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  • The 18 September 2011, North Sikkim earthquake.

    Published in:
    Current Science (00113891), 2011, v. 101, n. 11, p. 1475
    • Rajendran, Kusala;
    • Rajendran, C. P.;
    • Thulasiraman, N.;
    • Andrews, Ronia;
    • Sherpa, Nima
    Publication type:
  • Palliative Care: The emerging field in Bhutan.

    Published in:
    Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2019, v. 23, n. 1, p. 108, doi. 10.1188/19.CJON.108-111
    • Bay, Jessica;
    • Yangden, Yangden;
    • Sherpa, Nima Lhamo;
    • Luitel, Ambika
    Publication type:
  • Differential splenic responses to hyperoxic breathing at high altitude in Sherpa and lowlanders.

    Published in:
    Experimental Physiology, 2024, v. 109, n. 4, p. 535, doi. 10.1113/EP091579
    • Holmström, Pontus K.;
    • Harman, Taylor S.;
    • Kalker, Anne;
    • Steiner, Bethany;
    • Hawkins, Ella;
    • Jorgensen, Kelsey C.;
    • Zhu, Kimberly T.;
    • Kunwar, Ajaya J.;
    • Thakur, Nilam;
    • Dhungel, Sunil;
    • Sherpa, Nima;
    • Day, Trevor A.;
    • Schagatay, Erika K.;
    • Bigham, Abigail W.;
    • Brutsaert, Tom D.
    Publication type: