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  • GRM7 variants confer susceptibility to age-related hearing impairment.

    Published in:
    Human Molecular Genetics, 2009, v. 18, n. 4, p. 785, doi. 10.1093/hmg/ddn402
    • Friedman, Rick A.;
    • Van Laer, Lut;
    • Huentelman, Matthew J.;
    • Sheth, Sonal S.;
    • Van Eyken, Els;
    • Corneveaux, Jason J.;
    • Tembe, Waibhav D.;
    • Halperin, Rebecca F.;
    • Thorburn, Ashley Q.;
    • Thys, Sofie;
    • Bonneux, Sarah;
    • Fransen, Erik;
    • Huyghe, Jeroen;
    • Pyykkö, Ilmari;
    • Cremers, Cor W.R.J.;
    • Kremer, Hannie;
    • Dhooge, Ingeborg;
    • Stephens, Dafydd;
    • Orzan, Eva;
    • Pfister, Markus
    Publication type:
  • Positional cloning of the combined hyperlipidemia gene Hyplip1.

    Published in:
    Nature Genetics, 2002, v. 30, n. 1, p. 110, doi. 10.1038/ng811
    • Bodnar, Jackie S.;
    • Chatterjee, Aurobindo;
    • Castellani, Lawrence W.;
    • Ross, David A.;
    • Ohmen, Jeffrey;
    • Cavalcoli, James;
    • Wu, Chenyan;
    • Dains, Katherine M.;
    • Catanese, Joe;
    • Chu, Michael;
    • Sheth, Sonal S.;
    • Charugundla, Kanti;
    • Demant, Peter;
    • West, David B.;
    • de Jong, Pieter;
    • Lusis, Aldons J.
    Publication type:
  • Fine mapping of Hyplip1 and the human homolog, a potential locus for FCHL.

    Published in:
    Mammalian Genome, 2001, v. 12, n. 3, p. 238, doi. 10.1007/s003350010265
    • Pajukanta, Päivi;
    • Bodnar, Jackie S.;
    • Sallinen, Riitta;
    • Chu, Michael;
    • Airaksinen, Tuula;
    • Qunong Xiao;
    • Castellani, Lawrence W.;
    • Sheth, Sonal S.;
    • Wessman, Maija;
    • Palotie, Aarno;
    • Sinsheimer, Janet S.;
    • Demant, Peter;
    • Lusis, Aldons J.;
    • Peltonen, Leena
    Publication type: