nataliya
    Publication type:
  • Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 488, n. 7409, p. 49, doi. 10.1038/nature11327
    • Northcott, Paul A.;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Peacock, John;
    • Garzia, Livia;
    • Sorana Morrissy, A.;
    • Zichner, Thomas;
    • Stütz, Adrian M.;
    • Korshunov, Andrey;
    • Reimand, Jüri;
    • Schumacher, Steven E.;
    • Beroukhim, Rameen;
    • Ellison, David W.;
    • Marshall, Christian R.;
    • Lionel, Anath C.;
    • Mack, Stephen;
    • Dubuc, Adrian;
    • Yao, Yuan;
    • Ramaswamy, Vijay;
    • Luu, Betty;
    • Rolider, Adi
    Publication type:
  • Clonal selection drives genetic divergence of metastatic medulloblastoma.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2012, v. 482, n. 7386, p. 529, doi. 10.1038/nature10825
    • Wu, Xiaochong;
    • Northcott, Paul A.;
    • Dubuc, Adrian;
    • Dupuy, Adam J.;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Witt, Hendrik;
    • Croul, Sidney;
    • Bouffet, Eric;
    • Fults, Daniel W.;
    • Eberhart, Charles G.;
    • Garzia, Livia;
    • Van Meter, Timothy;
    • Zagzag, David;
    • Jabado, Nada;
    • Schwartzentruber, Jeremy;
    • Majewski, Jacek;
    • Scheetz, Todd E.;
    • Pfister, Stefan M.;
    • Korshunov, Andrey;
    • Li, Xiao-Nan
    Publication type:
  • CNGPLD: case–control copy-number analysis using Gaussian process latent difference.

    Published in:
    Bioinformatics, 2022, v. 38, n. 8, p. 2096, doi. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btac096
    • Shih, David J H;
    • Li, Ruoxing;
    • Müller, Peter;
    • Zheng, W Jim;
    • Do, Kim-Anh;
    • Lin, Shiaw-Yih;
    • Carter, Scott L
    Publication type:
  • Enhancer hijacking activates GFI1 family oncogenes in medulloblastoma.

    Published in:
    Nature, 2014, v. 511, n. 7510, p. 428, doi. 10.1038/nature13379
    • Northcott, Paul A.;
    • Lee, Catherine;
    • Zichner, Thomas;
    • Stütz, Adrian M.;
    • Erkek, Serap;
    • Kawauchi, Daisuke;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Hovestadt, Volker;
    • Zapatka, Marc;
    • Sturm, Dominik;
    • Jones, David T. W.;
    • Kool, Marcel;
    • Remke, Marc;
    • Cavalli, Florence M. G.;
    • Zuyderduyn, Scott;
    • Bader, Gary D.;
    • VandenBerg, Scott;
    • Esparza, Lourdes Adriana;
    • Ryzhova, Marina;
    • Wang, Wei
    Publication type:
  • Role of DNA repair defects in predicting immunotherapy response.

    Published in:
    Biomarker Research, 2020, v. 8, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1186/s40364-020-00202-7
    • Zhang, Jing;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Lin, Shiaw-Yih
    Publication type:
  • The IL6/JAK/STAT3 signaling axis is a therapeutic vulnerability in SMARCB1-deficient bladder cancer.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2024, v. 15, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-024-45132-2
    • Amara, Chandra Sekhar;
    • Kami Reddy, Karthik Reddy;
    • Yuntao, Yang;
    • Chan, Yuen San;
    • Piyarathna, Danthasinghe Waduge Badrajee;
    • Dobrolecki, Lacey Elizabeth;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Shi, Zhongcheng;
    • Xu, Jun;
    • Huang, Shixia;
    • Ellis, Matthew J.;
    • Apolo, Andrea B.;
    • Ballester, Leomar Y.;
    • Gao, Jianjun;
    • Hansel, Donna E.;
    • Lotan, Yair;
    • Hodges, H. Courtney;
    • Lerner, Seth P.;
    • Creighton, Chad J.;
    • Sreekumar, Arun
    Publication type:
  • Transcriptional signature of durable effector T cells elicited by a replication defective HCMV vaccine.

    Published in:
    NPJ Vaccines, 2024, v. 9, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41541-024-00860-w
    • Ye, Xiaohua;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Ku, Zhiqiang;
    • Hong, Junping;
    • Barrett, Diane F.;
    • Rupp, Richard E.;
    • Zhang, Ningyan;
    • Fu, Tong-Ming;
    • Zheng, W. Jim;
    • An, Zhiqiang
    Publication type:
  • Cellular origins and genetic landscape of cutaneous gamma delta T cell lymphomas.

    Published in:
    Nature Communications, 2020, v. 11, n. 1, p. 1, doi. 10.1038/s41467-020-15572-7
    • Daniels, Jay;
    • Doukas, Peter G.;
    • Escala, Maria E. Martinez;
    • Ringbloom, Kimberly G.;
    • Shih, David J. H.;
    • Yang, Jingyi;
    • Tegtmeyer, Kyle;
    • Park, Joonhee;
    • Thomas, Jane J.;
    • Selli, Mehmet E.;
    • Altunbulakli, Can;
    • Gowthaman, Ragul;
    • Mo, Samuel H.;
    • Jothishankar, Balaji;
    • Pease, David R.;
    • Pro, Barbara;
    • Abdulla, Farah R.;
    • Shea, Christopher;
    • Sahni, Nidhi;
    • Gru, Alejandro A.
    Publication type: